Chapter 4 Survival System

"who I am?"

"Where am I?"

"What am I doing?"

At this moment, Xu Yang only had three questions in his mind.

Too thrilling, too exciting, too terrifying!

"This game, Zhenni-Ma's horror, is indeed a horror survival game." Xu Yang complained while panting.

Just as Xu Yang was sitting paralyzed on the ground, gasping for breath, the cold mechanical sound in his mind sounded again.

[Player No. 0004, please pay attention! The novice task is signed and the express is completed! ]

[The completion of the task is 90%, the brain power is increased by one, the physical strength is increased by one, and the attack power is increased by one! ]

[Congratulations to the player for gaining triple experience, leveling up to level 1, and gaining one attribute point. ]

[Because the player accepts the task for the first time and completes it well, he will be rewarded with a little attribute point, a purple ghost, and a bloody boning knife! ]

[Player No. 0004, please pay attention! You have completed the first mission of the horror survival game, please keep up the good work! whee! ]

Xu Yang, who had just jumped around in front of the god of death, heard this familiar voice again. He was used to it, or was numb.

Just now, because of the courier's knock on the door, Xu Yang hadn't had time to determine where the sound came from, but now he knows.

This thing is in his head!

"What the hell game, the death-defying courier is a novice task? What the hell is the task completion rate, and what is the attribute point?"

Xu Yang complained silently in his heart.

While complaining and closing his eyes, he intends to slowly, slowly...

However, just as he closed his eyes, he felt the coldness on his left hand. He subconsciously turned his head to look over and found that it was the courier's boning knife.

This boning knife was originally stuck in the wooden door. I don't know when it fell. It should have fallen when Xu Yang closed the door.

Seeing the boning knife lying quietly on the ground, Xu Yang felt very fortunate.

Fortunately, the door was made of wood, not iron like his current home.

If the door was made of iron, the moment he opened the door, he would be Barbie q.

The boning knife is very long and broken. It is covered with cracks and dried up stains. I don't know if it's rust or dried blood. The blade is uneven, like serrated teeth. .

The handle was not plastic, but wooden, and was also stained.

This is a broken boning knife. Judging from the incompleteness of the blade and the dried-up stains, this knife has not been used for a short time, and this knife must have chopped very hard things before.

Judging from the gap in the blade, it should be something like a bone.

"This should be the ghost reward that the system said, the bloody boning knife." Xu Yang looked at the boning knife and muttered to himself.

Looking at the boning knife on the ground, Xu Yang didn't rush to pick it up, it was this thing, it almost killed him just now, and he didn't want to touch it easily.

The ghost knows whether any new tasks will be triggered after he touches it.

To be honest, Xu Yang is very fortunate now, fortunately, he has been exercising all the time, his physical strength is relatively good, and his mind is not stupid. The courier got it out.

Thinking of the thrilling scene just now, Xu Yang was afraid for a while.

If this door is not made of wood, if

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The courier didn't hold on to the boning knife, if Xu Yang didn't see the opportunity and suddenly opened the door, if the courier didn't fall down, if Xu Yang didn't find the ballpoint pen, if...

Without these ifs, Xu Yang would have been cold just now.

If this is really a game, then this game is really too underworld, and it is not played by normal people.

If nothing else, the courier who was obviously dead but was still alive was already very perverted, let alone this way of starting.

After experiencing the thrilling and exciting start of receiving and express delivery, Xu Yang decided that before he knew his current situation, it was better to talk less and move less.

Bad guys often die from talking too much, and supporting roles often die from lack of money.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang did not touch the bloody boning knife, but raised his left hand and looked at the countdown on his wrist.

Countdown: 1:45:22

Before he knew it, fifteen minutes had passed, but he felt that a century had passed.

However, Xu Yang was fortunate that the countdown was only two hours this time.

If the countdown appears, just send him to this so-called game world, then the ending is still within the acceptable range.

Two hours is not a long time. As long as there are no underworld things like couriers in the future, then Xu Yang has the right to consider this a short vacation.

When Xu Yang's eyes retracted from the beating countdown, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a pattern on the back of his left hand.

The pattern is very simple, just the eyeball pattern on the game startup interface.

Seeing this eyeball, a light flashed across my mind.

"Game! Phone!"

