Windows of The Heart


Rielle felt troubled by how Hyun-Ki left the bank, and she was worried that this might start a new quarrel for them both. She remained focused on her deskwork but deep in her thoughts remained Hyun-Ki like he was banging her head to a kill. She felt relief when her work for the day is over. She was on edge because Hyun-Ki had neither called nor texted her; she didn't know if Hyun-Ki would fetch her or if she should go straight home. She was also thinking about whether to call or wait for his call. She was standing by the pavement in front of the building, her cell phone in her hand, looking at it, thinking of what to do, when someone in front of her stood. She moved back without looking, allowing someone to move away, but he kept moving closer to her. She felt annoyed, so when she looked up, Hyun-Ki was smilingly amused. And when Rielle's quick action was to punch him on his chest, Hyun-Ki hugged her tight.

"I'm so sorry for how I behaved this afternoon, Sweetheart. It was immature of me, and I got jealous of Drew, and I could have given him a blow if it were not for your consideration." Hyun-Ki meekly apologized. Rielle looked at Hyun-Ki proudly, feeling grateful that Hyun was learning to be humble.

"You have nothing to be jealous of, Love, because Drew was just a good friend. If it was not for him, I might still be looking for a job; besides, Drew and Donna were in a relationship." Hyun-Ki was surprised and happy for her sister and Drew.

"And now, my dear boyfriend, where are you treating me? You owe me much for making my day subtle because of your nonsense sulking." Rielle said in a gentle voice, giving him a warm smile. Hyun-Ki wrapped his arms around Rielle's shoulders, and both steered away from the crowd coming their way. Then they crossed the street to the car park where Junie was waiting for them.

After their dinner, Hyun-Ki suggested to Rielle that they take a stroll before taking her home. While walking hand-in-hand, Hyun-Ki talked about his condo to Rielle.

"You may ask yourself why I avoided bringing you to my place?" Rielle looked at him inquisitively. "t was because I've done something you would not like to hear, Rielle."Hyun-Ki stopped walking for a moment, paused, and was like putting his thoughts together to say the right words to Rielle, and gave Rielle a sad look, "am sorry I made our place a mess; I almost knocked down everything, tore down the curtains, ripped the bed mattress, and threw away all our plates into pieces, until nothing was left, so that, all that had your traces were all ruined."Hyun-Ki felt so guilty and remorseful.

Rielle could not utter a word; her eyes remained to look through his eyes until Hyun-Ki realized Rielle was already in tears of regret, hurt, and dismay. "you disarrayed everything because you're angry at me that you left nothing to remember me by, is that it, Hyun? It only proved that you didn't want us to get back together. Breaking and destroying everything we worked for meant no more turning back, is that it? You are like a teenage boy who cannot control his emotions because of immaturity." Rielle was angry and hurt; her heart was like those they built together, breaking into pieces. "We no longer have a place to go back. You should have burned it down as well." Rielle said with regret and turned her back from Hyun-Ki and cried more. "Rielle, I'm sorry; that was when I went crazy; it was like I was losing my mind!" Rielle asked, "So, "what now, Hyun?"

" "I'll put back everything even if it costs me more than what I spent; I'll make it classier and more elegant for you, Rielle. Give me a chance, please. I'll make it up for you."

" "You have damaged everything we have worked for, Hyun, and now you want me to help you again in restoring those you destroyed? My foot! Don't involve me in your plan of rebuilding, Hyun. You messed it up; you do it on your own." Rielle said ferociously. I'll go now, don't stop me. I know my way home."

" Hyun-Ki was flabbergasted. He made Rielle angry again, and he couldn't help thinking, are we quarreling now? Hyun-Ki tried to call Rielle on her cell phone but refused to respond and instead powered off her phone. Hyun-Ki was devastated. He scratched his hair with his hand out of irritation and called out Junie for home.

While on their way home, Hyun-Ki requested Junie bring the housemaids to do general cleaning in his condo early in the morning. He entrusted the key card to open his place and told them they must be done before lunch because he was going somewhere.

"Everything in that condo must be spic-and-span and dispose of everything useless, especially the bed mattress," Hyun-Ki instructed Junie.

It was lunchtime when Junie returned with the housemaids to the Han mansion.

"Sir, here is the key card, and we disposed of everything except the furniture that is not damaged. The garbage collectors collected the broken teevee set and the ripped mattress. Everything was now clean and orderly, Sir." Hyun-Ki thanked them and asked for his car key. "You can take the day off now, Junie. I'll see you on Monday." Hyun-Ki said.

Hyun-Ki went to the mall to purchase everything he needed to replace those he destroyed. He asked an assistant at the store if they could help him decorate his condo with those he bought from their store, and his request was duly obliged.

It was late afternoon when the interior designer and her crew finished furnishing Hyun-Ki's place. The interior decoration in each area of his place was adorned with fancy accessories and expensive ornaments to make the site physically attractive. The interior designer's distinguished, detailed, and professional skills worked well, making his place live beautifully and comfortably.

