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The Witches World
Chapter 5
Harry's lips explored the gentle curve of Hermione's graceful neck as his hands slid up her soapy belly and squeezed her small breasts. Her eyes fluttered as she reached back with both arms and threaded her fingers through his wet hair.
"Harder," she shuddered, already feeling an orgasm approaching. The sensation of his hands on her soapy body felt incredible to her, not to mention his large cock spearing her from behind.
For the first time, Hermione used a rule in the school charter that was made for nights like last night. For the very few boys that were born into the magical world, a lot was asked of them. However, in return, they got access to all the girls that they could ever want. Harry could have them any time or however long that he wanted. Sometimes that included at three in the morning like last night. Hermione of course accommodated him and loved every second of it. Unfortunately, that left her too tired to go to classes the following day. That's why a rule was put in place for just such occasions. Hermione would receive a copy of notes and her homework, and she could ask for personal help from any of her professors. Harry took the day off with her, which was great. Hermione really liked spending the day with him. As much as she liked it, she was a bit embarrassed about spending the entire day naked. She couldn't even remember how many orgasms that she had that day. They would spend an hour or so fucking, then rest and eat, or take a shower to wash off the sweat. They were having their third shower of the day. Hermione wanted to roll her eyes and tell Harry that showers were for washing, not for fucking, but she couldn't concentrate at the moment. A large, thick cock spearing your insides would do that to you.
She placed her hands against the glass door and squealed as her pussy squeezed his invading cock. "Harry, no!" her voice rang out, echoing loudly off the tiled walls. His fingers began rolling her clit, vibrating so hard that her pussy instantly clamped down on his cock, and Hermione screamed in ecstasy as she creamed his cock. Her naked, soapy body trembled out of control as she fought through a violent orgasm, her pussy squirting juices down her legs. Her voice squealed when he cupped her cumming pussy and squeezed it, his other hand lifting her thigh to give himself easier access. Her fingers tried to grip the wet glass but only slipped away as she shuddered wantonly, still cumming around his fat cock. The sounds of their wet bodies colliding were thunderous in the small enclosed space, and Hermione was mortified to hear the squelching of her pussy so loud and clear. She could hear the sounds of suction as her cunt desperately tried to keep him inside. His hand squeezed between her legs, and she wailed in pain and pleasure as she was brutally fucked. Her voice was gone, she found as she wanted to tell him to stop, that she couldn't take it anymore. The raw feeling of her throat was pushed aside as Harry held her up and took pleasure from her near limp body. Unable to stop him, she just let him do as he pleased. Finally, she felt the familiar sensation of him finishing inside of her. Warmth spread through her nether region as she was filled to the brim with his thick, potent seed. Her body shuddered and spasmed as he seeded her and rolled her clit at the same time. With one last soft squeak, Hermione passed out in his arms.
Harry carried his friend out of the shower and dried them both off with a wave of his wand. As he was still in the girls' dormitory, in Hermione's room, in particular, he placed her in her own bed. Gathering his clothes, which were thankfully cleaned by a hardworking house-elf, he put them on so he could get back to his room. He still had to get dinner later. He looked at Hermione. She would be out for quite a while, he thought smugly. He enjoyed seeing her worn out from his sexual exploits. It filled him with manly pride. Once back in his room, he'd call for an elf to keep an eye on her and offer to get her food once she awoke. Harry needed to get a decent night's sleep tonight. While it was true that he could miss days because of his need to spend time with girls, the professors didn't want him going overboard with it. He still needed to get an education after all. That was fine with him.
Harry made his way back to his dorm room and flopped onto his bed. Calling for a house-elf, he told them what to do about Hermione. He still had a couple of hours until dinner, so he decided to relax. He had only been relaxing for a few minutes until a knock on his door startled him. He hopped out of bed and opened the door.
"Professor?" Harry asked, surprised to see the Headmistress McGonagall here. She almost never came to see him. If she needed to talk, she usually sent for him to go see her.
"Mr. Potter," she nodded her head in greeting. "May I come in?" she asked.
"Of course," Harry said, moving out of the way so that she could come in. "How are you, Professor? I hope that I'm not in trouble for missing today," he said, pulling his desk chair out for her to sit on. She thanked him as he sat on his bed.
"I'm not here to chastise you about missing a day. I was very glad to hear that you've taken an interest in Ms. Granger. She's an incredibly intelligent girl, and would produce talented children," McGonagall chuckled as she settled into his chair.
"She's a very nice girl, and I hope to continue seeing her," Harry responded. "If you're not here to tell me that I'm in trouble, then what are you doing here, Professor? You've never visited me here before," he asked, confused.
"That is correct, Mr. Potter. I don't usually leave my office unless it's for meals or other necessities. However, I feel that this conversation is important enough to warrant a visit," she responded, smiling at him. Harry was still confused. She quickly clarified. "As you may or may not be aware, a Wizard's ejaculate is a powerful potion ingredient."
Harry nodded. "And it's my duty to make sure that Hogwarts is stocked. Madam Bones told me that it's used for fertility potions and many other things and that I needed to do my duty and make sure that the school has a steady supply," Harry told her. The Headmistress nodded her head.
"Yes, Amelia is indeed correct. I'm glad to know that she already explained things to you. While eventually, it may seem like a chore, it's not all unpleasant. Every girl in school is willing to "give you a hand" so to speak, and the same is true for the professors. You can go to any of them, and they will be more than happy to help you out," she told him, pulling a small vial out of her pocket.
"When do you need it?" Harry asked, looking at the vial.
"I'm hoping that you'll consent to provide a sample tonight, after dinner," the Headmistress replied. Seeing him nod in agreement, she added, "This is a potion that will increase the amount of semen that you produce. The effects are only temporary, but you'll need to take one every time that you provide your seed. Taking it at least an hour before is necessary," she explained, handing him the small, crystal vial. Harry uncorked it and swallowed it in one go. He winced and made a face, earning a chuckle from McGonagall.
