Chapter Eighteen

"... Seriously?"

I muttered as I looked at the prototype of the weapon in my hand. What was different from this blaster from normal one was that the single blade coming from the barrel, instead of a normal blaster bolt.

This was a gun, Not a disguised lightsaber. At least the cooling system was working properly. and contrary to my previous belief, it wasn't the barrel that was heating up, it was the front half of the gun. Thankfully it wasn't exploding. And at least the blade was indeed spinning.

With a sigh, I let go of the trigger and watched as the long blade shot towards the sky.

"... Test one success."

I mumbled as I walked back into the tower and started disassembling the pistol again. The problem might be solved If I added a mechanism that cut off the source from the bolt as soon as the trigger was pulled, but the barrel was too short.

Now, I was glad that I made extra parts.

I had at least enough parts for seven pistols, just in case the first few blew up.

Now if I could just make a portal gun to travel dimensions.


I pulled the trigger and it shot forward again, pushing my finger along with it as it reset automatically. The red bolt shot forward, impacting a rock and burning through it like it was paper, leaving a sizable spiraling hole right in the middle.

… Did I mention that the rock was a few dozen meters away?

Humming, I placed my brand new blaster inside my customized holster and drummed my fingers on it. A few seconds later, I drew it again and aimed it in the same spot. No new holes were made in the rock, but the bolt did go through the perfect sized hole.

I suppressed a maniacal giggle, but my shoulders still shook from excitement. Further tests would have to be made but for now, it was a success. Looking at my new favorite weapon, I raised an eyebrow.

"Doom... No, too edgy... Eclipse, the blaster that is above all... Great."

Placing the blaster inside the holster again. I raised an arm towards the rock in the distance, placing my binoculars that I was using to see the results in front of my eyes again, I called out to the force.

The rock lifted from the ground and a second later, It shattered into pieces. If someone found that rock, it would be bad, no doubt. Turning around, I got on my hoverbike again and started the engine.

"... hehehe."

Damn it.


Now that I think about it, all the free time I have is spent by making myself deadlier... I really need a life. The irony of that thought is that I'm thinking it while in the process of doing just that.

[Ghost! I thought that you died, you have no idea how happy I am to see you, my friend!]

Ah, no matter how much time passed I still wanted to punch that horned face. Some things never change, I guess.

"Yes, it has been a while. You haven't sold your ship for a few credit's yet, have you?"

I asked sarcastically, but just to make sure. He had robots so that he didn't have to pay a crew, this bastard would sell his own mother for a few credits. The man chuckled while shaking his head.

[Why would I sell my ship? It's the best source of income in my disposal!]

Humming slightly to indicate that I acknowledged the sentence, but that's not why I called, I needed something from him.

"I'm calling in my last favor, Vizago."

Now that got his attention as he smiled brightly, no doubt glad that he could finally clear the debt that he had for a while and go back to how he normally behaved. That didn't really matter to me, if I was honest, he wasn't my friend, after all.

He motioned me to go on, and I oblidged.

"You know those droids that rolled for movement and had shield generators in clone wars, right?-"

He nodded in conformation.

"-I need one with a functioning shield generator."

His eyebrows rose and the goat man looked down on the ground in thought, letting out a small hum. Probably thinking if he knew someone that could get one. Before finally nodding.

[I know where I can find a functioning droid, but I'm not sure if it will have any more power left.]

I nodded and the communicator shut off. With a sigh, I took off my new helmet and stared at it absentmindedly. Seriously, I needed a life. Releasing a heavy sigh, I walked over to a table and placed the helmet with the rest of the armor. I took inspiration from that Mandalorian girl from the Ghost crew. The armor itself was a mix of Plastoid and some light metal, not sure how that worked since I wasn't a blacksmith, but it did. It was a lot more durable, that's for sure, and it wasn't that heavy either.

Turning around, I surveyed the room for a moment before walking over to my bed and plopping down, face first into the pillow.


Muttering half heartedly, I laid there for a moment. Now I had a few days before Vizago got me what I wanted.

Turning my head to the side to avoid suffocation, I looked over the room again before remembering one important thing. The force, as if sensing what I wanted hummed and took my attention towards the item that was on my mind.

Raising my hand, a small rock flew in my palm and I turned my hand over to stare at the Clear Kyber crystal that was just sitting in my hand unassumingly. Sitting up, I did what the force wanted me to do years ago, and clenched my hand into a fist.

The force reacted, flowing through first me and then the Kyber crystal and I watched silently as it gathered around my fist before sinking inside.

I distanced my hand from my body as lightning crackled around it for a moment, slightly startled and waited. After it stopped, I slowly uncurled my first, raising a curious eyebrow at the crystal that was previously clear, now being a different color.

In my hand was resting a Black Kyber Crystal.