Chapter Twenty-Four

I watched as Kanan took down the two Stormtroopers that were guarding the door. I glanced at the platform fully... No camera. Why was there no camera?

Huffing out an irritated breath, I jumped down, grabbing the railing as I used my right leg to soften the impact by crouching down on the edge.

I backflipped on the platform with a swift pull, calmly walking over to the door. It would be child's play to open it with the Force, but that wasn't an option right now.

However, scouting ahead wouldn't hurt.

I sunk into the Force, trying to figure out if there was somebody on the other side, and my suspicions were correct. Two guarding the other side, and two patrolling nearby.

"Think you can open it?"

I looked over at Kanan, who was dragging one of the troopers to lean him on the wall, to point out how stupid his question was. Of course, I could open the door.

Crouching down in front of the keypad, I reached into one of my pouches, taking out a square device. Putting it on top of the pad, I pressed one of the buttons and waited for it to work.

"What's that?"

My gaze never strayed from the device as Sabine asked the question. The bar on the screen was filling up slowly.

"I made it a few years ago, It tries every single possible combination while deleting the trace of the incorrect ones from the system as soon as they show up."

It was a simple concept, On earth, a similar concept was used to unlock the phones when the owners forgot the passwords. A little tweak in the code and it made it look like the system was glitching if someone was checking it.

The bar was almost full, so I straightened up and stood in front of the door, taking out two of my Vibro blades. I felt the two patrolling the halls walk closer to the door and turn a corner, heading away from the doors. Meaning they were turning their backs on me.

The door opened and the blades left my hand, heading toward the Stormtroopers in the distance. While that was happening, I took out my blaster, holding down the trigger for the blade to appear out of the muzzle.

With a thrust, the neck of the trooper on my left was pierced. Tugging it free, I slashed at the blaster the second one was pointing at me, disabling its firing mechanism and taking the man's hand with it.

It wasn't long before his head was rolling on the ground.

The best part about it was that the wound was cauterized, so... no blood was spilled on me.

Bending down, I picked up one of the dead troopers and dragged him outside, throwing him over the railing.

Turning back, I noticed Sabine dragging one of them too, and Zeb was grabbing the two dead corpses in the distance.

"I meant to ask this a while ago, but why do you go for the kill so much?"

Kanan asked me as I walked towards Zeb, noticing my two blades stuck in the exposed part of the neck the trooper armor didn't cover.

"Killing takes less effort than subduing-"

I grabbed the two blades and took them out of their new nesting places.

"If I waste effort on knocking people out, I can be shot in the back. I don't know if you were ever shot in the head while wearing a helmet, but I can assure you, those clones didn't die because their helmet was damaged. The heat suffocates you- Oh, grab my decoder, would you?"

I relayed my findings to him, getting a slight grimace in response and a nod of the head.

He reached over and plucked the device ff the pat and tossed it to me as he walked inside. Catching it with one hand, I placed it back in the pouch and cleaned my blades with one of the clothes I kept on me.

"If that tries all possible codes, shouldn't the alarm be going off right now?"

I just shrugged at Sabine as the four of us kept walking down the hall like we were on a late-night stroll.

"The attempt is deleted as soon as it is tried, so the system does not have the time to process it, or you can try to enter the code multiple times."

I honestly didn't know, and had no intention to try it out.

"Alright, now we need to disable the lifts."

I rolled my eyes, it was my plan, of course, I knew what to do.

Pressing the com in my helmet to activate it I tried to connect to Hera to see if the signal concealers were working as intended. The first time I was on an op with them, it didn't work...

"Hera, did the scanners detect you?"

And they don't seem to work now. Great.

I sighed and let go of the comms, turning to the rest.

"The comms are down, they know we are here, forget sealth-"

I opened the two elevator doors and unlatched two grenades , activating them and throwing one inside each and pressing the button that would send them to the upper levels.

As soon as they exploded, the alarms went off.

"What now?"

I called down the last elevator as Zeb asked the question while unlatching the rifle on his back.

"Now we go with plan B."

I said that like it was common knowledge, which it should be.

"Uh- and what's plan B?"

I sighed and grabbed my blaster from it's holster, pointing inside as the doors to the elevator opened.

"Go inside, one of you stay at the entrance, two of you grab the woman while I guard the exit, we go back the same way we came from... If Hera is still there."

They processed that before Zeb and Sabine walked inside while Kanan sent me a concerned look.

"You sure about this?"

I just nodded and turned to the hall the sound of running footsteps were coming from.

"Go and explode something if something is wrong since the comms are down."

With one last concerned glance, Kanan stepped inside, leaving me to fight off the troopers to defend the exit...

Well, time to get to work.