Meanwhile, Rielle was reminiscing every word Hyun-Ki told her. She thought about his feelings at that time, and she could not blame him for turning berserk and getting crazy because of his hurt pride. Because Rielle was inherent in her for being considerate and understanding, and also because she loved Hyun very much and felt his honesty and sincerity, Rielle thought of forgiving him. She felt sorry for being hard on him and decided to see him in his condo and work things out again with him.

The interior decorator and her crew were coming out of Hyun-Ki's place when Rielle came. Hyun-Ki was surprised by Rielle's presence and immediately took her in his arms. He embraced her so tight, so grateful that she came. With their foreheads touching, Rielle was giggling, so thrilled to have her in Hyun-Ki's embrace.

"You're not angry at me anymore, Sweetheart?" Hyun gently and enthusiastically asked. Rielle nodded timidly. "So, I'm forgiven now?" Hyun-Ki asked again in whispers. "I forgive you," replied Rielle meekly. Hyun-Ki gave her an intimate gaze, staring silently into each other's eyes, wanting more intimacy from Rielle.

Hyun-Ki then held her body close to him and started kissing her; on her neck, nape, and back of her ears, Rielle felt a tingling in her body, and her tiny hair seemed to rise from her skin.

"I missed you so much, Rielle. It's been a long time since I held you like this." Hyun-Ki kissed her eyes, her nose, and slowly sought for her lips, and as Rielle heaved for air, Hyun-Ki forced his mouth to hers. His hands started to rub her body, caressing her gently so that Rielle became excited with his touch. He brought her up with his arms behind her and carried her toward the bedroom and into his bed.

"I missed you too, Hyun, so-o-o much. I love you." An inch of her body shivered with joy, whispering passionately to Hyun-Ki. Becoming excited and aggressive, Rielle pulled up her blouse and top while Hyun-Ki kept kissing and caressing her. He lay her gently and started kissing her all over, putting himself on top of her with their hands clasped; they felt heaven closing in on them, making them whisper their emotions, moaning in deep satisfaction until silence overruled them.

It was almost late evening when Rielle felt that she had overslept. She took a glance at Hyun-Ki, still in deep slumber. She hated waking him up, so she took a quick shower and dressed for home. She padded to the door, so Hyun-Ki won't be disturbed from his sleep, took a cab, and went home.

Hwan Chul met Rielle by her surprise, who had been waiting for her for an hour.

"What made you come here, Chul?" was Rielle's surprise at his visit.

"I wanted to know how you're doing, Rielle. And I want you to know that I am always here for you." Hwan Chul resolutely said. "I know you are now working as a bank teller in a bank?" Hwan Chul was anxious to know. "Why as a bank teller, Rielle?"

" "Everyone was asking me that question repeatedly, and I feel like getting tired of explaining, Chul. Ask me another, please?" requested Rielle humbly.

"I also learned that you went for a vacation in a resort that happened to be owned by my family. Have you met Hyun-Ki there? Did you both plan to meet there, Rielle?" was Hwan Chul's unsettling feeling.

Rielle looked at him with curious eyes. "What concerns you, Chul? I didn't even know it was your family's holding. I went there for a vacation, and it happened that your brother was also there, unexpectedly anyway." Rielle expressed herself unabashed.

"I'm sorry for my intrusive questions, Rielle, but were you back together again?" Chul stubbornly pried at how Rielle looked at him from his questions.

Rielle feeling protective, returned Hwan Chul's question directly, "why not ask your brother, were you not on speaking terms lately, Chul?" Hwan Chul kept silent and felt Rielle's responses subtly. "How about changing the subject? Can I invite you tonight for dinner, Rielle?" Hwan Chul offered enthusiastically. And so, Rielle gladly accepted Hwan's offer.

Later that evening, while Hwan Chul and Rielle were happily chatting, Hyun-Ki called Rielle over her cell phone. Rielle stood up, excused herself from Hwan Chul's presence, and answered Hyun-Ki's call a distance away from Hwan Chul.

"Sweetheart, why did you leave without waking me up? Where are you now?" inquired Hyun-KI. "I'm home now, but I had dinner with Hwan Chul, and we were in the middle of conversing when you called," Rielle said reluctantly.

"What was Hwan Chul doing there? Is he courting you now?" Hyun-Ki is feeling insecure. "I don't think so, Love; he came asking questions about my vacation and you." Rielle felt concerned. Rielle saw Hwan Chul approaching, so she said Chul was closing in on her and said goodnight quickly.

"It's time to bring you home, Rielle, and if you may, can I see you often?" Hwan Chul requested.

"I don't understand why you would, Chul, but let us see," Rielle said, a little hesitant.

The following days made Rielle busy with her training. Mrs. Echeverria kept closely observing Rielle because Mr. Han Hyun-Ki pressured her to act soon about their strategy talk.

