Windows of The Heart

Chapter Twenty-Nine Mari and Hwan Chul – Five Years Ago Young Love's Blooming Romance

Background Music: Beautiful In My Eyes by Joshua Kadison

"But this Prom Night is the most awaited event for us all as graduating students!" Hwan Chul explained.

Then came the Prom, which the graduating class was talking about it. Everyone was excited, and the boys were looking and asking for their dates among their girl classmates. Hwan Chul never asked for a date among the girls because he already had someone in mind, and that was Mari. Nicole got furious with Hwan Chul because she was expecting him to be his date, but no notice came from him. When the girls started receiving red roses from the boys as their chosen dates, Nicole received nothing from Hwan, and instead, the red rose went to Mari.

Mari declined the offer and told him to give the red rose instead to Nicole because she was not attending; instead, Hwan Chul placed the rose in her bag, making Nicole furious more with Mari. Hwan looked for a way to convince Mari to follow, and he met with Nancy and told her about his intention.

"Mari cannot attend for the simple reason that she had no lovely dress to wear. She doesn't like to worry about a dress since Mari will wear it only once." Reasoned Nancy.

"But this Prom Night is the most awaited event for us all as graduating students!" Hwan Chul explained.

"Yes, I told her that, but as I know Mari too well, she cared for her mom a lot, and spending on an expensive dress to wear for Prom Night is not one of her plans. She doesn't care much about parties; for her, leave that to those who are party-goers." Nancy added.

"Not if I can help. Care helping me out on this one, Nancy?" Hwan Chul had a better idea. "Let us shop for Mari's dress since you know her size and shoes too, so she can't refuse my invitation. Everything's on me, how's that?" Hwan Chul encourages Nancy to agree.

"Keep it to ourselves until the night of the Prom, okay? Leave everything to me; say yes, Nancy, please?" Hwan Chul implored. And so, they both agreed and went shopping after class.

The Night of the Prom is happening in a five-star hotel. The hotel was a pinnacle of luxury. The decorations and everything around the ballroom were marvelous and utterly spectacular. All dressed in suits and evening gowns, the fourth-year students gathered with their dates. The School Principal designated the teachers in the waiting lobby to post name tags on the students' chests and the girls with flowered bracelets. Nancy's date was Wilson Castro, the school newspaper's reporter-photographer. She was beautiful that night, wearing a dark green satin low slit low back gown. Wilson has never been proud and fascinated, for he never expected to see Nancy look beautiful as ever.

Back to Mari's house two hours before the Prom Night. She was reading her favorite novel when a doorbell rang. Her mother opened the door and was surprised to receive a big box with a red ribbon tied to it with Mari's name on it. Mari's mom called for her to receive the package.

"Mang Ben! What is this for?" Mari asked with a puzzled look. Mari's mom stared at them, both curious about the box. "Hwan Chul is giving this to you to wear tonight for the Prom. I'll come back with Hwan Chul to get you," he said and bowed respectfully to Mari's mom.

"There's a Prom tonight, and you never told me, Mari?" asked her mom.

"It's no big deal, mom. I don't want to fuss you on this; anyway, I'm not interested in going until tonight. It's a shame I would still refuse this one after Hwan Chul did." Smiling amusedly at Hwan Chul's thoughtfulness.

"And who is this Hwan Chul, Mari? Your boyfriend? You're having a boyfriend now, without me knowing it?" asked her mom. "No, mom! He's just a good friend," Mari explained.

A few minutes later and Hwan Chul knocked. Mrs. Calma, Mari's mom, opened the door and smiled at Hwan Chul. "Please come in; Mari will be down soon. I want to thank you for the dress and shoes you gave her. I am pleased with your thoughtfulness and kindness." Hwan Chul bowed appreciatively.

Mari was coming down the stairs when Hwan Chul caught his glance at her. He was dumbfounded at her alluring beauty. She was so beautiful, so gorgeous, and so queenly. Her gaze held his nervousness. He took her arms as she descended the stairs and gave her a pin pink rose to attach to her gown. That night became a beautiful memory to Hwan Chul, a memory of her beautiful face forever in his mind.

As they get off the car, those in the lobby were so surprised and dazzled that Mari appeared in an elegant Navy Blue Off-the-Shoulder High Slit formal gown showing more of her perfect figure. She's wearing white shoes and carrying an evening Saint Laurent leather shoulder bag. The teacher gave her an orchid bracelet and her tag name together with Hwan Chul, who was wearing a dark-blue suit and light-blue tie, fitting for his lean body, broad shoulders, handsome, and stunning look. Everyone looked at them, Gabrielle Mari and Hwan Chul, as a perfect pair for Prom Night.

The two became an attraction of the night, especially when Hwan Chul was requested to render a song. The teachers and Hwan Chul's other classmates were amazed by his incredible voice that only his group friends knew. And as he sang the song 'Beautiful in My Eyes,' she took Mari's hand and brought her to the stage, all of them awed in admiration for every girl's envy. Nancy was so happy for her, especially seeing her in that beautiful gown, and the school's news photographer couldn't stop taking their pictures together. While away the night dancing, they enjoyed the food and drinks.

Hwan Chul took the chance to have a stern talk with Gabrielle Mari. He asked her to talk outside the hotel and strolled in the garden. Hwan Chul held her hands, gazed into her eyes, and said, "I wish this night will not end to our just friends, Mari. I feel like I am falling in love with you, not because of the mood this occasion brings, but ever since our eyes met in our brief encounter in the quadrangle, I knew you were the girl I had been waiting to meet day. Hwan paused in silence, trying to understand Mari's look and her silence.

