Ifriya's Disappointment

The Fairy Realm.


A brilliant light erupted inside the entire realm, it was so bright that it illuminated the entire sky making everyone think that it was daytime instead of night.

All the fairies fell for the trick for the second time, they grumbled and went back to their tree-houses with dissatisfied expressions.

Fairies were a rather peaceful race so they usually wouldn't get angry unless the situation was extreme.

However, something called 'Evil Fairies' existed, hence not everyone was the same. Joseron was an example of an Evil Fairy who harbored more negative emotions.

In the capital.

An angry expression could be seen on the face of Joseron as he continued to stare at the glowing corpse of Irakiel from his palace balcony.

A pair of porcelain arms wrapped around his neck, long strands of red hair fell on his lap, a woman kissed his lips, her eyes were orange in color which matched her red hair.