Today he was not treating any wounds, now that I think about it he had no scars when I saw him at the grocery store.

His stepdad is no longer beating him up l guess or he is just on break from the beating or maybe the money he is sending is not short.

As I am deep in thought l never noticed him looking in my direction.

After winning my own battle in my mind I am brought back to reality to look at where he was sitting but my breath is caught in my mouth when I see him staring at me.

I lose my balance and fall outside the window, lucky me the distance from my room to the ground is fair. I just scratch my knees and elbows but I do not even feel it because of the embarrassment I felt.

I do not dare to go back to my room to check if he was still there instead I start watching tv eating my fudge cake.

Embarrassment eating, if that's a thing.

As I am eating I am interrupted by a knock on the door.

I freeze afraid it was Treadway behind the door but to my disappointment it was Isabella Paige, my close friend from the café.

Don't get me wrong I love her to the moon and back but l wanted it to be him.

As if pigs fly.

"When was the last time l came here El? You guys redecorated the front porch and the kitchen." Isa gushes over the redecoration in the kitchen.

"Before your Italy vacation, August." I say and she smiles

"I bought you something from Italy. I couldn't give you sooner because as soon as l landed I had to go for orientation and all that for school." She says as she goes to her car to bring a big blue box with a black bow on top which was written El and she places it on the island in the kitchen where l join her.

Isa was in her freshman year at UCLA studying chemistry she once said and I quote 'I am going to be the world's best perfumer, Isabella perfumes' and l really admired her passion.

"I missed you El!" Isa says and we both hug each other.

"How is mom and work?" She asks and I tell her how mom has been coping with dad leaving and me having a total breakdown.

We sit there talking about me, and how life has been at home, work and my mind. Isa tells me all about school.

"So how is it to be honest?" I ask my friend.

"It is just the way we thought it was, there is the school life, reading, assignments, in-classes, exams and the party life, parties every Friday through Saturday. A lot of cute guys, pretty boys, handsome ones in all shapes and sizes." The last part she ended up giggling and l joined as well.

"Oh my gosh, l can't wait ten more months and I will be a freshman." I say dreamily.

"Of course, you can't."

"You have this glow you got going on." I scream with joy.

"So, what's his name?" I ask this time in a low voice.

"Derek, Derek Tait." She says blushing her herself out.

I smile widely at her, it's been long since she was with someone and l am really happy for her. We embrace each other for some time before l take the cake out of the fridge and cut a piece for her.

"What about you and the cute guys from work especially Andre. Last time I was there he was making eyes at you. The 'be my girlfriend' eyes." She says eyeing me suspiciously.

"It's been long since you were there miss." I say laughing.

"I will make sure to be there for the festive season."

"You should l miss having you around at work." I say and she smiles.

"About Andre," she presses.

I laugh as I answer her, "He is cute, yes but l won't be dating anyone at the moment."

"Why not, you know you are going to have to move on one way or another so you might as well start doing it now." She pauses as she looks at me with two raised eye brows.

"Unless you already like someone else, what's his name?"

"No one, l am not liking anyone Isa." And my voice betrays me.

"Fine don't tell me." She says and l know that statement all too well.

The usual, she packs her small handbag and rushes to the door to leave but me being the genius l am, l had locked the door already.

"Oh come on!!!!!" she shouts.

"What's his name, please tell me?"

"His name is Treadway but we are not dating, we only talked once or twice. He doesn't even know my name so hush."

"Really, that's his real name?" Isa asks with a shocked face.

"See, I did not want to tell you because of that." I say covering my face with my sweater cuffs.

"Sorry, I was just caught off guard. You must really like this guy." She says and l nod still covering my face.

"Oh my gosh, the soon to be perfect love story." She says this statement two consecutive times.

"Tell me about him, what is he like?"

"There is nothing to tell, he's tall, a bit muscular, beautiful brown hair. The few times l managed to talk to him he doesn't sound polite at all." I laugh at myself, this is the kind of guy I want to like, already like.

What a pity.

Damaged people are attracted to damaged people.

"You will get to know him soon enough." Isa interrupts me from my pity party.

After our heart to heart talk she goes home and exactly a week after me falling from my room to the ground he walked into the coffee shop l worked in.

Not that he wanted to buy something but he came for a job.

He was the barista replacement.

I guess he somehow qualified because Melchior Paige, Isa's dad, the manager does not just accept anyone into his family. After him being introduced, I was to show him the ropes and everything else he needed to get to know for a good first day at work.

"If there is anything else you want to know, let me know." I said and he nodded.

"Oh, the toilet is located along the corridor at the back second room on the right that's the gents." I add and he just nodded.

I started work that day with a spring on my feet and a cheerful smile on my lips. Even though he did not acknowledge me I was happy.

The whole day was all me looking his way, I could not bring myself to digest that l will be seeing him every day from today, 14 November.

This had to be the best day of my life.