Chapter 89 - The Flower of Evil

At dusk, the waning sun was like blood, and the steel buildings were reflected in gorgeous colors.

In the inpatient ward of the Third People's Hospital, a teenager stood by the window, admiring the beauty outside, and behind him, on the hospital bed, lay a man.

"He's dead." Xu Yang said slowly.

Wang Le was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes unblinkingly looking at the snow-white ceiling above his head.


Xu Yang turned his head, looked at Wang Le and asked, "You deliberately lured me to the hospital, right?"

Wang Le slightly sideways, glanced at Xu Yang, and was silent.

Xu Yang turned around, sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Wang Le: "Tell me about it."

"Don't you know everything?"

"But I want to hear you say it, after all, you are the one involved."

Wang Le was silent for a long time and started his story.

The cause of the matter is very simple and dogged, that is, a man cheated on his lover, causing her to become pregnant, and then put up his pants and denied it.

In the nineties, a woman, especially a beautiful woman unmarried first child, can imagine what will experience.

Wang Qiang grew up without a father, and his mother, Fang Xiaofeng, suffered a lot because of him, and Wang Qiang was bullied from a young age, and the reputation of being a feral, sinful child followed him.

In the surrounding people strange, mocking, contemptuous eyes growing up, resulting in Wang Qiang grew up with a very gloomy character, especially after seeing Fang Xiaofeng for his sake, pay everything, so he has never met his father hate to the bone, but also those who bullied him to the bone.

Wang Qiang is very understanding, but also very precocious, the special environment so that he had to grow up from as soon as possible.

Wang Qiang's study into a very good, although the special family, so he had a very unsatisfactory life, but in order not to let Fang Xiaofeng worry, he is more diligent than others, but also more hard work, he became Fang Xiaofeng heart only rely on, is also the greatest pride.

But things are not always as they should be, when Wang Qiang was in junior high school, Fang Xiaofeng suffered from various diseases due to long-term labor, so as not to affect Wang Qiang's studies, he has not told him.

At the end of the exam, Wang Qiang was admitted to the eighth grade, which was a good thing, but for the family, the high tuition fee is their biggest problem.

In a desperate situation, Fang Xiaofeng had to go to her mother's family to help, but the result was a refusal.

It is worth noting that Fang Xiaofeng is the sister of Fang Jianguo and Fang Jianjun.

Fang Jianjun did not help because he could not help, as a village teacher, his salary was not high, the days were tight, plus he had to raise Fang Wan'er, naturally there is no extra money to help her.

As for Fang Jianguo, when he entered Yangcheng with his family, he was able to make a quick fortune with the help of Fang Xiaofeng and Wang Weiguo's relationship, but after Fang Xiaofeng and Wang Weiguo separated, their relationship also broke up.

Fang Jianguo has the ability and the conditions to help Fang Xiaofeng, however, he did not.

After Wang Weiguo abandoned Fang Xiaofeng, Fang Jianguo also cut off communication with Fang Xiaofeng. When Fang Xiaofeng came to the door after many years, he did not get any help and was even severely humiliated.

In the end, Fang Xiaofeng had to find Wang Weiguo and seek his help.

The process is very heartbreaking, probably out of guilt, but also may be forced to helpless, Wang Weiguo finally helped Fang Xiaofeng, promised to be a good samaritan to help Wang Qiang to finish high school and college.

These things, Fang Xiaofeng is hidden from Wang Qiang to do.

After receiving Wang Weiguo's promise, Fang Xiaofeng was happy, but just when Wang Qiang was in the second semester of his sophomore year, she passed away due to illness, and in order not to delay her son's education, she asked everyone to hide the news that she was going to die.

When Wang Qiang learned of it, Fang Xiaofeng had already passed away almost half a year ago.

After Fang Xiaofeng's death, Wang Qiang also learned who his father was from his mother's relics, and also learned through the neighbors what Fang Xiaofeng had given in order to let him go to school.

At that time, Wang Qiang's feelings can be imagined, the whole summer he spent in grief.

At this time, someone appeared in his world and gave him a choice, and it was because of this choice that Wang Qiang's fate was changed, opening the way to his revenge, and because of this choice, changing not only his fate, but the fate of many others.

Wang Qiang got the schoolmaster's pen, he gave this pen to Wang Le, before knowing the truth, they were already friends, for the gift from Wang Qiang, Wang Le gladly accepted.

Revenge also started from this time.

With the aid of the fountain pen, Wang Le directly among the school bully, handsome, good family, strong learning, naturally became the envy of everyone, and Wang Le is happy to be there.

There is no free lunch under the sky, this sensational ability, there is a price to pay, Wang Le since the pen, began to be haunted by nightmares, around a lot of strange things happen.

More strange things, Wang Le naturally realized the danger of the pen, he found Wang Qiang for help.

Wang Qiang told him that it was easy to solve the problem, so that more people could use it.

People are selfish, Wang Le is no exception, he can only follow Wang Qiang's way in order to lift the curse, and the result is very good, other people after using the ball pen, the nightmare that plagued Wang Le, really disappeared, which makes Wang Le overjoyed.

When the same thing can grab the benefits and can not bear the consequences, often will stimulate the deepest desires of the human heart.

After Wang Le got rid of the nightmare, he became reckless, and this is exactly what Wang Qiang wanted to see the most.

Wang Qiang wants revenge not only on his father's family, but also on his two uncles' families, as for those classmates, they are just piggybacking on them.

When the seed of hatred begins to germinate, it will give birth to the flower of evil, which will devour everyone and will burn everyone.

Under Wang Qiang's step-by-step guidance, Wang Le, and his classmates, are caught in the vortex of desire, and the nightmare is also haunting them like a shadow.

What happened later also needs no introduction, under Wang Qiang's step-by-step guidance, a group of people who were once the pride of the sky, completely slipped into the depths of the abyss.

Wang Qiang's revenge was undoubtedly successful, he ruined everyone, and when Wang Le realized it, everything was too late.

Just what Wang Qiang did not expect was that the party he wanted to ruin was Fang Wan'er and Fang Qian, but Fang Qian did not participate in it, but instead harmed Fang Wan.

What he didn't expect was that Fang Wan was actually killed by Fang Wan'er. For this girl who had a similar experience with himself, Wang Qiang was guilty in his heart, and this guilt made him launch an even crazier revenge.