Chapter 2 The Game Begins Beginner Tasks

After Xu Yang was hit by the dark red data stream, his entire body fell into chaos.

In the dark night, the gray fog, the blood-red world, a huge eyeball is staring at him, showing a smile that is not a smile.

Time passed by minute by minute, as if a century had passed, and as if only a moment had passed.

An aura of corruption stimulated Xu Yang's brain nerves, causing him to wake up from the chaos.


With a moan of pain or comfort, Xu Yang slowly opened his eyes.

Even though his brain is still chaotic at the moment, Xu Yang is still subconsciously looking at the surrounding environment at the fastest speed.

The mottled walls, like the ceiling of diapers, an old-fashioned yellow light bulb, emitting an orange light, flickered from time to time, it seemed to be a poor contact.

Turning his head slightly, Xu Yang saw the living room.

An old TV cabinet with a large black and white TV on the TV cabinet, the TV is on, and the snow is constantly flickering.

Opposite the TV is an old sofa that is 30% new. There are many sundries on the sofa, dirty clothes, opened beauties, and empty wine bottles. In short, the sofa is very messy. very dirty.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xu Yang felt very familiar. He seemed to have seen such a scene before.

Look away again.

Between the sofa and the TV, there is also a table, the legs of which have disappeared, and it is cushioned with two stacks of books. , piles of plastic boxes.

Continuing to turn his head, he saw the window.

The window is half open, there are no curtains, but there is a desk by the window. The whole room is messy, but the desk is clean and out of place.

The musty and rancid smells poured into Xu Yang's nasal cavity, stimulating his brain nerves and making him wake up quickly.

Looking back and lowering his head, Xu Yang found that he was lying at the door at the moment.

"Where is this?"

"What just happened?"

"Why am I here?"

The three questions of the soul quickly appeared in Xu Yang's mind.

Sitting up, rubbing his swollen head, Xu Yang looked at the room again.

Familiarity came to mind again.

"This is my home? The home from more than ten years ago." Xu Yang murmured after looking at the room again.

Shaking his head, he struggled to stand up from the ground, but when he put his hand on the ground, he touched a cold metal object.


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Huh? "

Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and glanced at the position of his right hand. On the icy ground, lay a folding knife.

It was the folding knife that the second uncle gave him at the beginning. Unexpectedly, this thing appeared here.

Holding the folding knife, Xu Yang struggled to stand up.

Suddenly appearing in this strange place made Xu Yang, who didn't have much sense of security, feel uneasy for a while, but now that he had the folding knife, he felt a little relieved.

But in the next second, out of the corner of Xu Yang's eyes, something seemed to be beating on his left wrist.

Take a closer look, it's a countdown.

Countdown: 01:58:21

Xu Yang's pupils shrank violently, and his originally chaotic brain suddenly woke up.

At the same time, a mechanical sound resounded in his mind.

[Player No. 0004, welcome to the horror survival game, I wish you a good time, hee hee! ]


Xu Yang: "o((⊙﹏⊙))o"

This sudden sound shocked Xu Yang, and he looked around subconsciously, trying to determine where the sound came from.

However, this mechanical sound sounded extremely abruptly and disappeared very quickly, giving Xu Yang no time to react.

"Thriller survival game? Did I enter the game dungeon?" Xu Yang murmured.


"Dong Dong Dong!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Xu Yang immediately turned his head and looked towards the door. His heart, which had calmed down, was beating violently with the knock on the door.

"Anyone? Is there anyone?"

After the knock on the door was repeated three times, a man's voice sounded outside the door.

Judging from his voice alone, this person should be young, probably less than thirty years old, and Xu Yang still feels a little familiar.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The knocking on the door continued. Every time the knocking sounded, it seemed as if it hit Xu Yang's heart. He stared at the door without blinking, then moved his footsteps and walked towards the door gently.

"Anyone? Your courier has arrived, please come out and sign for it."

express delivery?

Xu Yang doesn't remember that he has a courier. He rarely buys online, and this place seems to be a game world. How can there be a courier?

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The knock on the door suddenly became louder, and the courier's voice became gloomy.

"Are you at home? I heard, please come out and sign for the courier."

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Hearing this, Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, then his body became tense, and a strong sense of crisis emerged from the depths of his brain. Is this person outside really a courier?

And why his voice sounded so familiar, so strange, as if someone was talking while choking his neck.

"Express, sign for it."

The courier's familiar and strange voice sounded outside the door over and over again.

At this time, Xu Yang had come to the door, his eyes fixed on the door, and his right hand was holding the folding knife tightly.

Just when Xu Yang was hesitating whether to open the door or not, the knocking stopped abruptly.

"Huh? Are you gone?" Xu Yang thought to himself.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

But the next second, there was a violent knock on the door, and the courier's voice became impatient and angry.

"Open the door, I know you're inside!"

"Open the door, it's going to time out!"

The courier's voice became louder and louder, and the knocking on the door became more and more intense. The wooden door was rattled by it, and the dust on the door frame fell rustling.

Xu Yang, who was still hesitating whether to open the door or not, made a direct decision at this moment.

Do not open the door!

However, when Xu Yang made his decision, the cold mechanical synthesizer sounded again.

[Number 0004 players please pay attention! ]

[Beginner task 1, please open the door within 30 seconds and sign for the express delivery. ]

[Tip 1, you can get a lot of experience points to complete the task, and the experience points can be used to upgrade. The higher the level, the faster you can integrate into the game. ]

[Tip 2, this task is a novice task, after completing it, you can get triple experience points. ]

[Tip 3, the mission fails and the player dies. ]

[Tip 4, this task is a bound task and cannot be given up. ]

[Number 0004 players please pay attention! Whether to accept the task, the countdown is 10, 9, 7, 3...]



Xu Yang was still digesting the sudden mission information, and the other party started the countdown.

The other party asked him if he accepted the mission, but he was not given a chance to choose at all, and the countdown started directly.

What makes you feel speechless and the most painful is that the other party's countdown is not a serious countdown, and he doesn't play cards according to the routine.

However, when Xu Yang received the mechanical notification sound, the slamming sound outside the door, which was loud enough to rang through the entire building, stopped abruptly, as if everything just happened was an illusion.

But at this moment, Xu Yang didn't have the energy to pay attention to what happened outside.