Chapter 3 : How can a day get worse than this

We left the cafeteria after finishing our meals and made our way to First Year B.

While we were eating, I questioned Brian about his class and the people in it, and he urged me to spend the rest of my time in his class so that he could introduce me to some individuals. I refused, but Brian, being Brian, ignored me and forced me to come to his classroom.

As we entered the classroom, we saw that there were few students there. That shows that the bulk of people are still spending their time outside.

"Hey, Bro." One of Brian's classmates approaches him from behind, his hand tucked over his shoulders.

"I was intending to introduce you to my pals during this lunch break, but you've disappeared... And who is this person standing next to you?"

Staring in my way, he says.

"Meet Cale, my best pal," Brian says, drawing me in closer.

He gave me a brief look before extending his hand for a handshake.

"Hi, Alex here."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Cale," I responded as I took his hands in mine.

One thing I'm certain of is that this guy is looking down on me. He must be wondering why boys like Brian are hanging around with someone like me. But the fact is that I couldn't give a damn what other people thought of me.

But it may all be a figment of my mind.

"I didn't notice you in our class." "Does it indicate you're in Section A?"

"Yes, he's in class A," Brian said in my place.

"Oh, it appears so. You're so blessed to be in Goddess Catherine's class... "I'm fucking jealous," Alex said, salivating and thinking of something.

"Who exactly is Catherine?" I inquired, having discovered that the name was unknown to me.

"You've never met her?" Alex opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Well, neither do I," Brian interjected.

"You, too?" I mean, what were you doing throughout the assembly?''

Brian and I both said, "Standing and listening to the remarks."

Alex looked at us with his hands on his forehead.

"Oh my goodness, Cale, did you notice a lovely girl with black luscious hair and black stockings during your lesson this morning?"

Black, luscious hair? Stockings in black? Ummmm... Is he referring to the lovely lady that sat next to me this morning?

"She sat right next to my desk, yes." Froze, Alex

Then He approached me and began brutally shaking me while gripping my shoulders.

"Oh my gosh, congrats, man."

"Thank you, I suppose, but could you please stop shaking me?"

When he realized he was acting strangely, he let me go and apologized.

"Would you mind leaving the way?" While we were discussing, a group of four females approached us and asked

I moved my gaze and saw that there was enough room for them to go, and I felt compelled to say something at that very time.

"Of course, hey Brian, Cale, let's give them some space...come over here." He dragged us into a corner, pulling us with him, as the females laughed triumphantly.

"What's the deal with it dragging us here?"

Brian yelled angrily, but I kept mute and observed.

"Don't be upset. Have you seen their demeanor and fashion sense? They are obviously gyaru types. It's best if we avoid getting too connected with them."

"However, we should —

"Brian, I believe we should heed Alex's advice; neither of us wants our first day ruined by these jerks, so let's avoid trouble for the time being.''

At that point, I turned my attention to the girl standing in front of the blackboard. giggling and muttering nonsense

Suddenly, one of them with green long hair and pink lips noticed my gaze and smiled at me as the three also became aware.

I hurriedly reverted my eyes from them And smuggled to Brian.

"What happened?"



After 20 minutes in class B, the bell rang, signaling the conclusion of the first break.

I then exited, bidding my goodbyes to the students in Brian's class. I made my way toward my class. Everyone was already in their classes, so the school corridor was very vacant.

After coming at class, I just sat at my desk and noticed that the girl, Catherine, was sleeping comfortably at her desk, folding her hands and her head pinned down to it, facing my desk.

I looked at my watch and saw there were 5 minutes left for the class to begin.

As I was passing the time, I had a glance at her sleeping face, which was stunning to say the least.

Her face sparkles from the sun rays streaming in through the window and making direct touch with her fair skin, and if you look closely, you can notice a little mole right beside her left cheek. That is enough to make anyone fall for her.

While I was admiring her features, her eyes abruptly opened.

Oh my god.

I was so taken by surprise that I forgot...

No, I couldn't take my sight away from her.

She awoke, straightening her back and yawning with a cute sound. questioned, looking in my direction

"You were just looking at my face, right?"

She did, after all, notice me.

"W-well, I wasn't staring with those types of intentions; my attention was merely pulled to you at the time."

I stated with a determined and sincere expression.

She looks at me with a blank gaze.


