Chapter 59 Courier Ghost vs Ghost Doctor

Just when Xu Yang was tired of running, the whole unit building was in dead silence, in the corner of the stairwell on the first floor, there was actually a person hiding.

Although Xu Yang could not see her face, but through the white dress, Xu Yang was the first to identify her.

Fang Wan'er!

"How did she appear here? What does she want to do?"

A series of questions instantly surfaced in the mind.

At the time Xu Yang found Fang Wan'er, the other party also saw him, the two looked at each other, Xu Yang just wanted to speak, and then ...

Fang Wan'er went back!

Xu Yang: o ((⊙﹏⊙))o

Yes, after Fang Wan'er saw Xu Yang found her, she not only did not come forward to help Xu Yang, but instead, she just slipped away, which made Xu Yang, who had just kindled a glimmer of hope, fall into despair again.

"Heh! Woman!"

Fang Wan'er appeared silently and left silently, not attracting the attention of the ghost doctor and the express ghost.

Just when Xu Yang was dazed, the ghost doctor had already broken free from the courier ghost's restraints and came striding towards Xu Yang.

"It's over, it's really over this time!"

Looking at the ghost doctor who was getting closer and closer to him, Xu Yang's eyes gradually became icy cold, and said in a deep voice: "Damn it, just die, one for one is not a loss!"


However, just as Xu Yang was about to fight the ghost doctor in a bloodbath, the iron door finally opened and the courier ghost, which was stuck in the iron door, broke free from its restraints.

Only to see that the courier ghost, who had broken free from his bonds, grabbed the chopper that was chopped on his head and rushed towards the ghost doctor, shouting: "He is mine!"

Hearing the shout of the courier ghost, Xu Yang is both pleased and twisted, he has a feeling that he is a scum.

Twisted is quite twisted, but Xu Yang still saw the scene he most wanted to see.

The courier ghost came in, so the ghost doctor also felt threatened, so he stopped and turned around to face the courier ghost.

At this point, the courier ghost had gone crazy, or rather he was already a madman.

In his eyes, Xu Yang is his prey, no one is allowed to touch it, and the ghost doctor wants to snatch his prey, is against him, he sent all his hatred for Xu Yang

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He vented all his hatred for Xu Yang on the ghost doctor.

As the kitchen knife was pulled down, a mixture of red, white, yellow and black liquid, like a fountain, spurted out along the wound, and the express ghost, carrying the kitchen knife, directly pounced on the ghost doctor.

Immediately thereafter, two people, no, two ghosts fought in the corridor.

The courier ghost roared that he was mine, while waving the kitchen knife, towards the ghost doctor's head on the cut, and the ghost doctor is also not willing to show weakness, the mouth issued a wailing, also waved the pointed hammer in the hand, towards the courier ghost's head strokes over.

Two people seem to be unaware of pain, you and I, you give me a knife, I give you a hammer.

For a while, the scene blood splattered, flesh and bone flying, spare many times seen the corpse, but also seen the bloody crime scene Xu Yang, after seeing this scene, also subconsciously gulped.

Too violent! Too bloody! Too brutal!

At this time Xu Yang, just feel a fluttering in the stomach, nausea and want to vomit.

At the same time, he just rose to the idea that he intended to fight the ghost to the death, but also in this moment dissipated, legs can not help but tremble, holding the knife's hand is shaking badly.

"Mom, I want to go home, (Le? )"

The fight between the ghost doctor and the courier ghost was bloody from the beginning, and the scene was so chaotic that Xu Yang didn't dare to look directly at it, but he still noticed that the courier ghost was no match for the ghost doctor.

This is also in Xu Yang's expectation.

The courier ghost is a Deity level ghost, but the ghost doctor is at least a resentment level ghost, although the courier ghost is a special Deity level ghost, he is still not a match for the ghost doctor.

What's more, before, the courier ghost had already been injured, and the two ghost objects he was carrying, were taken away by Xu Yang, although Xu Yang was not sure if the ghost objects helped the ghost, whether there was an increase in strength, but the courier ghost who had lost the two ghost objects, his strength had indeed decreased.

Courier ghost's reliance is not much, one is the kitchen knife in his hand, the other is his abdominal cavity among the countless hands, but these two things, in the fight, but also gradually lose the advantage.

That kitchen knife should not be a ghostly object, and even if it is, it should be a low-level ghostly object, and its damage to the ghost doctor is limited.

As for those hands, they also kept shattering under the ghost doctor's series of smashing blows, and the broken

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One hand, the express ghost's strength is weakened by one point.

Of course, the ghost doctor is not easy to suffer, the stitched face has been chopped up, two ears have fallen off, the nose has also collapsed, the mouth is sunken, countless teeth are scattered all over the place, as for the pair of eyes, but also by the courier ghost directly to pick out, casually discarded, one of the eyes even fell in front of Xu Yang, Xu Yang was a big jump.

Xu Yang would like to take advantage of the two people fighting, take the opportunity to run away, but the problem is, he can not run away.

The battlefield between the courier ghost and the ghost doctor is in the corridor, and the corridor is so big, and they are fighting very fiercely, if Xu Yang runs away at this time, maybe they will give up the tearing fight and join hands to solve Xu Yang first, which is not what he wants to see.

Even if they do not have time to take care of Xu Yang, the two people tearing the extent of the fight, a little inattention, Xu Yang will be affected by the fish, itself is the blood of him, a group of brittle, a little touch, he will be cold.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang can only clutch the folding knife, huddled in the corner shivering.

A few game experience, Xu Yang is really feel, the development of this game, must be what is a major disease, this is what the netherworld stuff ah.

And the ghosts and ghosts kill each other, simply can not be described as bloody.

"It's too heartless!"

The battle did not last long, it lasted only ten minutes or so before it ended, but for Xu Yang, this time was as long as a century.

The final result, not surprisingly, was that the courier ghost was finished off by the ghost doctor.

The courier ghost's head was smashed like a walnut, the body was torn apart, and the almost transparent neck was twisted off, and the hands in the abdominal cavity were all smashed, the courier ghost was dead.

The ghost doctor's situation is also extremely bad.

The whole face is full of eyes, the head is not know how many turns, the neck is twisted into a twist, chest depression, the left chest is broken a large hole, the abdomen is opened, intestines and belly fell to the ground, the hand of the pointed hammer has also broken.

But even so from, after killing the express ghost, the ghost doctor still first struggled to stand up, look at Xu Yang, and then throw the pointed hammer in his hand, casually picked up a thigh bone from the ground, hobbled towards Xu Yang.