Survival in the streets

An eight-year-old boy was walking down the street, hand's in his pockets and a small brown backpack on his back. Around him, people were too busy to notice him due to his small frame, it wasn't like they had the time to, anyway.

Ever since the Empire came to this planet named "Lothal" things were never the same. It was either their way or being imprisoned for "treason".

His parent's in this life were one of the few that spoke out against them and just the day before, they were taken away.

The boy knew there was no hope for the two, that was the reason for his new status.


He suppressed a chuckle at that. He had a home, just not in this life, he never really called the two that gave birth to him, mother or father, it felt like he was betraying his real parents. He never imagined dying from a stab wound either but he did, apparently, the afterlife was not real either, but God was real and gave him the "Traditional" three wishes.

Now, he didn't watch much anime but he knew what was going on, sort of, the only two shows he watched were Fate/Stay night and an isekai anime he didn't remember the name of.

Not wanting to go to the messed-up world of Fate, he thought he would choose to go back to earth but this time, he didn't want to die from a mugger, however, his reasoning for his first wish was simple. No matter how much you know something, in theory, it doesn't matter if you don't have experience.

So, according to what he knew about Fate, he decided to get Archer's fighting experience, and it did not disappoint. for someone who could scan and instantly gain skills for a certain weapon, he was good at combating them without one, and the abundance of experience with armed combat was useful too.

Since being stabbed didn't feel nice the first time around, his second wish was a though body.

And not knowing which country he would be born into, he decided to wish to understand and be able to speak any language, he would work on writing when he had time.

But contrary to his expectation, he did not get to choose where he would go, just a flick of the god's wrist and he was being born.

From what he deduced, he was in Starwars, which was bad, he had no idea when he was and he had no idea what would happen since he only watched one movie and googled lightsabers and the force since he was curious.

It was interesting, to say the least.

Oh, and there was another interesting fact about him.

He was apparently "Force sensitive".

Archer had participated in a lot of grail wars in his time, he could feel if there was something weird in the area, and that transferred over to me, so he could feel the force around him, going through him, surrounding him.

He would investigate the weird magic later, now he needed to survive. Preferably for a long time, too.

Turning his head to the left, he looked down at an empty alley. Shrugging mentally, he walked forward, looking for any openings that might lead to an empty room.

Unfortunately, there were none. Silently, the eight-year-old boy continued down the road, looking for shelter.

It looked like it would be a while before he had a roof over his head again since he couldn't return to his original house since the soldiers might return there to check the place for anything his "Parents" might have left behind.


The black-haired boy was in a square room, which was almost fully below the ground, it was an abandoned house's basement, the room seemed to be a storage space but it would work for now.

Taking off his backpack, the young boy took out two blankets and a pillow.

Laying one on the ground, he put the pillow on top of it and laid down, putting the other one over his shoulders. The night fell during his search but the place he found wouldn't last, he would grow and the opening that allowed him to enter would become too small for him. He needed to find a permanent residence soon.

But for now, this would do until he did.


As soon as he woke up, he reached over to his bag and took out the food he packed, it would last him two weeks if he ate sparingly and after that, he would need to pay to eat, or steal.

Sighing as he took the last bite of his food, he looked out the opening, the first rays of light were reaching the opening and he took it as a signal for him to get a move on.

He needed to scavenge and look for a better residence.

Rolling up the blankets, he folded and packed them inside the bag again, followed by the pillow.

Pushing the bag out first, he crawled out of his new room. Standing up, he flung the backpack on his back and looked around.

No one was outside, as expected, it was too early.

Now, the first place he needed to find was the Red light district, the Storm troopers that go there get drunk to relax and he might be able to steal some armor and maybe even a blaster.

Walking out to the main road, he started walking down the street, looking at the single-story buildings, there were empty stands that would usually be filled with fruit, turning to the other side, he walked down another road, so far there were only normal houses. Some of the owners were walking out, not all human, some had green skin and pointy ears, and some had white fur and horns. Some had three fingers and big green eyes like a bug.

Sighing, he decided that he would start thinking about the weirdness of this world later, but for now, he needed to explore.