Hwan Chul continued, "Please do not mistake my kindness as solicitous. I am not asking you a favor because I bought that gown; I gave it as a gift because I want to have you as my date this Prom Night and because I don't want any girl but you, Mari." Hwan Chul looked at her intently and gently. "Ever since our eyes met on our first encounter at the quadrangle, I can never get you out of my mind luring me by a tremendous mystical force that I can't set you free from my memory. The silence continues between them; Hwan moves away from Mari, facing the darkness by his side, hiding his tears and controlling his emotions.

Mari remained quiet, lost for words, and couldn't give the word about Hwan Chul's confession. Waiting for any reaction from Mari, seconds after, Hwan continued:

"I was like a stalker back then, always following you around, anxious about what's next in what you'd do, wondering if you're okay when you're so quiet. I can't concentrate on our class unless I take just a second to glimpse you. My heart leaps for joy every time you get a chance to glance at me, just like now, Mari. The way you stare at me is enough to melt my heart!" Mari chuckled as he looked at Hwan.

"Look at you, Chul, you're so funny! Is your heart melting? Wow, Chul, do I possess hot eyes to melt your heart?" Mari tries to break the ice by being funny, and the more Hwan feels sad, thinking he is not taken seriously by Mari.

"Stop it, Chul, okay?" her voice murmured with a lump in her throat. "You're confusing me. We are friends, are we not? As in close, we're best friends!" Mari stressed.

Hwan Chul disagreed. "We can always be close friends, Mari, but we can level it up because I don't want us JUST to be friends; I want more than friendship!" Hwan Chul emphasized.

"You're so special to me. I want you to be my girlfriend; please consider, Mari. Take me as your boyfriend; I'm falling in love with you every second, every minute; I love you, Mari!"

Mari's eyes became misty. "A popular boy like you, falling in love with an ordinary girl like me? What will others say? They'll bash you for being a fool, and they'd do the same to me, accuse me of riding on your popularity because I have nothing to show off! Please, Chul, save my face! Give me a break! Don't do this!" Mari is about to cry so, overwhelmed by Hwan Chul's frankness.

Hwan Chul held Mari's hand. "Don't say such things, Mari. You are undermining yourself. How could you say that to yourself, huh? Almost all the boys in the varsity are rooting for you; it's I that block them away, putting my fence around you. They cannot come close to you without coming through me. That's the truth, Mari."

"Since when did I catch their attention, Chul? Since you started giving me roses, I stirred the guys' attention. Is that it? It's crazy, right?" Mari said sarcastically.

"Whatever, however, Mari, please listen to me. I feel like losing my mind if I'll let my feelings for you be kept only within me; I don't want to lose you!" Hwan Chul held Mari in both arms, looked her straight in the eyes, and said, "Be my girlfriend, Mari." Mari froze; she couldn't know anything at that instance. After a few minutes of silence, Mari is about to speak, and a male teacher finds them distracting their conversation.

"So, you are here all along; we've been calling out both your names on stage. Come on, lovers, follow me." The teacher showed the way. Hwan and Mari followed suit, Hwan Chul held Mari's hand, and as they walked along the way to the stage, Hwan waved with a cheerful smile.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, our Prom King and Queen! Let us give them a cheer and loud applause!" cheered the host. At a far distance from the stage, Nancy was jumping for joy.

"It's like a dream for Mari, Wilson. She has never expected this, which is a wonderful moment for her. Now, she'll become popular on campus!" Mari said under her breath.

The school's newspaper photographer Wilson kept taking shots of Mari as their crowned Prom Queen. On the other side of the room, Nicole could be seen in tears, sobbing, then fled the scene.

Hwan Chul looking proud and high and mighty, held Mari down the stage going to the center of the ballroom, and holding her waist, held her palm then swayed and danced to the music of 'Queen of My Heart.' Mari followed Hwan Chul's lead, waltzing around the center of the room, all eyes in amazement as if royalty were dancing and waltzing around. Most of the boys, especially Hwan Chul's soccer team, would also like to dance with the Prom Queen, so Hwan Chul was so proud as he was giving way but returned to get her queen.

They danced until they reached the hallway door and returned to the garden again. Hwan Chul took a close sticky stare at Mari, and Mari returned his gaze, trying to grasp some words, but Hwan Chul spoke: "Let this night be the start of our relationship, Mari. Let me love you, be my girl?" Mari is still lost for words but feels so nervous that her heart is thumping like a beating drum, and she's getting goose bumps all over her; the tiny hairs of her skin are rising like grass in the meadows, swaying with the cool breeze of the wind. And that's how she is feeling at that moment; she's getting chills and was thrilled when Hwan Chul touched her lips with his. Mari felt a sensation had never experienced, something new and good. Their lips tasted so sweet, and when their tongues entwined, Mari felt helpless that she embraced Hwan Chul tightly, feeling strange of this tingling sensation in her body. And when they stopped, Hwan Chul looked at her again and said,

"You're my girl, Mari, and no one can own you now." Hwan Chul felt that Mari was feeling cold, opened his coat, and wrapped Mari with it as they embraced, keeping her feeling the heat of his body. Then, when they were about to leave, he removed his coat and put it on Mari, but their teacher called them back for a photo shoot to be posted on their bulletin board and included in their newspaper and yearbook. Nancy came to her and congratulated her and said, "You look so happy and blooming, my friend. I feel like you're so in love!" Nancy held her hand and felt it cold. They embraced each other, feeling happy and contented.

That night when Mari was in bed, she could not put away that thrilling sensation when she recalled in her imagination how Hwan Chul held her and kissed her, a feeling so new to her. She tossed and turned but could not sleep, still feeling excited and thrilled, wanting to scream her happiness but could not; she may wake everyone in her room. She stood up, took Hwan Chul's coat, and recalled what he said when she returned it: "Keep this coat, this is yours now, to make you feel me when you miss me." She went back to bed, Hwan Chul's coat over her body, and fell asleep.