"Nothing, you're hilarious," she responded as she proceeded to arrange her hair with a little hairbrush, leaving me speechless.

Then, a few minutes after our session began, I concentrated on it.


"Cale, could you kindly provide me your phone number and address?" class rep, Aoi, arrived as I was packing my luggage.

"Is it for school?" I questioned, shifting my focus to her. I realized how stupid my query sounded after asking her.

It's clear that it's for school. It's not like she'd ask for my contact information for other "you know" reasons.

While she was looking at me with her beautiful eyes, I jotted down my information. I handed her the document.

"Thank you for doing this. Tonight, I'll also start a group chat. I'd want to welcome you as well." "Bye, for now, Cale."

stating that she is leaves

Due to the fact that it was the first day The classes were over soon, and students were allowed to wander the school and check out the club.

When I looked around, I noticed that several students were still in class, talking and wandering about.

You may be asking what I'm doing here by myself. I could go to Brian's classroom and hang out with him, but I don't want to waste his time by remaining by my side. It's his day to meet new people, and the students in Brian's class appear to enjoy him.

When I turned around, I noticed Catherine, the class goddess, and two other females I didn't know staring at me.

"Hey, look at that, Catherine is calling him."

"Is there something between them?"

"After all, they might have seated close to each other." People were highly triggered and inquisitive about seeing our connection, which I also found unusual. I mean, I haven't even fully spoken to her, let alone been close to her.

For a split second, I noticed Aoi glancing in my direction.

"So, what are you doing here by yourself?"

Catherine inquired, placing her two hands on my desk and leaning over my shoulder, causing me to back up a little out of shock and collide with the wall.

"I'm reading right now."

"Where there are no books"

SHITT ....

"I mean, I was planning on reading. In any case, do you require anything from me?"

"Hey, Cathy, are you through with that guy?" I'm becoming bored. Let us go to the garden."

A girl with huge earrings and long hair remarked from behind

"Oh come on, Lucy, we can't leave him alone."

Catherine said to another girl who was using headphones.

"Uh, yeah, yes, anything you say," she adds as she pulls out his headphones.

"But I didn't want that—

Then a girl called Janet approached my desk, took my hand in hers, and said, Staring at me.

"Look at me Cale, or whatever your name is. We are going to the garden and you're coming with us, and that's final. "

I wanted to say anything, but her interfering behavior prompted me to shut up as she began to drag me outside.

Every student in my class was stunned to see this.

I mean, on my first day of school.

I sent an imploring glance across to Aoi, our class rep, but she avoided my gaze and returned her attention to what she was doing.


We were seated in the garden, together with Catherine and Janet, another girl, and three lads I didn't know. While Janet was bringing me over here, they joined us.

While they were discussing their actions, I was becoming increasingly anxious. As I previously stated, I'm not the type of person who can make friends with everyone who chances to meet you. That is Brian's skill.

Catherine attempted to introduce me to the group after noticing my concern. "Please welcome Cale, a new transfer student to this institution."

"Hello there, It's a pleasure to meet you. You can address me as Sam." A pleasant individual who happens to be everyone's buddy.

"It's great to meet you, man. You can address me as Nathan." He appears to be a pleasant individual who knows how to communicate.

Well, I suppose it's wonderful to meet you. "You may call me David, and my friends call me Davy, but don't call me that just yet." One of the bullies is the guy's behavior.


"Come on, girls, introduce yourselves as well."

"Don't be disrespectful," Catherine shakes her head at the two people who were texting.

"All right, alright, I'll do it. "Just don't shake meh."  Hello, my name is Janet  and I'm her best friend." She then returns to her previous task.

"Hi, my name is Lucy. Affectionately, you may call me Lu." She offered her hand for a handshake, which I accepted by anxiously clasping her hand.

Everyone introduced themselves politely and waited for me to start.

The most challenging aspect of meeting new individuals, in my opinion, was introducing oneself.

[How should I proceed? Everyone is looking at me, waiting for my response.]

"Would you mind introducing yourself? We don't have all day, you understand." Janet sighed, irritated.

"Hello to everyone. I'm C-Cale, and my full name is Cale Henstiaus. I'm hoping we get along."

"What were you talking about? It was almost as if you were being threatened to speak....Hahahahaahah "David chuckled, and the other two lads did as well.

