Checking the Status and Notifications, Livestream and Bloodline.

Hmm... I sniffed the air, I could feel a tasty aroma permeating in the atmosphere. It was familiar yet distant. Suddenly my eyes shot open! I-I could smell ham!

However my excitement was for naught, every time I try to eat ham, some or the other disaster happens which leads me to not be able to eat it.

I swear whoever is playing this trick on me will suffer when I grow into an existence no one can reckon with.

I woke up from my sleep and simply sat in silence on the huge bed groggily and just looked in the distance for a few seconds. A campfire was on and it was already night.

The fools were singing and dancing...err... I couldn't really blame them since they had endured a lot and very much deserved a celebration, although I was the one who took care of their asses... while they were all sleeping.

Seriously, where is the justice?!

Especially tempting me with that ham right there!!