Chapter 80: Liang Zheng's Worries

Director's office.

Liang Zheng, who is already in his fifties, frowned, a national face was wrinkled into a bitter melon face, hands crossed on the chin, looking at Yang Xueqi, who was sitting on many sides, was silent for a long time and said, "This case can no longer allow Xu Yang to participate."

"But he is already involved."

"That's why I said he can't be involved anymore."

"I'm afraid he won't be willing."


Liang Zheng slammed the table, looked at Yang Xueqi, his tone was unprecedentedly serious, and said, "This is not a discussion, but an order."

"Investigating the case is originally a matter for our police, what's wrong with involving a student? Is it possible that without him, our police won't solve the case?"

Yang Xueqi bowed her head and said nothing.

Liang Zheng continued, "Before a few cases, you let him involved, I do not say anything, after all, that boy is really capable, give us a lot of help, but everything has to be divided into priorities, and even I suspect that the reason why this time X reappeared, is related to his previous involvement in the case."

"Sorry chief, this is my mistake." Yang Xueqi said.

Liang Zheng smiled, but waved his hand, his tone slowed down and said, "Xiao Yang, I know you have a special status, I also know that you let him participate in the detection of the case, there are your considerations, but no matter what, he is just a student, if he is a police officer, even an auxiliary police officer, involved in the case, I do not say anything, I do not want the things that happened three years ago to happen again. "

"I know."

Yang Xueqi finished, and said: "But right now he has been involved, and also know a lot of things we do not know, now let him quit, I'm afraid ..."

Liang Zheng stared at Yang Xueqi and asked in a deep voice: "Do you think he can still be involved like this now?"

"Xiao Yang, you are not unaware that the case itself is very bad, triggering the full name attention, I am under a lot of pressure, and now the suspect suddenly fell ill, but also related to him, in case the media know, how they will report, if the top pursued down, what should I say, have you thought about these issues?"

"Putting aside these, now that he has been targeted, what we have to do is to ensure his personal safety, not to put him in danger, if something happens to him, how can we explain to the outside world."

Hearing Liang Zheng say this, Yang Xueqi nodded and didn't say anything else.

"Go see the suspect, we can't let him die, and find a way to figure out the secret he's hiding."


"Also, find a way to make Fang Qian talk, we don't wait to sit around and wait for death."


Seeing that Liang Zheng had nothing to say, Yang Xueqi got up to leave.

When she was about to walk out of the office, she heard Liang Zheng say, "Keep an eye on that kid."


Yang Xueqi promised to leave, and Liang Zheng looked at the closed room door, sighed deeply, then shifted his gaze to a group photo on the table, his face gradually gloomy.


Yang Xueqi, who left the office, did not go to the office first, but took out an old red cell phone and dialed a number.

After the phone was connected, Yang Xueqi put this side of the situation, a detailed account of it, and finally asked, "What should we do now?"

"Follow what Xiao Liang said."

After saying that, the phone was hung up.

Putting down the phone, Yang Xueqi sighed and turned around to walk towards the interrogation room.

Only, only when she reached the door of the interrogation room, Branch Chief Li Yuan came over to report the situation.

"The scene of room 4023 has been surveyed."

"What's the situation at the scene?"

"We found a total of three bodies at the scene."

"Hmm? Three corpses?" Yang Xueqi was surprised and looked at Li Yuan.

Li Yuan explained, "At first, I also thought there was only one corpse, the body was closed tightly, sent to the forensic side, after removing the cling film, we found that in addition to a female corpse, there are two baby corpses."

"Baby corpses?"

"Yes, according to the forensic preliminary autopsy, the two babies died before they were born, and the time of death was at least seven years."

"Has the identity of the deceased been determined?" Yang Xueqi asked again.

Li Yuan shook his head and said, "Already doing biological comparison, it takes time."

"Determine the identity of the deceased as soon as possible."

Li Yuan promised, then looked at Yang Xueqi and asked, "Yang team, are we ready to arraign Fang Qian?"

Yang Xueqi smiled, turned her head to look at the interrogation room, thought for a moment, and said, "The materials are ready for Fang Qian's arraignment."

"It's ready."

"Then let's start."

After saying that, Yang Xueqi followed Li Yuan to the other interrogation room.


The interrogation room.

Xu Yang gradually calmed down, looked at the policeman beside him, and said, "Brother Liu, help me open the handcuffs."

The policeman called Brother Liu, a young policeman of twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, heard Xu Yang's words, and Brother Liu snickered, "Calmed down?"

Xu Yang nodded somewhat awkwardly and said, "Sorry for giving you guys trouble."

Liu Tao shook his head, took out the key and unlocked the handcuffs, then said, "You'd better say this to the Yang team, she was just called away by the oldest, and is probably being criticized right now."

Then, Liu Tao said, "Look at you kid thin and weak, I did not think you are so strong, several of us almost can not subdue you, you kid can ah."


Xu Yang smiled, only a bitter smile, looking at the wrists strangled by the handcuffs, he himself was surprised that his strength had increased again.

"How is Wang Le?" Xu Yang changed the topic and said.

"Sent to the hospital."

"Shouldn't die, right?" Xu Yang asked in a hurry.

Liu Tao looked at the nervous Xu Yang, thought Xu Yang was worried about getting into trouble, so he said, "Don't worry too much, the guy's situation looks pretty scary, but it's not fatal, it won't happen, and there's surveillance in the interrogation room, even if something happens, it's not too much to do with you."

Xu Yang shook his head, he was worried not that he was in trouble, but that Wang Le was dead.

Wang Le was the son of sin, he guessed when he formally met Fang Qian, but, at that time, it was just a guess, and a series of things happened later to further confirm his guess.

The son of sin chose to turn himself in, which Xu Yang did not expect, what he did not expect is that Wang Le has the same tattoo as second uncle on his wrist.

Xu Yang is usually very calm, but as long as it is related to his second uncle, he can not calm down, at this time, calm down, he recalled the scene just now, Xu Yang's face is gloomy down.

"Wang Le is deliberate, he deliberately provoked himself, but why?"

While moving his wrist, Xu Yang thought about it.

Suddenly, Xu Yang opened his eyes wide, looked at Liu Tao, and asked, "Which hospital was Wang Le sent to?"

"The Third People's Hospital."

"Is Li Yang also in the Third People's Hospital?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's broken!"