"Ikr, don't worry, it's not going to happen. I'm not going to eat you or anything. Be chad rather than pussy."

My thoughts were racing. Their laughter was like arrows to my ears, and it was making me unhappy.

I'm not sure what my face looks like today, but based on my heartbeat, I'm guessing I was sweating profusely.

"Stop making fun of Cale, guys."

"Hey, Dude, how are you doing? You're making an odd expression."

"Cale, are you okay?"

I didn't say anything. It seemed more like I was trapped in a never-ending loop of depression. Many memories and feelings rushed to my mind, ones that I desperately wished to forget.

"CALE," I heard someone yell from afar, but I didn't glance that way.

Because I don't have the strength for it.


(Brian's Pov)

After school activities, we were told to spend the remainder of our day exploring the school and checking out clubs.

I stuffed my notebooks into my backpack and slung it over my shoulders. I went outside with the idea of seeing Cale in his classroom.

But as soon as I got outside, my classmates turned on me, telling me that I needed to check out their club.

I try to avoid them. I attempted to explain that I had another job, but they were adamant about having me.

I noticed Alex there as well. I begged him to get me out of this dilemma, but he wrecked it by saying, "Let's go, Dude." Isn't everyone excited? Let us not irritate them." I accepted their offer and proceeded with them to their club, Alex accompanying me.


"Goodbye, everyone." Yes, I will come to your club next. "I promise" After thirteen minutes of visiting many clubs, I was finally free.

"Would you look at Mr. Popular, who can't take it anymore?" Alex chuckled as he answered, By my side.

"Don't tease me, dude, dealing with this many people was a nightmare."

I was on my way to locate Cale, but Alex insisted on keeping me company until I did, which I gladly welcomed.

I exited Section A of the classroom. I went about the room for Calw, but it turned out he had departed from here, although his suitcase was still there, indicating he hadn't left campus.

"Who's that gorgeous guy?"

"Isn't he the freshman who became rather popular today?"

I exited the classroom, ignoring the clattering, as Alex trailed behind me.

We arrived at the second-floor waiting area after a few minutes of strolling, where students gather to spend some time alone with their friends.

We entered, but Cale was nowhere to be seen this time.

We couldn't find him, so we called it quits on Routeway on the second floor.

"What happened to him?"

"Don't worry too much, dude; he's probably hanging out with some pals." That he says makes logic. It's wonderful news if he's met some new pals.

"You are most likely correct—

"Hey, isn't that cale?"

I was interrupted mid-sentence. Alex pointed out the window to the garden, where a group of four males and three girls sat.

Cal is in that group if I look closely. According to the perspective, everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves.

"You are absolutely correct about Cale being with his ne—

"Brian Examine Cale's face carefully. Don't you believe something is wrong?" I'm not sure why a terror grabbed my head as I switched my focus toward the gathering.

Then pointing my gaze to cale...I-i see him ...

That expression....whyy...

I have to assist him.

"What happened, Brian?" I dashed into the garden without addressing Alex's question.

Alex follows me and comes beside me, saying, "Let's go together." I continued my run with a nod.


When I arrived in the garden, I noticed Cale had a blank expression on his face.

All the horrible recollections began when I saw his face.

to inundate my mind The same look, as if he were dead.

"What should we do now, Brian?"

Alex touched my shoulders while I was thinking on past unpleasant memories, bringing me to Sense.

The individuals next to him... had to have.

Anger was consuming me from head to toe.

"Cale!" I cried as I ran towards the gathering, my hateful eyes fixated on each one.

I huddled I dropped down on my knees and wrapped my arms over Cale's shoulders. "Cale, how are you doing, bro? Tell me... what happened? Please tell me" He passed out as soon as he shifted his lifeless eyes towards me, uttering my name and "you've arrived."

Why? Why? Why? Why?

"Alex, please assist me in getting him to the infirmary."

A boy from the group stepped up to take his place.

"Don't even think of touching him, fuck off." As he backed away, I scowled at him.

A girl with long black hair approaches me. "There was a misunderstanding."

"Listen, I don't have time for those who traumatize others." While holding Cale, I depart with Alex.



Listen, The first few chapters will explain how Catherine Ended up liking cale , so i ask you to be patient. No need to Depressed like cale. Things will spice up more . Adiós.

Need a proofreader.....
