Chapter 10

Before, when checking the properties of the basic panel, there were favorability and hatred, and Xu Yang didn't care about it at that time.

But since knowing that players can't kill ghosts, he instantly understands how to play this game. Xu Yang is also an excellent game reviewer. He has played many games, and he is very good at finding game strategies.

Especially when prompted by the system, Xu Yang realized that the favorability of brushing NPCs may be more important than improving combat power, especially in the early stages of development.

There is no need to think about the favorability of the courier ghost Wang Kai. Now, Wang Kai's favorability for Xu Yang is zero, but the hate value has accumulated to more than 30. Xu Yang has not yet worked out how to eliminate the hatred. Clearly, even if he figured it out, he didn't want to eliminate it.

Mainly because Wang Kai's first impression of Xu Yang was too bad, how could anyone draw a knife when they first met?

Therefore, Xu Yang decided to brush up on Fang Wan'er's favorability.

On the one hand, it was because he had met Fang Wan'er when he was a child, and the two of them knew each other. Fang Wan'er only opened the door for him after hearing that he was an upstairs resident.

On the other hand, it was because Xu Yang felt that he was a young man with a sense of justice in his heart.

Well, yes, it is the sense of justice, definitely not because Fang Waner is good-looking, nor because he has no other choice.

The sound of fighting outside the room continued, but it was less intense than before. At this time, Fang Wan'er's screams were already very weak, obviously Fang Wan'er was not Wang Kai's opponent.

Xu Yang came to the door, holding the doorknob in his right hand and the deboning knife in his left hand, took a deep breath, and yanked the door open.

At the moment when the door opened, Xu Yang, who was prepared in his heart, was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

In just a moment, Fang Wan'er's dress was in tatters, her arms were torn from her shoulders, and her legs were also abruptly broken.

At this moment, Fang Wan'er's neck was being strangled by Wang Kai. Fang Wan'er, who lost both arms and broke her legs, could only keep roaring and roaring, but was powerless.

Fang Wan'er's appearance was miserable, and Wang Kai's appearance was not much better.

The courier clothes on him were also torn and tattered. The ballpoint pen that Xu Yang had previously pulled out was now inserted into his right eye, and Wang Kai was stabbed blind in both eyes.

At this time, the hat on Wang Kai's head had already fallen off, revealing his head with staggered scars.

It was not until this time that Xu Yang noticed that Wang Kai's head was not complete. The whole head had been cracked and stitched up countless times.

At this moment, Wang Kai's head cracked again, and some liquid mixed with red, yellow, black, and white was falling down, the scene was very disgusting.

Now, his left hand is choking Fang Wan'er's neck, constantly hitting the wall. With his right hand, he directly pulls the ballpoint pen out of his eye socket, and his eyeball is pulled out directly.

The right hand holding the ballpoint pen pierced directly at Fang Wan'er's eyes.

However, it's not the most spooky yet.

What terrified Xu Yang the most was that the clothes on Wang Kai's chest were torn open, and his naked body was stitched together. At this moment, the sutures had been torn open, and two arms without palms were inserted into the wound. Kai's entire abdominal cavity was stretched to an extremely exaggerated level. In the abdominal cavity, there were countless hands that stretched out from the wound and held Fang Wan'er's legs, trying to pull her into his body.

If it is an ordinary person who is injured like this, let alone fighting, it is estimated that

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It is God's blessing to be able to breathe.

After Xu Yang came out with the boning knife, seeing this scene, he didn't have time to think about it. He came directly behind Wang Kai, and changed from holding the knife in one hand to holding the knife in both hands. Stab before.

"Continuous thrusts!"

This is the first time Xu Yang has used the skills he acquired when he built the account.

I saw the rusted, cracked boning knife that could shatter at any time. With Xu Yang's loud shout, it suddenly flashed a red light and stabbed Wang Kai three times.

At the moment when the boning knife was lit, Xu Yang only felt dizzy, nauseated, and dizzy from excessive blood loss.

Xu Yang's health dropped all the way from 100 to 50.

But at the same time, Xu Yang's physical strength has been greatly enhanced, whether it is the reaction speed, the attack speed, or the movement speed is much faster.


Xu Yang was not far from Wang Kai. After Xu Yang performed a series of thrusts, the boning knife flashed red. The first thrust did not pierce Wang Kai's body. Xu Yang only felt that he had stabbed into the wall.


But then, the second thorn barely pierced Wang Kai's back, and the third stabbed directly into Wang Kai's body.


After Wang Kai was stabbed by the boning knife, he let out a shrill scream. He was knocked back a few steps, and the hand that held the ballpoint pen trembled suddenly. It didn't penetrate Fang Waner's eyes, but stuck it in her shoulder. superior.