At that sliver of a second, a man Rielle was talking to about opening an account got so angry at Rielle, causing everyone's attention. "I am asking you to help me open a time deposit, but I may not be approved just because I only have a few dollars at hand. If you cannot, I can go to other banks, you f****ng bitch!" yelled the man at Rielle, which made her shocked and pensive. The man left relentlessly, leaving everyone shaken but curious.

Mrs. Echeverria approached and tapped Rielle's shoulderRielle's Rielle to her Office. "What has happened "the Manager.

"I was suggesting to him another way to"deposit his money in dollars and was requiring him to show me his passport, then he immediately got mad and yelled at me, which I think has no probable reason to." Rielle explicitly said. "If you feel you need assistance, tap your officemate sitting close to you so we can avoid situations like this, especially since you're still a trainee. Is this clear, Miss Gabrielle?" Mrs. Echeverria stressed. Rielle nodded and was almost in tears because her shock had not subsided yet, so Mrs. Echeverria asked her to rest a little while before returning to her post.

Attorney Drew came quickly to Rielle's post only to find her in the canteen. She was resting, keeping her thoughts away from her bad experience a while ago.

"Are you all right now, Rielle? I was shaken upon learning of that incident and feared you could have been hurt?" Drew asked with concern.

"I feel okay now, Drew. I appreciate your concern, but I want to return to my post now." Rielle said casually.

At five in the afternoon, Hwan Chul came to Rielle's post with a bouquet. Her officemates sitting in her row felt thrilled with Hwan Chul's sweet gesture, and everyone was letting out an 'ahem' sound. Rielle felt shyly embarrassed by Hwan Chul's gesture.

"Thank you for this bouquet, but what is the occasion, Chul?" asked Rielle timidly. "Should there always be an occasion, Rielle?" Hwan Chul gave out a wistful smile.

"Don't tell me you will open an account in this bank?" joked Rielle. Hwan Chul beamed that his dimples appeared, making him more handsome. Her officemates were gazing at him adorably, so attracted because of his stunning looks and sexy body. They were telling her how lucky for her to have a lovely gentleman as a suitor. "Can I sit here as I wait for you, Rielle? I'll pretend like I'm a client," asked Hwan Chul. "I think no one will mind you since you attracted these ladies here," Rielle said jokingly.

Everyone in the bank was focused on their transactions when four armed hooded men suddenly entered the bank with the security guards under gunpoint and then pushed them to the floor. All the people inside were shaken and terrified, screaming and becoming chaotic in their movements. The hooded gunmen demanded them to group together, and Hwan Chul did not move far from Rielle to protect her. They appealed to put all the money in their possessions in the black backpacks they previously carried, and once done, they all walked in the direction of the back of the building.

One hooded gunman approached Rielle and grabbed her hand, saying, "I'll take you with us as our hostage!" Upon hearing the gunman's intention, Hwan Chul jumped over Rielle's table and was about to grab the gun, but the gunman was quick enough to fend Hwan Chul off, which gave him the advantage of masking the gunman. Rielle was shocked because she recognized the man who had made a scandal this morning. "Why you, you pretended to be a depositor only to spy on us!" cried Rielle.

The gunman pounded Hwan Chul's nape taking him off-balanced, and angrily said, "Why you troublemaker! Now that you've seen my face, you might as well go with us and get what you deserve!" Rielle was fighting off her predator and calling out to Hwan Chul to wake up, but one of the hooded men grabbed Hwan Chul, pulling him out by the bank's back door with his companions and Rielle.

While chaos was happening inside the bank, Hyun-Ki was walking from the car park to the bank when he saw some questionable movements inside while the window blinds in the bank were forcibly closing. Not one security guard was in his post. He felt something fishy, so he ran back to his car and told Junie excitedly that something suspicious was happening inside the bank. He instructed Junie to drive the vehicle to the bank employees' entrance at the back side of the building. "If these are robbers, everyone is in danger, and I fear for my Rielle. Remain inconspicuous, Junie; make the car a little distant. Then if a vehicle appears, let us take the plate number and report it immediately to the police.

A black van stopped before the robbers holding Hwan Chul and Rielle as their hostages. Junie first saw and was shocked to see Rielle pulled forcibly out of the building, but he could not recognize the other male hostage, so he told Hyun-Ki about Rielle's situation. Hyun-Ki was troubled this time, so he told Junie to follow the robbers instead, but they had to be careful not to be noticed.

The robbers pushed Hwan Chul to the van floor, tied him and Rielle, and made her sit between the two thieves. "What a stroke of luck; I got the most beautiful and sexy lady I encountered this morning!" The robber devilishly laughed as he touched Rielle's face with his nose, sniffing her, and said, "You smell so-o-o good, girl, let me see your name." He looked at her ID card and said, "Gabrielle, what a nice name, a fighter's name, ha? Let me see how good you fight when in bed." The robber said, which made Rielle frightened and cry. "Oh my God!" Rielle prayerfully cried.