Xu Yang clearly remembered that the reason why he appeared here was to evaluate Naroshzi's horror survival game.

As a result, during the first evaluation, an error code appeared, and the game on the mobile phone was uninstalled by him, but it appeared on the red mobile phone.

The red mobile phone was something that was left to the second uncle before he disappeared. It could be regarded as a relic.

The brand of the red phone is unknown. After the disappearance of the second uncle, Xu Yang carefully checked the phone. There was no logo, and it was an all-in-one phone (the kind with a non-removable battery), no phone card slot, or even a charging socket. nothing.

Xu Yang also went to a mobile phone repair shop, but they directly said that it could not be repaired, which made Xu Yang very polite.

It's not so much a mobile phone as it's a brick. If it wasn't for the second uncle left behind, Xu Yang would have thrown it into the trash can long ago. Of course, the premise was that he really threw it out.

The red mobile phone accompanied him through the entire high school period. Its only function was to smash the nuclear head, and it was also used as a footrest.

When the red phone finally reacted today, Xu Yang's initial reaction was more of excitement and surprise than confusion. As for the extremely underworld game interface, Xu Yang was not very afraid.

The mobile phone was left by the second uncle. Now that the mobile phone has responded, is it possible to find the second uncle through the mobile phone?

Good idea, however...

"What the hell!!!"

Leaning against the door, Xu Yang recalled a series of things he had just experienced, and the more he thought about it, the more strange he felt.

"Is this game really developed by Changsheng Technology Company? Am I in the real world or in the game world? What the hell was that courier just now?"

A series of questions flooded into his brain, making Xu Yang feel agitated for a while.

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Xu Yang is just a diaosi who doesn't know who his parents are, has no savings, doesn't have much good looks, has no friends, and has an withdrawn personality. No one wants to take a second look when he is thrown into the crowd. Who would go for it on purpose? What about him?

If there is, it must have something to do with his second uncle.

But the second uncle disappeared three years ago, and the only thing still related to the second uncle is the red mobile phone.

Looking at the eye pattern on the back of his hand, Xu Yang subconsciously groped his body.

As a result, he found that, except for the folding knife that had fallen to the ground before, the things he had put on his body were gone now, and the red mobile phone was gone.

After discovering this, Xu Yang subconsciously stretched out his finger and touched the pattern on the back of his hand.


[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! You have triggered the survival system, you can view the property panel, please choose whether to view it! ]

But before Xu Yang made a choice, the next second, an attribute panel similar to a game character appeared in his mind.

Xu Yang: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

It all happened so suddenly and unexpectedly.

This game system seems a little...indecent!

Before he could complain about anything, Xu Yang hurriedly checked the attribute panel.

id: Xu Yang.

Age: 18.

Gender: Not sure!


Xu Yang: (?_?)

When he saw the gender column, Xu Yang's whole person was not well.

There are only three genders of a person, male, female or intersex, not sure what the hell? ! ! !

Xu Yang wanted to spit out a few words, but when he thought of the two missions issued by the other party just now, he almost sent him away, and Xu Yang felt a little scared.

Moreover, this system is a bit unreasonable, and the brain is not normal. It is better not to provoke it easily. Of course, the premise is that the system has a brain!

Resisting the conflict of swearing, Xu Yang continued to watch.

Permission number: 0004

Occupation: None.

Brain power: 7 [The level of brain power is equal to the level of brain development. The level of brain development of ordinary people is about 5%, and the level of brain development of super geniuses is 10%. ]

Looking at this extremely simple introduction, Xu Yang was a little speechless, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

After all, the brain power level of an ordinary person is 5, but his is 7, which is only three levels less than that of a super genius.

However, Xu Yang hadn't been happy for long when he saw that there was a sudden comment behind this introduction.

[A seventh-level mentally handicapped, what is there to be proud of! You rubbish →_→]

I Ni-Ma...


Seeing this sarcastic evaluation, Xu Yang suddenly wanted to scold his mother.

Rider, who do you despise?

What Xu Yang said, he also entered Yangcheng University with the fourth place in the city and the first place in the whole school. If he is considered mentally handicapped, what are the people behind him?

Are you an idiot?

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Xu Yang took a few deep breaths, tried his best to calm down his mood, and silently warned himself not to be serious with this second-hand system.