Wang Kai was very angry when he was attacked by Xu Yang.

Originally, he planned to deal with Fang Waner first, bring her into the body, and fuse it together, so that they could be together forever, and then deal with Xu Yang.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yang actually took the initiative to come out and hurt him, which made him extremely angry.

After screaming, Wang Kai grabbed Fang Waner who was struggling fiercely with one hand, turned his head, stared at Xu Yang with empty eyes, and roared, "Who are you, who are you?"

"I am your father!"

Looking at Wang Kai who was so angry, his brains were splashing and blood was flowing, Xu Yang said that it was impossible, but in the face of Wang Kai's roar, Xu Yang subconsciously replied.

"Players really can't kill ghosts!"

Although he took advantage of Wang Kai, he sighed in his heart that he consumed 50% of his health, and the attack in exchange only injured Wang Kai, and his mother was slightly injured. .

Seeing that Wang Kai was about to turn around and stretched his right hand towards Xu Yang, Xu Yang also burst out.

"If you want to die, you will also die together!"

With a roar, Xu Yang decided to use the double thrust again.

However, at this moment, the bloody boning knife was stuck in Wang Kai's body, and Xu Yang- could not continue to perform continuous thrusts at all.

He held the handle of the boning knife tightly with both hands, and he himself moved with Wang Kai's turn.

At the same time, Xu Yang's HP was still fading all the way, and as the HP continued to pass, Xu Yang only felt that the whole person was gradually becoming weaker.


Misfortunes do not come singly. The boning knife stuck in Wang Kai's body made an unbearable noise at this time, and the purple knife was about to break.

"Fuck, it's about to roll over!" Xu Yang roared in his heart.

But at this moment, Fang Wan'er, who was strangled by Wang Kai's neck, suddenly moved.

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I saw that Fang Wan'er, who was like the big sister next door, suddenly opened her mouth wide, and her mouth opened to an extremely exaggerated level.

Then, in Xu Yang's terrified eyes, he swallowed Wang Kai's head in one bite.



Seeing this scene, Xu Yang was shocked. To be precise, he was frightened.

After Fang Wan'er swallowed Wang Kai's head, her body also changed.

Its entire body was as soft as boneless, like a snake, wrapped directly around Wang Kai, and Xu Yang was directly pushed away by a huge force.

Immediately, before Xu Yang could react, Fang Wan'er was like a python, wrapping around Wang Kai's body and rolling towards the entrance of the stairs.


In the blink of an eye, the two people who were completely entangled disappeared in front of Xu Yang.

Then, more intense fighting came from the stairwell, as well as the sound of things being torn apart, and the screams and wailing of the three people.

Xu Yang, who was forcibly pushed away, was directly smashed against the cold and rough wall, let out a muffled groan, and then slowly slid down like a painting.

Xu Yang, who fell softly to the ground, only felt a blackness in front of his eyes, and his stomach turned upside down for a while.

At this moment, Xu Yang was extremely weak, and his HP dropped to 35.

Resisting the feeling of weakness, Xu Yang leaned against the wall and struggled to get up from the ground. He first glanced at the entrance of the stairs, where Wang Kai and Fang Waner were no longer there, but the sound of fierce fighting could be heard from the first floor.

At this moment, the whole building could hear the movement on the first floor.

But even so, except for the first floor, the other floors of the building were quiet, but Xu Yang felt a crisis approaching. In the darkness, a door opened, and it seemed that something was about to come out.

For example, the room 4024 by Xu Yang's side had already opened a crack, and someone was watching him.

At this time, Xu Yang had no time to take care of Fang Wan'er and Wang Kai's battle. He did everything he could. The next step was to win or lose, and it was up to Fang Wan'er.

Xu Yang stood up, glanced at room 4023, and found that the door was closed. It should have been taken with him when he went out. His idea of ​​hiding in room 4023 for refuge was in vain.

Turning his head and looking at room 4024 beside him, Xu Yang felt that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time.

The wind is tight! crap!

Xu Yang turned around and ran.

Before leaving, Xu Yang saw the ballpoint pen that fell on the ground, he picked it up without thinking, and then ran upstairs.

Xu Yang ran very decisively, without the slightest slack.

At this time, he just wanted to go back to room 4044. As for the task and the favorability, Xu Yang didn't care.

At this time, nothing is more important than life.

Just as Xu Yang turned around and ran away, three of the seven rooms on the second floor were opened, and they were watching Xu Yang fleeing with great interest.

Three rooms, five people came out, four men and one woman.

After the five people came to the entrance of the stairs, one man and one woman went directly to the first floor, while the remaining three men walked upstairs. Obviously, they seemed to be more interested in Xu Yang than the situation upstairs. .