Chapter 75: The corpse in the wall

"Dang! Dang! Knock!"

At seven in the morning, Xu Yang was awakened by a knock on the door.

Opening his sleepy eyes, Xu Yang struggled to sit up from the sofa and opened his sleepy eyes, his whole body was still in a dazed state.

Since the day before yesterday, Xu Yang had not slept, these two days, he was either exhausted in the game world or running in the real world, tired is really tired, only four hours of sleep, he felt so tired.

The knocking on the door continued, Xu Yang shook his head, stood up from the sofa and walked straight towards the door.


Opening the door, unsurprisingly, standing at the door was none other than Yang Xueqi.

"Why are you here?"

With those words, Xu Yang turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

Yang Xueqi obviously did not sleep all night, dark circles under her eyes are out, and the blood in her eyes are quite a lot more, but even so, dressed in a police uniform, she is still so competent.

Carrying breakfast, she walked into the room, put the breakfast on the coffee table, and began to survey the room.

When his eyes fell on the VR glasses on the sofa, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Xu Yang and Yang Xueqi both have a habit of squinting when they encounter things and find problems, and I don't know if they follow the learning.

"Did you stay up late again last night?" Yang Xueqi, who walked to the window and looked at the scenery outside, asked.


"No? Then why didn't you open the door when I knocked? I don't remember you having the habit of staying up late."

"I slept late last night."

"What did you do when you slept so late? Did you go to 4023 again?"


As he spoke, Xu Yang walked out from the bathroom, glanced at the breakfast on the table, and then glanced at Yang Xueqi standing by the window, frowned and asked, "Is there any progress in the case?"

Yang Xueqi did not answer Xu Yang, but said, "Eat breakfast, change clothes, I will send you to school."

Xu Yang, who was preparing to eat breakfast, shook his head after hearing this, "I'm not going to school today."


When these words came out, Yang Xueqi's voice instantly raised an octave and asked, "You're a student, what do you want to do if you don't go to school? You're only a freshman and you're doing whatever you want, how do you want Rao to look at you, how do you want your classmates to look at you, don't think you can do whatever you want just because you study well ...."

In the next three minutes, Xu Yang silently eating breakfast, Yang Xueqi is open shelling mode, do not know also think it is mother and son, or sister and brother.

Xu Yang silently listened, after taking a sip of soy milk, Xu Yang suddenly said, "I know where Fang Wan'er's body is."

"You don't need to interfere with the case, your task now is to study well ...."

But Yang Xueqi said, suddenly stopped, silent for a few seconds, and asked, "What did you just say?"

Xu Yang slowly and methodically ate, and said without raising his head, "I know where Fang Wan'er's body is."

"Where is it?"

"It's in room 4023."

"How do you know?"

While saying this, Yang Xueqi looked at Xu Yang with a scrutinizing gaze.

Xu Yang, however, chose to be silent.

Seeing this, Yang Xueqi stared at Xu Yang for a long time and did not continue to pursue the question, but asked, "Are you sure?"

"Sure!" Xu Yang said with incomparable certainty.

Yang Xueqi smiled, no longer said anything more, took out her cell phone and began to dial the phone.

By the time Yang Xueqi finished making the call, Xu Yang had also finished eating his breakfast.

"Go, go take a look."

After saying that, and not waiting for Yang Xueqi to react, Xu Yang picked up his backpack and walked out of the room.

Yang Xueqi saw this scene and wanted to say something, but finally did not say anything and moved her feet to follow.

The two came to the second floor again.

Push open room 4023, the faint smell of blood came to the surface.

After a day and a night, the blood in the room had already dried up, making the room, which was originally quite neat, become incomparably ugly and hideous.

Xu Yang ignored all this and walked straight in.

"Where is the corpse?" Yang Xueqi, who followed in, looked around the week and asked as her gaze fell on Xu Yang.

"I don't know."

Yang Xueqi: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

Without waiting for Yang Xueqi to say anything, Xu Yang said, "The room is just this big, just look for it and you will know."

After saying that, Xu Yang began to look around the room.

"If there was a body in the room, our people would have found it long ago."

Xu Yang sniffed, shrugged his shoulders, did not deny it, and continued to search.

Xu Yang did not move the sofa and other furniture, but came to a stop in front of the living room wall, looking at the dark red blood stains on the wall, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

"The body is in the wall?" Yang Xueqi asked.

"Just smash it open and see." Xu Yang said casually.

"What if it's not? You pay for the damage?" Yang Xueqi said with no good humor.

"I have no money!" Xu Yang said rightfully.

Yang Xueqi was angry enough by Xu Yang, but Xu Yang did not care at all, he first stretched out his hand on the wall for a while rubbing and tapping, and then turned his head to look at the other walls, frowning tightly.

Then, he walked straight into the bedroom, and his palm fondled and knocked again.


When he knocked on the wall that was close to the bed, Xu Yang let out a light eek.

"Found something?" Yang Xueqi asked in a hurry.

For Xu Yang's words, Yang Xueqi was actually half-hearted, but seeing this reaction from Xu Yang, she instantly brightened up.

Xu Yang ignored Yang Xueqi, turned around and looked around, then walked out of the bedroom, not knowing from which nooks and crannies, turned out a hammer.

Carrying the hammer into the bedroom, against the wall smashed up.

By this time, Yang Xueqi also saw that this wall has a problem.

The layout of the unit building in the Dawn District is the same, six floors per building, seven rooms per floor, each room is about the same size, the bedroom in room 4023 is much smaller, at first glance, it feels nothing, but people who have lived here for a long time can still see it.

At this moment, the wall that Xu Yang is smashing is much thicker than the walls of the other rooms.

Sure enough, under Xu Yang's smashing, countless bricks fell down, followed by a gap, a foul smell also instantly emitted, permeating the entire room, Yang Xueqi subconsciously covered her nose, willow brows knitted.

Seeing the appearance of the gap, Xu Yang smashed a few more times, and then stopped.

In the middle of the gap, there is a large plastic bag appeared, the stench is emanating from inside.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang or Yang Xueqi also, the pupils are subconsciously contracted, and eyes narrowed.

"Do not smash again, wait for support."

Yang Xueqi barked, took out her cell phone to call, urging the police to come over as soon as possible, while Xu Yang stood by the wall, looking at the crumbling wall, eyes flickering, do not know what to think about.