It's a trap!

Being in space was a novel experience for him... But kicking ass in space? Now that was what he didn't expect to do until he was at least twenty and got a spaceship.

But at fifteen? It would have been on his bucket list in his old world.

Colt was in the cockpit, waiting to inform the crew if they got the clearance to land on the carrier.

"-you explain to your superiors why they have one less slave."

The Twi'lek crossed her arms, looking genuinely offended as she leaned back. She was a great actor actually, he was quite impressed.

"Access granted-"


That was too simple, there had to be some procedures before letting them on a ship that had important slaves on it.

"And just like that, we're in."

Colt frowned behind his helmet but nodded nonetheless, this was too suspicious, no access should be granted that easily.

Walking out of the cockpit, he went towards the side exit that allowed two ships to transfer passengers in space.

"We have the all-clear."

Everyone nodded and turned forward. He was standing next to Chopper, the droid, in front of them were Sabine and Kanan, Zeb was playing the part of "A rare, hairless Wookiee".

It was insulting... To the Wookiees. From what, he managed to look up on a data pad, they were strong, tall, and glorious. If these idiots fell for this trick he would officially lose hope for their intellect.

As soon as the door opened, Colt had his hands ready to grab his blasters, one was on stun, as agreed, but the other wasn't, just in case.

The two troopers shared a glance in what he could only guess was confusion since their helmets covered their faces and he refused to feel their emotions through the force.


Kanan leaned on the door frame and gained a face that one would get when teaching something to a child.

"What? Haven't you seen a rare, hairless Wookiee before?"

The two shared another glance before staring at Zeb.

The lasat let out a noise mimicking a Wookiees, trying to be convincing, his face, however, looked so bored that it didn't seem to help matters.

Getting impatient, Zeb growled and grabbed their heads and slammed them together, knocking the two out.

"What happened to convincing them?"

Kanan asked as he took out his blaster and moved forward to the intersection, checking the halls.

"Meh, they wouldn't have bought it anyway."

He didn't even give them the time to buy it.

"You didn't even give them the time to buy it."

Looking over at Sabine, he shared a glance with her and shrugged.

Grabbing his blaster, Colt walked up beside Kanan and shared a nod with him. Taking that as a signal, he and Zeb went straight, to where he assumed the slaves should have been.

Looking back at Sabine and chopper, he motioned them to take the lead, because he had no idea where the hell he was supposed to go.

"Keep up!"

Sabine and the annoying droid sped past him, he just stared a little mesmerized. She did have a nice ass.

[Don't drag us down, meat-bag!]

Snapping out of his hormone-induced trance, he followed behind them, catching up quickly. Silently, he cursed his teenage body, he didn't have this kind of problem before because he only faced stormtroopers, and any females he had met were either interested in hiring him or killing him.

That, or they were dealing some... Magic powder he had to deliver to someone else. Granted, he did stop that when he no longer had a way of stopping them from reaching his stomach.

"So, have you ever done something on this scale?"

The question was random and came out of nowhere. Looking toward Sabine, he shrugged.

"No, I have raided some large supply transports though."

She hums but otherwise doesn't respond, without a word, Colt raised his blaster that was set on stun and shot an unsuspecting trooper that was about to turn the corner as they passed.

[Nice shot, at least you're useful.]

...Colt stared at the droid as they moved along the corridor and he was sure that if the tin can wasn't metal, he would be unnerved.

"I am very tempted to shoot you, chopper, just for that."

Sabine looked over her shoulder to look at him. Even though her face was covered, her voice indicated how surprised she was.

"You can understand him?"

Of course, he could understand him, did she think he was guessing with the tin cans tone?

"I know a lot of languages."

When they reached a door, sabine placed an explosive on it and stepped back. A second later, electricity ran through the metal door it opened like it was never locked...

That would have been so useful in some of the things he did before he accepted this task was kind of mind-boggling.

...Why didn't he come up with that?

Walking inside, Colt looked around, spotting a large control panel, Sabine was already there, typing something and Chopper was working next to the contraption too.

Grabbing his communicator, he brought it up to his mouth.

"Specter one, we are in position, did you get the Wookiees out?"

His only response was static.

"Specter one! Do you read?"

Still no response. He looked over at sabine only to see her looking over at him.

"Are they jammed?"

Colt nodded at the question, attaching the communicator to his belt again.

"Let's just follow the plan, we can go when we're done."

Walking up to the control panel, he looked at the screen. Thinking about it for a bit, he pressed a few buttons to log in to the transaction history of this ship...

"This is a trap..."

The Wookiees were being sent to the space mine K-76 on Kessel before another transport took them away...

"What do you mean?"

Sabine asked incredulously but didn't stop working on her own thing.

"The Wookiees are gone, we need to get Kanan and Zeb, they might be compromised."

She seemed to hesitate for a moment before nodding.

"You go, I'll finish up here."

Nodding himself, Colt turned around to leave the room. This seemed to be more troublesome than he had thought it would be.