Chapter 19 Shelter Umbrella, Peeping Reappearance

It was a dark night, violent storms, and tree shadows swayed wildly in the wind and rain, like ghosts. There were few pedestrians on the street, and the street lamps on both sides of the street exuded weak lights, which looked like soul-inducing lamps.

The No. 4 bus was driving on the street, breaking the rain curtain, the headlights illuminated the front, and I didn't know where it was going.

Sitting by the window at the back of the carriage was a young man, sleeping soundly.

I don't know how long it took, maybe just a second, or maybe a century, a cool wind blew, and Xu Yang, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up, and the wind chimes in his ears had long since disappeared.

He opened his eyes and sat up straight, his eyes filled with doubt and confusion.

At this moment, Xu Yang felt that his face was cold and wet, and when he reached out his hand to touch it, it was rain.

He touched his face indiscriminately and muttered, "Why did I fall asleep?"

But in the next second, Xu Yang seemed to think of something, turned his head sharply, and looked at the position beside him.

With just one glance, Xu Yang's pupils suddenly shrank.

The entire back row of the bus, except for himself, was empty, and the woman in the raincoat didn't know when she was gone.


Xu Yang was a little stunned and puzzled, but more than that, he was relieved.

He didn't know the woman in the raincoat, but Xu Yang's memory was still fresh in the other party's peculiar dress. He felt that he had just fallen asleep, and it was probably related to this woman.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang quickly retracted his gaze and began to examine himself.

After some inspections, Xu Yang did not find anything wrong with his body, which made Xu Yang slightly relieved.

"Am I too tired? Or am I too cautious?" Xu Yang murmured.

In an unfamiliar environment, facing strangers, people will always be vigilant subconsciously, and Xu Yang is no exception. Compared with other peers, Xu Yang is more cautious, which also makes him seem out of tune with the people around him. So he has few friends.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

At this moment, a gust of cool wind blew, causing Xu Yang to shiver. He turned his head subconsciously, and found that the originally closed car window had been opened by someone, and the cool wind was coming from Here comes the blowing, along with the cool wind, and the rain.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, his expression became tense again, and his pupils shrank sharply.

He clearly remembered that when he got in the car, the window was closed, but now the window is open, which means that while he was sleeping, someone came to him, opened the window, and he But did not notice.

This situation may be normal for others, but it is very abnormal for Xu Yang. He has always been very vigilant. If someone approaches him, he will notice it immediately, even if he is asleep. when.

The reason for this is also due to his second uncle's ' earnest teaching'.

When Xu Yang was very young, the second uncle trained Xu Yang with the requirement of training soldiers. It is hard to imagine what it would be like for a six or seven-year-old child to be picked up from the bed in the middle of the night; It's also hard to imagine, but when a child is concentrating on one thing, he is suddenly attacked from behind.

All in all, the second uncle's 'caring' for Xu Yang is always so special, causing Xu Yang to have a lot of 'eccentricities'. He is obviously excellent in all aspects, but he has no friends. In the eyes of teachers and classmates, he is a weirdo.

As for the uncle, yes

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To describe in one sentence, this man is not a son of man.

"Who opened the window? Is it her?" Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and muttered.

She, of course, refers to the woman in the raincoat. When she got into the car, Xu Yang noticed that she was holding a red umbrella in her hand, but now that she left, the umbrella was left here, apparently left by her.


Just when Xu Yang was thinking about this, the bus stopped again, and the mechanical announcement sounded again.

"Liming Community is here. Passengers who get off the bus, please bring your belongings and get off at the back door. Next stop..."

The cold and emotionless broadcast sounded, pulling Xu Yang back to reality from his contemplation.

He quickly stood up and prepared to get out of the car.

Only when he got up, he found a red umbrella next to his seat.

Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, looked at the carriage subconsciously, and found that there was no one else in the carriage except him and the driver.

Before he could think or hesitate, Xu Yang picked up his umbrella and walked quickly to the rear door. He got out of the car just before the rear door closed.

After getting off the bus, the No. 4 bus started, and Xu Yang turned his head subconsciously and looked back.


With just one glance, Xu Yang's pupils suddenly dilated, and a horrified expression appeared on his unchanging face.

I don't know if it was because of the rainstorm or the lighting problem. The bus that was originally empty was now full of people.

