Chapter 56 - The big hanging loli ghost doctor

Xu Yang came to the stairwell and, like most people, ran towards the stairs in case of danger.

On his way to escape, Xu Yang thought back to what he just saw and his whole body was not good.

Not to mention the doctor's terrifying face, the strength he showed alone made Xu Yang's heart half cold.

The blood of the bone picking knife, how to say is also a purple dress ghost, against the general ghost, or more than enough, plus Xu Yang's even burst skill, against the Deity level ghosts have a certain threat, but Fang, Xu Yang in full blood, using the bone picking knife to perform even burst, but only let the opponent stagger a little, lightly wounded.

After a knife was handed out, Xu Yang knew that the ghost doctor in front of him was not something he could deal with, and his strength was definitely above the Deity level.

The bone picking knife has now been scrapped and completely reduced to an ordinary item, the two ghostly items Xu Yang obtained in the frightening world are now gone, the only thing he can still rely on is the folding knife in his hand.

But this folding knife or not can cause damage to it, Xu Yang is not sure, even if it can, the current Xu Yang is bloodied state, the slightest inadvertence will be the other party seconds, which makes Xu Yang dare not easily try.

The best thing to do now is to draw in trouble and seek the help of others.

Thinking about the first time he played the game, his tumultuous operation, which drew the attention of most of the residents of the entire building, I wonder if he can use the same approach this time and solve this crisis.

But what makes Xu Yang feel surprised and puzzled is that the whole building is silent and no one is there when there is so much noise coming from the fourth floor just now.

At this moment, Xu Yang has run from the fourth floor to the third floor, subconsciously look at the third floor corridor, only to find that the seven rooms on the third floor, most of the room doors are open, doors and windows were greatly damaged, the corridor is littered with signs of a fight, but no one.

Shocked Xu Yang, subconsciously turned his head to look behind him, found that the ghost doctor has come to the corner of the fourth and third floors, is grinning at him.

Before, did not see the ghost doctor look, Xu Yang did not feel frightened, but now, the other party so smile, Xu Yang is scared enough.

Too late to think about what happened on the third floor, Xu Yang ran straight towards the second floor.

When Xu Yang arrived at the second floor, he found that the second floor and

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The situation on the third floor was the same, most of the rooms were opened from the outside, even the door of room 4023, where Fang Wan'er was, was also littered with signs of a fight.

Originally Xu Yang wanted to go downstairs to find Fang Wan'er help, but now it seems that Fang Wan'er is probably already cold.

Listening to the light and heavy footsteps behind him, the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, and the sound of a sharp-tongued hammer hitting the handrail, Xu Yang could only run towards the first floor with a hard head.

However, when Xu Yang arrived at the first floor, the whole person was dumbfounded.

There was actually an iron door at the entrance of the first floor, which was locked from the inside, blocking Xu Yang's way.

The iron door was very worn, rusty, covered with black and brown stains, I do not know if it was rust, or something else, in the middle of the two iron doors, bound by a large iron chain.

This is the only exit in the whole flat, now the door is locked, and there is a ghost doctor behind him in pursuit, Xu Yang once again into a desperate situation.

But this is not the most frightening, what frightens Xu Yang is that the courier ghost Wang Kai, who was fought off by Fang Wan'er and the girls, is now holding a courier, standing outside the iron door and trying to open it.

When Xu Yang came to the first floor, one person and a ghost across an iron door, four eyes facing each other, the air at this moment frozen, the atmosphere also instantly became bizarre.

When he saw the courier ghost again, Xu Yang's heart missed half a beat.

At this moment, the courier ghost, the appearance is incomparably miserable, but also incomparably bizarre.

His stitched head, with a kitchen knife stuck in the top of his head, most of the knife was plunged into the cranial cavity, the left eye was empty, with the blood-red light, Xu Yang could see the muscle fibers in the eye socket, and the maggots that kept wriggling.

The hands on the neck, has disappeared, and after losing those hands, Xu Yang was shocked to find that the courier ghost's neck is incomparably slim, the skin is almost transparent, can vaguely see the cervical vertebrae.

Courier suit tattered, the chest buttons do not know when they were ripped off, revealing the body under the courier suit.

It was a body that had long since decayed and deteriorated, with a long wound from the chest to the abdomen.

The wound was previously stitched, but now the sutures broke, the wound tore, Xu Yang could clearly see the situation inside.

Among the wounds

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There are no internal organs, only a pair of hands, these hands entwined with each other, relying on brute force to connect the crumbling wound.

To be honest, at the time of seeing the courier ghost, Xu Yang's heart was baffled.

On the one hand is the courier ghost that miserable appearance, really scary, on the other hand is Xu Yang's first experience of the game, encountered him, twice almost died in his hands, Xu Yang said not afraid is false.

After seeing Xu Yang, the courier ghost, who was pouting and trying to open the door, slowly stood up and looked at Xu Yang, his face gradually twisted up.

"Jie Jie!"

"Found you!"

Hearing the strange laugh of the courier ghost, Xu Yang stood on the steps, his whole body was not good.

"Find your sister! The ghosts are still alive!"

Before the words fell, Xu Yang subconsciously turned around and ran towards the upper floor.

Then ...

The ghost doctor, carrying a sharp-tongued hammer, slowly came down from upstairs and was now standing at the corner of the second and first floors.

Xu Yang just turned around and saw the ghost doctor who was looking down at them from a high position.

Xu Yang raised his right foot, just hanging in mid-air, cold sweat stained down, breathing in this moment are gone, the knot in the throat subconsciously rolled rapidly.

However, fortunately, the ghost doctor's attention at this moment was not on Xu Yang, but on the express ghost behind him.

The pair of eyes, made up of different people, were looking at the courier ghost at the moment, with an eerie glint in their eyes and a strong hostile intent emanating from them, as if he was very unhappy with the courier ghost's presence at this moment.

The courier ghost standing outside the iron gate naturally saw the ghost doctor, however, his gaze always fell on Xu Yang.

Facing the ghost doctor's gaze, the courier ghost said in a deep voice, "He is mine."

"He's mine!"

The ghost doctor also spoke at this time, but his voice surprised and shocked Xu Yang.

This big and thick stitching monster in front of him actually spoke in a soft and sticky voice, and if you listened to his voice alone, you would have thought he was a cute girl.

This was the first time Xu Yang heard the ghost doctor speak, which directly thundered Xu Yang to the outside, but for some reason, Xu Yang's heart at this time secretly said, "Is this the legendary big - dick loli?"