Windows of The Heart

Chapter Nineteen Small World

"Yes, we already met at a resort in Cebu, and it was an unusual encounter, to begin with, but we parted in a good way, right Andrew? And yes, it IS a small world, indeed!"

Rielle was so overwhelmed by Hyun-Ki's confession and filled with so much emotion that she couldn't help her tears to fall. So, this is the man I am falling in love with now, she thought. She felt so grateful that she never drove him away when she was so angry and dismayed at him after his indecent move to her that fateful Saturday at the beach. She promised herself to take care of his love.

Back in the Office, the once quiet atmosphere in the Office of the CEO since Rielle and their boss left for Cebu was once again in a cheerful mood when Rielle came. The two secretaries were so happy to be in Rielle's company again.

"How's the trip, Miss Rielle? Louis and Alexis asked in unison.

"Something's changed in you. You look so different; your aura is glowing, seemingly serene, calm, and happy! Alexis said exuberantly.

"Had something happened there in Cebu, like between you and Mr. Han?" Louis is interested in knowing.

Rielle is suspicious of their questions, so she says instead, "Oh Nothing, Nothing like what are you pointing at, ladies, maybe because Cebu gave me a new environment. where the air exudes peacefulness and tranquillity, of its breath-taking relaxation, quiet and free from disturbance." Rielle narrated cheerfully.

Then came in Hyun-Ki, showed his face to them to say hello. The two secretaries were baffled because it was the first time that their boss would come to them with greetings. The two ladies had different thoughts in mind. They were taking subtle glances they only knew, smiling mischievously at each other. Rielle felt their curiosity, so she changed the flow of their thoughts, asking for a report on their activities while she was gone. They gave her the e-mails and appointments both had taken into action and handed the present arrangements that their boss will give his attention.

Rielle went to Hyun-Ki's Office to update him on schedules for the day. While listening, Hyun-Ki is holding her fingers, playing with them, then squeezing her palm, seemingly enjoying. Then Rielle emphasized that his lawyer is coming today to discuss with him matters of legalities on policies and bargaining agreements with the union. Hyun-Ki was surprised because this matter was taken off his mind when they were in a hurry to fly to Cebu. Then Louie knocked at the CEO's Office's side door, informing Rielle that the Gonzalo Law Firm was already by the door waiting. Then Louie led the two lawyers to the CEO's Office.

When the two lawyers were inside, the younger one was surprised because he never expected to meet Mr. Han Hyun-Ki, the foolish husband as he named him, who he had a brawl with at the Cebu resort. He was about to

say something when he also caught an eye on Rielle, the troubled 'fake' pregnant wife of the foolish husband. The three of them were altogether out of words, shocked.

The older lawyer, puzzled at how the three looked, introduced his son to Hyun-Ki.

"Mr. Han Hyun-Ki is the CEO of this corporation, and this is my son, Andrew." Speechless at first, then spoke.

"We've met, dad, under ridiculous circumstances with his wife; correct me if I am wrong, sir A small world, isn't it?." Looking at Rielle, Rielle shied her face away, smiling in a way almost on the verge of laughing but controlling herself. Since Rielle was standing by Hyun-Ki's side, he could practically feel Rielle's giggle and tried to look serious as he shook hands with Andrew.

"Yes, Attorney Gonzalo, we already met at a resort in Cebu, and it was an unusual encounter, to begin with, but we parted in a good way, right Andrew, and yes, it IS a small world, indeed!" Hyun-Ki hopefully said.

"Yeah, we're good for now," he replied dryly.

"Shall we begin now? As we discussed over the phone a few weeks ago, you intend to upgrade some of the company's policies as advised by your legal team. In addition, you want to make some changes to the company union's bargaining agreement because, as you have noted, the agreement was still during your father's time, so that will be good for the union and your company, Han Hyun-Ki." Explained Attorney Alonzo Gonzalo.

Hyun-Ki pointed out that these changes will be done with his legal team and worked on in their Office so that whatever suggestions may need his decision and approval will be quickly executed. One of the secretaries then led them to the legal Office just a floor away from the CEO's Office.

Atty. Andrew asked Louie how he could get in touch with Rielle giving an excuse that she owed him a favor back in Cebu. Louie, although hesitant and because of his persistence, gave Rielle's direct telephone line of her Office.

Later before lunchtime, Andrew made a call to Rielle's Office.

"Hello, Rielle, Andrew here. Can I invite you for lunch today?" asked Andrew, who was at the end of the line.

"How did you learn my direct line?" asked Rielle.

"I had my way to get to you. Is my offer accepted?" followed Andrew.

"I'm sorry, but I already had a previous offer," Rielle answered, somewhat hesitant.

"Maybe during break then? You owe me one, remember? I have something to discuss with you less, your foolish boss."

Rielle laughed and replied, "Stop calling him foolish, will you?"

"Then can I have that break with you this afternoon at 3 pm down at the cafeteria?" hoping positively.

"Well then, at 3 pm." Rielle agreed.

After completing his papers, Hyun-Ki came to Rielle's Office, but he could not find her. He frowned with a wrinkled forehead.

"Sir Han, Rielle's down the cafeteria. Atty. Andrew invited her for a break." Louie said with a worried note.

"And what is his business with Rielle? Somehow agitated, he left, going back to his Office, pacing back and forth, somehow angered by Rielle's leaving without letting him know.

Meantime, Rielle and Andrew were conversing about the incident at the bar.

"I was confused about your relationship with Mr. Han. You called him your husband only to find him with another woman, and you also said to us that you're pregnant, but looking at you, especially today, you seem not." Andrew reckoned.

Rielle laughed. "I was just covering for him because I was afraid that your fight may end up ugly to reckon with because I worry about a delayed flight, and I was so eager to go home." She said defensively.

"So, you're lying when you said you are pregnant, huh? You even made me worry when I found you at the bar where most were men customers! And what was more confusing was when you saw him with another woman. I was asking myself then, were you married? If you were married to a womanizer, you could be foolish.

"I think you're asking too many questions, Atty. Andrew, you're way out of line. Whatever you've seen and between Mr. Han Hyun-Ki and me is not your business anymore. Can we drop this and go on with life? I've already returned your favor, and if you may, I'm leaving, and please, leave Mr. Han and me alone, is that understood?" she sternly warned him.

"Wait, please. Don't be angry. Sorry for my curiosity. I want to be a friend, can we be friends? I promise I will not bring up this topic again. Anyway, we'll see more often because I am destined in this company for maybe until the legal team, and I have completed our work."

Rielle scrutinizes him well, and then she welcomes his friendship. Both shook hands and parted ways.

Atty. Andrew watched her leave, admiring her courage and intelligent display of conviction. At the same time, Hyun-Ki was bothered by Rielle's decision, and he jumped off his seat when Rielle returned to her table.

Louie showed bothered when Rielle came back and was making hand gestures pointing at Hyun-Ki's room. Rielle got the meaning so she went to see Hyun-Ki who was then moping, feeling dejected. She hugged him tightly to console him and assured him everything is fine.

Hyun-ki asked her frankly, "Are we good, Rielle?" He stood up and held Rielle's arms tightly.

Rielle was bothered by his grip on her. "Are you jealous, Hyun? Do you think I'll throw away our relationship for him? You don't trust me do you?" frowning at him.

Hyun-Ki embraced her tightly and whispered, "I don't want to lose you, Rielle. No way will I let you."