Chapter 17 Peeping Eyes

No one knows how powerful Longevity Technology is, how much energy it has, but one or two can already be seen.

In just one hour, this official website of Changsheng Technology Company broke the circle directly.

The most popular search on Weibo, no, almost all of the top ten most popular searches on Weibo were won by him. When opening Weibo, the most popular topics were all discussions about "Thriller Survival Game".

At first, it was just the self-healing of netizens, but then, all kinds of big v started to end Amway, and then all the companies that were related to Changsheng Technology and had cooperation, also ended Amway, and then all the stars also participated one after another. in.

Although they didn't play, and many people didn't even know what the game was, it didn't prevent them from getting a wave of enthusiasm, and it didn't prevent them from carnival.

Of course, some people are happy and some are worried. The top ten people in Weibo's hot search before have made a lot of money to buy hot searches, and now they are probably crying and fainting in the toilet.

Not only on Weibo, but also on search engines, only the word "game" is typed, and "Thriller Survival Game" pops up.

At the same time, on major online platforms, new news related to "Thriller Survival Game" directly occupies the main page, and various marketing accounts and self-media are doing their best to start crazy Amway.

Changsheng Technology just released the official website dynamic, without any game screen and video, and even what kind of game "Thriller Survival Game" is, Changsheng Technology Company did not explain in detail, it caused such a big sensation, its energy is evident. .

But after some searching, Xu Yang also found some strange places.

There is no relevant news on the Internet, and there is no game guide. For this reason, Xu Yang also went to the live broadcast rooms of game up owners of major websites to have a look, and found that these top up owners were only discussing this matter in the live broadcast room.

This is an era of internet and a traffic era. When any game is released, the first person to know the inside story is not ordinary players, but these UP masters and reviewers like Xu Yang, but these top UP masters did not reveal anything. Related Information.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

Either they don't have the inside qualifications, or Changsheng Technology doesn't plan to use the inside of outsiders; or these top ups have already started inside, but for some reason, they can't tell the relevant situation.

Compared with the former, Xu Yang felt that the latter was more likely. After all, Changsheng Technology Co., Ltd. was entering the game field for the first time. In other respects, Changsheng Technology Co., Ltd. was the leader, but in the game field, they belonged to the latecomers.

If they want this game to become popular, it is undoubtedly the best choice to find these top up masters who hold wealth and traffic passwords.

Of course, Changsheng Technology may not look down on these uptakers. After all, Changsheng Technology is very powerful. They spent three years developing a game, how could there be no relevant internal arrangements.

But no matter which result, Xu Yang is very curious, what happened to his game evaluation this time?

Thinking of this, Xu Yang went to several top game evaluation groups to have a look. This is the group that Xu Yang joined when he was a part-time game evaluator, and there were many high-level evaluators gathered.

But after entering the group, Xu Yang found that these reviewers were also discussing the game. Some people were curious about what game this game was, and some people asked when the game was inside. In short, the discussion was very lively, but no one said that he had won the game. Having obtained the inner qualification, this made Xu Yang more and more puzzled.

Originally, Xu Yang wanted to ask in the group if he had obtained the inside qualification, but after looking through the chat records, someone had already asked, and the results were surprisingly consistent, no one had obtained the inside qualification.

Seeing this, Xu Yang picked up the phone and sent a message to the local tyrant.

Xu Yang: Have you read the news on the Internet?

Qian Zhenduo: I see, what's wrong?

Xu Yang: How did you get the inside qualification of "Thriller Survival Game"?

So much money: Someone sent me an email before asking me to evaluate it.

Xu Yang: Who sent it?

So much money: Forgot.

Xu Yang: ...

Really Duo Qian: Didn't you say before that the game evaluation failed, so I just deleted it.

Looking at the information on the phone, Xu Yang was speechless for a while, but this was in line with the local tyrant's style of doing things.

Xu Yang: Can you still contact each other?

So much money: I'll try it.

Xu Yang: Get in touch and let me know.

So much money: Good.

After this message was sent, the local tyrant sent another message.

Too much money: Didn't the game evaluation fail, what are you going to do with others?

Seeing this news, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes, hesitating whether he wanted to

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Tell the other person what he just experienced.

But after a moment of hesitation, Xu Yang chose to hide it.

If it was another game, Xu Yang would definitely not hide it, but this matter is related to the red mobile phone, and the red mobile phone is related to his second uncle, which makes Xu Yang subconsciously vigilant, he secretly feels that this matter is not so simple .

Xu Yang: The game developed by Changsheng Technology Company is very popular. If you can get the inside qualification, you can get a bonus in advance.

Zhenduo Qian: Yes, I will try.

Then the other party fell silent, and Xu Yang didn't send any more messages, but leaned back on the chair and fell into contemplation.

Judging from the information on the Internet, it seems that the new game released by Changsheng Technology did not expand to the outside world, but it may be that someone has obtained the inside qualification like Xu Yang, but who are these people and why they did not speak out, then Unknown.

In fact, strictly speaking, Xu Yang's inner qualification is not his, but the local tyrant.

As for the local tyrant, Xu Yang doesn't know much about him. He only knows that the other party is rich, very rich, very rich, and being an up-master is just a hobby, but even so, in the past three years, the local tyrant has Just a lot of money, don't underestimate the ability of a top up owner to attract money.

After browsing the Internet again, Xu Yang couldn't find any useful information, so he focused his attention on the VR glasses and the red mobile phone on the bed.

Just when Xu Yang was going to study the red phone, a message came from WeChat.

Yang Xueqi: Xiao Yang, it's about your second uncle when you go home.

