Windows of The Heart

Chapter 24 Nancy - Best Friend of Mari

"Hwan Chul, you know Nancy? Your classmate back in your high school days, the best friend of Mari?" implored Hyun-Ki. "Nancy? Yes, I do. How did you know her? We'll go there together, but I have to show up first, then you go to our table after 10 minutes. Let us surprise Nancy, how about that? We are good, all right?" said Hyun-Ki in an optimistic tone.

It is Monday morning. A new Vice President for Marketing is coming, and everyone is bustling with high spirits and energy. The Office of the VP for Marketing dressed with small colored pennants, a welcome banner named Han Hwan Chul, potted small, lush palms, and flower wreaths with balloons and streams. Caterers lined the hallway in a festive mood where various delicious, luscious, savory, and delectable foods and beverages could be on the long tables, and servers in white blouses and black skirts were waiting.

Back home, Han Hwan Chul, handsome with a lean body and broad shoulders, looked fresh, neat, and handsomely pleasing but nervous and apprehensive about his job as VP for Marketing. Hyun-Ki knocked on his door to see how he was doing, fixed his tie, and tapped his shoulder, assuring him things would be fine.

Hyun-Ki called the maids to remind the drivers that they were now leaving for the Office. Mr. Han Myeong, the father of both Hwan and Hyun, is riding with Hwan Chul. Hyun-Ki is supposed to be with Rielle, but she begged off because she preferred to go early in preparation for the coming of the new officer.

"Sweetheart, are you in the Office now?" asked Hyun-Ki.

"I am still waiting for a cab because the taxi I took broke down on the way, and I'm also worried that this heavy traffic will catch up with me." She said with concern.

"Tell me where you are, and I'll pick you up." Hyun-ki becomes worried.

"No, no, Hyun-Ki, this is only a minor problem. Besides, with this heavy traffic, we will be caught in it. Focus on your brother; I'll be there in due time." Assured Rielle.

The Board Members and Officials of the corporation, as well as the employees and the staff of the Marketing Division, are all waiting for his arrival. When he showed up with his father and Hyun-Ki, all officials and Board Members applauded and greeted him with handshakes.

Mr. Han Myeong spoke to introduce Hwan Chul officially.

"This is my son, Hwan Chul. He will take the place of Kwon Nam-Joon, who is given the same position at the Main Office in Korea that Hwan Chul vacated. He preferred staying with his brother, Hyun, then working with me in the Main Office." He laughed, and everyone lauded him for coming out with a good decision.

"As you have supported my eldest son, do the same with Hwan Chul. Thank you."

After his dad's speech, Hyun-Ki excused himself, thinking about Rielle. He was about to enter the elevator when Rielle appeared, and he took her by the hand and went inconspicuously towards his Office.

Hyun-Ki looked at Rielle gently, hugged her tightly, and with a gentle voice, he spoke:

"I missed you." Rielle looked at him meekly and whispered, "I missed you too."

They were about to kiss when came a knock on the door. Rielle quickly ran off to her Office for fear of being caught alone with her boss when everybody was enjoying their food, while Hyun-Ki brought out his phone, pretending to be talking with someone.

It was Mr. Han Myeong. "I'll leave now, Hyun. What are you doing here alone? Why not join the others?" asked his dad.

"Ye Appa, (yes, dad) I'll be joining. Why are you leaving this early? Have you eaten anything?"

"I'm all right. I want you to know that I'll be leaving for Korea with your Mom tomorrow, and I can not stay long here." Said his dad.

"I understand, dad. You have to attend your business at the main Office, so don't worry about Hwan Chul and Su-Mi. I'll take care of them and the company, of course.." Assured Hyun-Ki.

Rielle already joined everyone, Hyun-Ki accompanied his dad to the elevator, and everyone bid goodbye to their Chairman.

A few hours later, everyone returned to each of their posts, and the hallway was quiet again. Hyun-Ki went to Hwan Chul's Office to see how's he doing, and Megan frowned upon seeing him.

"Let me know if you need my assistance, namdongsaeng. I'm just a call away, and my Office is just around here, okay?" tapping his brother's back. Hwan Chul is absorbed in the documents he was reading and barely answered. Hyun-Ki left whistling in high spirit.

Later that afternoon, Hyun-Ki came to Hwan's Office. "Still busy?"

"ye," Hwan answered, still looking over all the files left to him by Nam-Joon. Raised his head to glance at his brother and said, "I'll be here for a few more minutes, you can go ahead. Will you be seeing someone?' he asked in passing. " ye, Joh-ayo (okay), I'll be leaving now. See you at home." Then he left.

While Hyun-Ki and Rielle were in the car, he brought up his worries for his brother.

"You know why he chose to work here rather than stay in Korea?" he raised a question to Rielle. She just looked at him meekly while leaning in his arms.

"It is because he is in search of his girlfriend. He lost her when they met in a car accident three years ago. He is unsure if this girlfriend is still alive because my Mom rushed in to return to Korea with him while he was unconscious. His girlfriend was also near-death like him, so he was not sure if he could still find her."

Thinking about his brother's eagerness to find the girl, she suggested. "Why not look for her address? Maybe he'll learn from her parents if she is still alive. Or dead?." Rielle said in a sad tone. Hyun-ki saw that what she said made sense.

"Yeah, why did I not think about that." He was happy but hesitant. "Do you think the girlfriend's parents would see him or talk to him after leaving her in a near-death state? Then, three years later, he'd show up at their door asking for the girl. What a nerve! They would say to him, right?"