"I'm sorry, but the taste is quite unpleasant, or so I'm told," she smiled, getting up. "If you wish for a professor to help you, just ask them after dinner, and they'll set it up. Goodnight, Mr. Potter," McGonagall told him as she got out of her seat and left the room.
As expected, Hermione didn't show up for dinner. He imagined that she was still sleeping. Sitting at the Gryffindor table, like always, he was surrounded by girls. They were chatting with him, but mostly with each other. Harry was very hungry from a long day of strenuous activity with Hermione, so he was eating and not paying much attention to anything else. Suddenly, he could feel himself getting aroused. Raising an eyebrow, he wondered why that was. He wasn't fooling around with a girl, or even thinking about one. He figured that it was probably a part of the potion that he took. It must have contained a slight lust-inducing agent as well. It made sense to him, and thankfully, it wasn't anything that he couldn't control. He did, however, glance at the teacher's table. The gorgeous Aurora Sinistra was daintily eating her food and chatting with her fellow professors. He had always had a bit of an innocent crush on the young beauty. Being in her late twenties, she was the youngest of the professors, followed by Professor Vector who was a few years older than her.
He stared at the dark-skinned beauty. Her complexion was quite lovely, in his opinion. The color of light coffee, it was blemish-free and looked smooth to the touch. Harry desperately wanted to touch it. He decided that he would ask her to help him. After dinner was finished, Harry excused himself from the gaggle of girls that were hanging on him and made his way over to the attractive teacher.
"Professor?" Harry called for her, trying not to sound like a nervous teen. She turned to him and raised a well-manicured eyebrow.
"Yes, Mr. Potter?"
"Umm … well," Harry took a deep breath and finished. "I was hoping that you could help me with … um … you know … the stuff," his face turning beet-red. Aurora giggled at the sight.
"Of course, Mr. Potter. I'd be happy to," she said, taking him by the hand and leading him to her private quarters. Harry was blushing up a storm as she pulled him along. The robes that the teachers and girls wore wear really more like dresses. They were very form-fitting and looked to be made of silk. They made her body look incredible if he were being honest. Each girl could customize their robes in any way that they desired, so long as they stayed the same colors. Professor Sinistra's were shorter than any other teacher's, probably because she was the youngest. Most girls' were somewhat short, but then there were girls like Lavender Brown, whose robes were short enough for Harry to see the bottom part of her bum. He certainly wasn't complaining about that. Harry's eyes were glued to Aurora's wide, inviting ass as she pulled him into her room. He loved the gentle sway of her feminine hips. She turned to him and stroked his chest sexily. "Remove your clothes and lay on the edge of the bed," she told him, walking toward her large, walk-in closet. "I'll get ready."
Harry was tearing off his clothes faster than he ever had before. Within moments, he was completely naked and laying with his back on the bed, but his feet were on the floor. His cock was rock-hard and sticking straight up. Only a moment later, the dark goddess came out dressed in a light pink, silk nightie that was barely able to hold back the awesomeness that was her rack. In other words, her tits were huge! They were spilling out and creating the best cleavage that he'd ever seen. She was holding several clear, glass containers that had screw-on tops. She unscrewed each one and placed them on the bed next to him. Then she looked at him with such a sexy look that he nearly busted right there on the spot. "Just lay back and enjoy Mr. Potter," she said, pulling down her nightie and showing off her glorious tits. They were round and succulent and capped with chocolate-colored nipples that were already hard. She kneeled between his legs and took his cock in hand. Slowly her palm and fingers explored his size and shape.
"Not bad, Mr. Potter. I can't wait to see you once you've finished growing," she said, then she spat on his cock and rubbed the saliva into his skin. Harry's eyes fluttered as he moaned. The speed of her hand was driving him crazy. She knew how to use just the right amount of pressure. He shuddered when she cupped his balls with her other hand. Harry was mewling in pleasure as he desperately tried to keep his eyes on her jiggling tits. Seeing this, Aurora giggled and slapped his cock against her hard, crinkled nipples. "Like my tits, do you?" she sexily asked, rubbing the head of his cock around her areolas while stroking him furiously.
"Yes!" he cried out, his back arching in pleasure. He watched as she placed his cock between her breasts and started bouncing them up and down. Harry's hands gripped the sheets of her bed, nearly ripping a hole in them. Then she lowered her head and wiggled her tongue on the tip of his dick. He began shuddering violently, trying to hold on. However, he couldn't hold on, and Aurora, seeing this grabbed a jar and held it up to his cock. Her other hand aimed his cock and stroked it wildly.
"Let it go for me, Harry," she whispered to him. "You can come and fuck me any time that you want. You'd like being in me, wouldn't you, Mr. Potter. You'd like to feel my wet pussy gripping your big cock," her sexy voice filled his ears.
Harry's balls churned, and he began pumping out cum in volumes never before achieved. Aurora's eyes widened when globs of cum splashed against the glass walls of the jar. She continued to pump until the jar was nearly full. She quickly placed it aside and grabbed another, taking a spurt to her tits before she could switch. Her experienced hand stroked him from base to the head, wringing out every last drop of cum. Harry was nearly thrashing around as she milked him of everything that he had. Finally, once she had milked him dry, she screwed the caps on the three completely full jars. Quickly she ran to the infirmary and handed off the jars, not caring about her state of dress. The semen had to be treated quickly so that it wouldn't spoil. Going back to her room, she found Harry in her bed asleep. She giggled at him and let her nightie drop to her ankles. Stepping out of it, she slipped into bed with him and kissed him goodnight.