Seeing the news, Xu Yang's pupils shrank instantly, and the heartbeat that had just calmed down suddenly accelerated.

Three years later, there is finally news of the second uncle.

Without time to think, Xu Yang stood up, put on his clothes, took his mobile phone, picked up the badly worn backpack on the bed, and left dormitory 444 directly.

Only, Xu Yang walked out of the bedroom, turned back, put the VR glasses on the bed into the backpack, and put the red mobile phone in the pocket.

After doing all this, Xu Yang left the bedroom.

Before going out, Xu Yang glanced at the time: 19:35.

"The last bus of the No. 4 bus is at 7:45, and there are ten minutes left, so I should be able to catch up."

Carrying a backpack, he rushed out of the dormitory building and ran out of school at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

Countdown: 10:25:00


Today is Saturday, the military training has just ended, and there is no one in the school. Xu Yang rushed out of the gate of Yangcheng University without any scruples, and surprised the uncle who was watching the weather forecast.

Unhindered all the way, Xu Yang rushed to the bus platform.

When he arrived at the bus station, Xu Yang, who was not blushing and not beating, glanced at the time: 19:44.

It took less than ten minutes to arrive at the bus stop, which made Xu Yang frown.

"Physical fitness has really improved a lot."

When he was in the dormitory before, Xu Yang only felt that his figure had improved. After the intense exercise just now, Xu Yang found that his physical strength was not a little bit stronger, which made Xu Yang feel that this horror survival game was unusual, and also made He began to look forward to his next gaming adventure.

I don't know who was shouting that this was a garbage game not long ago.

I don't know if it's been sunny for too long or if autumn has officially arrived. Since the afternoon, it has been covered with dark clouds and the temperature is extraordinarily hot.

Looking at the night sky with neither wind nor rain, Xu Yang couldn't help but muttered, "When will the rain come?"

Yangcheng University is located in the eastern suburbs. Except for weekends and holidays, it is exceptionally deserted here. The huge bus station is empty except for Xu Yang.

The dark night sky, the dim streets, and the flickering street lights kept flickering. Xu Yang glanced again in the direction of the bus coming, but there was still no trace of the last bus. Xu Yang subconsciously frowned.

"Is it because the last train left early this Saturday?"

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and hesitated whether to call and let Yang Xueqi drive to pick him up.

It's just that this idea appeared, and it was rejected by him. If you can solve things yourself, you should try not to trouble others.

Turning his head, looking around, his eyes fell on the bus stop sign.

The platform is very old and has not been maintained for a long time. The display screen is old and mottled, and advertisements are scrolling on the broken screen: [Thriller survival game is a deeply immersive virtual reality game, this is a cross-generational game, and it is also The opening of a new game, no matter where we are, will definitely make a big impact, and Changsheng Technology Co., Ltd. invites you to go with us! ]

The constantly scrolling subtitles and the ever-changing tones reflected on Xu Yang's pale and delicate face, making the boy's expression unremarkable.

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The face of love has become rich.

I don't know who has hit the display screen, and it is covered with deep or shallow cracks. The model's face appears on the display screen and is split into pieces, like a ghost.

"The speed of Changsheng Technology is really fast, and the advertisements have already started after the announcement was made. It's really blooming online and offline."


The long-awaited night was finally windy.

With the cool wind blowing, the bean-sized raindrops splashed down, fell on the ground, and then splashed in all directions.

Withdrew his gaze, turned his head, and looked again at the direction the bus was coming from.

The cool breeze blew the ginkgo leaves, the dust on the street, and Xu Yang's bangs, revealing those deep eyes.


The moment Xu Yang turned his head, his body suddenly tensed, all the hair on his body stood up, and his neck couldn't help but want to turn around.

Someone was watching him, to be precise, someone was watching him.

Xu Yang was sure that someone was watching him from behind!

But he was more certain that he was the only one on the huge bus stop. When did the owner of this look appear?

This look was hot, crazy, and full of malice, making Xu Yang feel like he was back in the game world again.

People often say that everyone has a sixth sense. Xu Yang has a strong sixth sense. He can always clearly feel the attention of others, even if he can't see it, he can feel it.

He didn't panic, didn't look back rashly, he just silently put his hands into his pockets, and his stiff body gradually relaxed with his breathing.

Although the body is relaxed, the nerves are still tense.

Gradually calming down, Xu Yang turned his head and looked in the direction the bus was coming from. He could already see the headlights, while Xu Yang took the opportunity to use the corner of his eye to look around.

It was empty, and he was the only one on the entire bus stop.

However, this strong sense of peeping, not only did not subside, but became more and more intense.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xu Yang felt that the owner of this gaze was getting closer and closer to him, as if he was behind him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, Xu Yang could clearly hear his own violent heartbeat.

[Calm down, calm down, be sure to calm down! ]

Xu Yang told himself over and over in his heart that he should calm down. However, this psychological suggestion not only did not help him calm down, but instead made his heart beat even more agitated.


I don't know if it was sweat or rain. It dripped from his forehead and smeared across his cheek. With Xu Yang's hand in his pocket, he subconsciously grasped some cold metal.

It was the folding knife. I don't know what happened. The folding knife that was brought to the game world by Xu Yang reappeared in the real world.

And Xu Yang seemed to find a sense of security only when he held the folding knife.

[He is coming, right behind him! ]

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xu Yang could clearly feel that the person was behind him, and he could clearly feel the heat exhaling from the other party's mouth.


Just when Xu Yang clenched his folding knife and tensed his body, he was about to turn around and stab him, when the four-way bus suddenly stopped beside Xu Yifan.

The door opened, the driver turned his head, looked at Xu Yang, and