Rielle kept in silence. "I didn't know it would appear that way. But at least he could have a chance to ask for their forgiveness, even if it is painful for both parties, rather than be in silence forever."

Rielle's phone rang, and she immediately took it out of her bag. "Who could this be called?" looking at her phone and smiled as she answered.

"Oh, hello, Mom! You called?" she wondered.

"Yes, Rielle, are you on your way home? And if you are, will you drop me by at the supermarket for some errands? I'll text you about the list. Will that be okay?" asked Mrs. Calma. Rielle looked at Hyun-Ki for approval, and he nodded.

"All right, Mom, we're on our way to the supermarket then. Bye now. Love you, Mom!"

Hyun-Ki instructed Junie to stop by the nearest mall they would come across for some groceries. They were inside picking up the items her Mom listed while Hyun-Ki was pushing the cart. Rielle stopped by the shelves looking for some things from the list, and Hyun-Ki went to the other side to help. While bent from his task, a pregnant lady came upon them and shouted gleefully.

"Gabrielle! Yes, Gabrielle, it's you! I came upon you over the other side of this shelf, and I was observing you closely 'til I felt positive that it is you!" cried the pregnant lady. Gabrielle was looking at her closely, processing in her thoughts which could this lady be, when she realized it was her long-lost friend, "Nancy! is that you? You're already married? And pregnant, wow! Look at you!" was so excited and feeling proud to see her. Hyun-Ki was also surprised by their meeting that he stood up behind the grocery cart, observing their happiness and excitement.

"Yes, my second. And you're married, too?" glanced at Hyun-Ki.

"No, I am still single." Hyun-Ki reached out his hand for a handshake.

"I am Hyun-Ki, Gabrielle's fiancée." Rielle smiled, glanced at him, and to Nancy, she spoke.

"For how long were you married, and why am not I invited?" Rielle asked with disappointment.

"Because my friend, you were not fully recovered yet, and your Mom told me you're not yet ready. I regret not having you in my wedding entourage; you should be my Maid of Honor, but I understand your condition and your Mom's wish." Comforting Rielle.

"So, what happened to you and Hwan Chul?" Nancy asked curiously. But then Hyun-Ki showed Nancy a "keep the quiet sign" finger by his lips while Rielle looked puzzled at them both, so Hyun-Ki quickly spoke.

"I think this is not the right place to make further conversations, Nancy. May you please call me at this number?" simultaneously reaching out his calling card to Nancy; she was amazed that Rielle's fiancée is a CEO, and she embraced Rielle, misty-eyed, and said, "I'm so glad you're in good hands now, my best friend."

"Please, Mr. Han Hyun-Ki, take good care of my dear friend." Shaking his hands and showing him that she'll call him, "tonight, sir, I will."

"We'll see each other again, Nancy, okay? Here is my calling card; call me when you have time; I'll be expecting your call and our meeting again." Said Rielle with high hopes.

Then both hugged, mystified by their unexpected encounter, and went their way.

"What made Nancy mention Hwan Chul out of the blue? I mean, do we know each other? Does she know your brother? But that can't be. Because this is the first time, she knew you, with that calling card and all? Rielle showed confusion and puzzlement through her questions.

"Maybe you only misheard what she said. How about dinner before bringing you home?" Hyun-Ki immediately changed the subject.

Later that night, while Hyun-Ki was brushing his teeth, a call from Nancy came. He immediately gets her call, anxious about what he will learn from Nancy.

"Mr. Han?" came Nancy's voice, and Hyun-Ki answered.

"I've been wondering until this call why you avoid mentioning Hwan Chul?"

"Because Rielle cannot remember anything about the accident three years ago. The name of Hwan Chul is strange to her and is why I ask you to call me tonight. Is it possible that we meet tomorrow morning?" requested Hyun-Ki.

"Yes, why not? Because I also have some questions bothering me right now."

"Will our meeting disrupt your work, Nancy?"

"No, I'm on maternity leave. So let us meet tomorrow around 10 am. Would that be all right with you?" Nancy asked with eagerness to know more about him and Rielle.

"Yes, let us meet at the Wild Flour Café in BGC. Will that be okay?"

"Why, yes, Hyun-Ki. I'll be at Wild Flour Café at 10 am tomorrow."

Morning came. The day greets with bright sunlight, and the air has spread its fresh breath of green grass and the scent of a baby's breath flowers surrounding the house. It brings a joyous day, thought Hyun-Ki. He went straight to Hwan Chul's room and knocked.

"Hey Hwan, want to join me for breakfast? I have some news to tell!" Hyun-Ki cheerfully said.

Standing by the window, breathing in the fresh air, Hwan Chul squirmed at Hyun-Ki's announcement.

"And what could that be, Hyeong? It is positive because I'm trying to breathe in the positive energies right now to keep me going, y'know." Hwan Chul stressed.

"You know Nancy? Your classmate back in your high school days, the best friend of Mari?" asked Hyun-Ki anxiously.

"Nancy? Yes, I do. How did you know her?" very eager to know.

"It's a long story, but to make it short, let us meet her today at 10 am at the Wild Flour Café.

We'll go there together but I have to show up first then you go to our table after 10 minutes. Let us surprise Nancy, how about that? We are good, all right?" said Hyun-Ki in an optimistic tone.

"Meet me in my Office after I signed some documents. This is between you and me alone, Hwan. Understood?" he demanded.