What made Xu Yang even more unbelievable was that the woman in a raincoat dressed strangely was still sitting in the same position. When Xu Yang looked at her, she also turned her head to look at Xu Yang, and then grinned, those scarlet lips. , is so striking.

This strange scene made Xu Yang pale in shock, but before he could see clearly, the four-way bus had already left quickly, heading for an unknown direction, and finally disappeared into the pitch-black rain.

On the bus stop, Xu Yang retracted his gaze, lowered his head, looked at the red umbrella in his hand, and narrowed his eyes.

"Is it an illusion just now, or is it real?"

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded, and Xu Yang was startled again.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention! ]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining a special ghost to shelter the umbrella. ]

[Sanctuary Umbrella: Hold this item, you can get shelter, cut off all prying eyes, use it three times. ]

[Tip 1: The shelter umbrella is an umbrella prepared by a mother for her child. Unfortunately, her child is no longer there. She who lost her child takes the last bus every day to find her child, and you, who are kind-hearted, help you on the bus I got this mother and gained her favor. She saw the shadow of her child on you, so she gave you this umbrella. ]

[Tip 2: The shelter umbrella is not only a ghost, but also a token. If you can find her child, there may be unexpected gains. ]


Hearing the system prompt, Xu Yang was stunned.

He never thought that this game system would actually appear in the real world, and what made him even more unexpected was that he could also obtain ghosts in the real world.

"Could it be that ghosts can bring the real world from the game world?" Xu Yang murmured.

At this time, the rain curtain not only did not stop, but it got bigger and bigger. Xu Yang was struck by this sudden

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Shocked by the accident.

"Is the raincoat woman a human or a ghost? Am I in the game world or in the real world now?"

Xu Yang was confused.

Before, when Xu Yang first entered the game, he felt that the game might not be that simple.

In particular, Xu Yang's birth point in the game was actually his own home, and it was his home many years ago. The map of the game world was actually based on the real map, which made him feel extremely horrified.

Since he started evaluating this game, all Xu Yang's cognition has been greatly challenged in just a few hours, especially now.

A game actually appeared in the real world, and he also obtained ghosts in the real world, which made Xu Yang confused and shocked, but also had a little fear of the unknown.

Are there ghosts in this world?

Regarding this issue, Xu Yang didn't think there was anything to discuss, there were no ghosts in the world.

But what happened to the woman in the raincoat? And what happened when I saw the last bus full of people just now?

Xu Yang had too many questions in his heart, and he needed to find the answer, so he decided to check the attribute panel, maybe this game of Rausch could give him an answer.

Of course, in addition to the game system, it is the easiest way to ask someone from Changsheng Technology Company. However, Xu Yang doesn't think he can find the other party. Even if he does, the other party will ignore him.

But just when Xu Yang was going to check the attribute panel, the strong sense of peeping that had disappeared for a long time reappeared.

[He is here again! ]

At this time, there was no one on the bus stop, and Xu Yang wanted to look behind him to see who was peeping at him.

But he restrained the instinctive impulse of his body and did not turn back hastily.

After the first experience of the horror survival game, coupled with the experience of the bus just now, Xu Yang has calmed down a lot.

Xu Yang already had his own preliminary guesses about the owner of this peeping gaze, and whether the guesses were correct or not needed to be verified.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, the phone-phone-bell-ring sounded, Xu Yang was taken aback, and his body couldn't help shaking, but he quickly returned to normal.

He took out his phone and glanced at the caller ID, it was Yang Xueqi who called.


"Where have you been? Why haven't you come back?" Yang Xueqi's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, the bus is late, I just got off."

"Have you brought an umbrella? Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, I'll be right back."

"be careful on the road."

"I know, hang up."

After he finished speaking, Xu Yang hung up the phone without thinking, turned around and left.

Just when he answered the phone, he clearly felt the peeping gaze, which was a little closer to himself.

Now the situation is special, Xu Yang has no time to check the situation of the shelter umbrella, and has no time to verify who the owner of the peeping gaze is, he directly opened the umbrella and walked into the rain curtain.

Strange to say, at the moment Xu Yang opened the umbrella, the peeping gaze disappeared like a shadow, and it seemed that the umbrella had played a role.

Time: 21:00:00

Countdown: 09:00:00