Chapter Twenty-Nine

I looked down at the dead stormtrooper that was lying on the ground. Bending at the waist, I grabbed a strap of his armor and dragged him into an alleyway.

Dropping him unceremoniously there with the rest.

Walking to the storage unit they were guarding, I opened a pannel plugged in my decoder, and waited for a few seconds for the door to open, spotting stacks of containers inside.

I opened one and looked inside, finding what I had come for.

Robot parts, more importantly, scout robot parts.

Walking to the other ones I opened some more, to see the same thing that was in the first box.

Humming, I looked back at the door, hearing somebody running this way, and feeling them through the force. I Extended my hand and waited.

Grabbing the two stormtroopers that ran inside with the Force, I brought them closer, watching them struggle for a little bit and clenching my palm into a fist.

They stopped struggling and I let the dead bodies drop to the ground. Grabbing two boxes with the Force, I walked out of the storage unit, glancing at the empty streets with the two crates following me.

It was the dead of night, this part of the city was quiet at this hour.

Levitating the crates over to my hoverbike, I attached them and got on, speeding off.

It's been four days, and I already got everything I needed. It was time to go back, but first I needed to get the other crates. Digging into one of the pouches on my belt, I pull out the hologram projector and activate it.

A 3D model of the city was projected above it and I potted the green dot that was me, moving away from the nine red dots that were gathered together.

Smirking slightly, I turned the hologram off and continued on my way out of the city. Going to the same tower I was living in until recently, I stopped the hoverbike and pressed the button to activate the communicator inside my helmet.

"This is Spectre Six, Spectre two, come in."

There was silence for a few seconds until a response finally came in.

[Spectre Six, this is Spectre Two, what's the matter?]

She sounded worried, but I didn't dwell on that for long, I needed an evacuation.

"I need you to pick me up and six crates, I'm at the same tower that I used to live in."

hearing hurried footsteps made me raise an eyebrow, why was she in such a hurry? 

[Are there any hostiles? I'll be coming in with the phantom.]


"No, no hostiles, the area is clear."

[Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can.]

The communicator turned off and I could only humm in through and look up at the tower. I had to get the other crates too.

Sighing, I got off the hoverbike and got to work.


Sitting on one of the six crates, I spotted the Phantom approaching my location. Jumping off the crate, I activated the hovering function and attached them to each other.

Pushing the line of boxes forward, deciding that meeting Hera halfway was the fastest option.

The hoverbike was left behind, unfortunately, the Fuel was running out and I didn't steal any for it. The phantom landed a distance away and the hatch opened, revealing Hera.

Spotting me, she headed my way, sending a strange glance at the crates I was pushing forward.

"What about your bike?"

I just shook my head, as unfortunate as it was to leave it behind, it wasn't worth it.

"It's running out of fuel, I'm leaving it behind."

She nodded and came up to the crates, opening one.

"Droid parts?"

I nodded, pushing them into the Phantom. She followed, getting into the cockpit and lifting off. 

I pushed down a chair right behind her and sat down myself. Taking out the projector, I activated it, seeing that we were still in range, and got my detonator.

Pressing the button, I casually ignored the explosion that sounded behind us, Hera however, didn't

"What was that?!"

I leaned on the backrest and shrugged.

"I left a present behind, nothing much."

I simply destroyed the storage compartment where the empire kept their equipment, setting them back a month before they received another shipping.

I could feel her curiosity, but she refrained from asking any more questions as we made our way to the Ghost.

Connecting the Phantom in its place, she opened the latch.

"I'll go down and open the ramp, but we need to talk."

I nodded, feeling like I knew what the talk was going to be about.

As she went down to do what she said she would, I grabbed the crates with the Force and levitated them down to the ground, jumping down right after.

When I landed I looked at the ramp to see it lowering with Zeb and Kanan already there and walking down.

"Glad to have ya back, kid."

The lasat slapped my shoulder in greeting and I nodded in response, taking my helmet off and meeting eyes with Kanan.

"You're back."

I looked around and pointed at myself.

"Me? No, I'm a ghost, can't you see?"

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the crates when I heard Zeb exclaim excitedly.

"Man, this is quite the Haul, we could sell these for a good amount of credits!"

That was true, however, they would serve a different purpose altogether.

"We can sell them after I build a prosthetic arm."

Zeb looked over, looking a bit surprised.

"You got all of this for Kanan?"

I huffed in amusement walking past a surprised Kanan. I don't know why he was so surprised, I said that I would build him an arm, and I would build that damn arm.

"You'll be... Armed, in a few days, worry not Kanan."

I chuckled, heading aboard the ghost and to my room. I needed a shower.


[What are you doing?]

I looked to the side, raising an eyebrow at Chopper. Showing the half-finished arm to him, I pointed at the wires that were poking out of the forearm.

"I'm making an arm for Kanan, I need to wire it correctly, or it might just explode."

He looked at it for a moment and gave a droid equivalent of a huff.

[Waste of time, you could upgrade me with all those parts.]

I chuckled and pointed at the open box that was in the corner of my room.

"If you behave, I'll upgrade your taz-"


I didn't even get to finish, he cut me off and rolled away. My other eyebrow joined its brother at the quick exit he made.

Going back to the arm, I resumed adjusting the wiring and after a few minutes, the droid came back with a cup.

[Would you like some caf, sir.]

... This guy.

I stared at the droid for a moment, and burst out laughing. My laugh seems to have attracted the attention of a passerby since Kanan looked into the room.

"What's up?"

I waved my hand dismissively and took the caf from the droid.

"I promised him that I would upgrade his tazer, I have a servant now."

The older man looked at us for a moment, alternating between me and Chopper, and shook his head like he was looking at idiots, which we probably looked like.

Walking inside the room, he sat down on the chair, earning a weird look from me.

"Is something wrong between you and Sabine?"

I thought about it for a moment and nodded silently, continuing my work on the prosthetic.

"What happened?"

I stayed silent for a moment, thinking over what I was going to say as I finished up the wiring and secured the framework.

"We had an argument before I left for the supply run."

I shrugged, it wasn't a big deal, honestly, arguments happen all the time. It would blow over.

"Maybe I can offer some advice?"

I looked over at him again, and he looked... Hopeful. Maybe he just wanted someone to talk to, maybe he just wanted to connect with me in some way, it didn't matter, I was just happy that we could talk.

"Well, we argued about me not saying anything about the fact that I could use the Force, that I kept secrets, I argued that I didn't know anything about her either. It kinda spiraled down from there."

I wasn't really concerned. She was what? Sixteen? She would get over herself. I wasn't about to apologize for what I did.

"How about yo-"

I didn't even let him finish that sentence.

"I'm not apologizing, she will have to get over herself. Everyone has secrets, I don't have to spill my life just because she doesn't like that I keep them close to the chest."

He paused and I took the moment to connect the forearm to the rest of the prosthetic. I narrowed my eyes a little as I secured the mechanism and tested it out... By shaking the whole hand around, getting a weird look from the one it was intended for.

Finally, I grabbed the part that would connect to the nerves of the wearer... which I stole too, because why would I pay for it? I attached the two parts together.

"Alright, come here, show me your hand."

Kanan frowned and looked at the prostatic hand for a moment with concern.

"Are you sure I should be awake for this?"

My lips thinned and let out a thoughtful sound before deciding.


I pressed two fingers on his forehead, and with a minute use of the Force, Kanan was no longer in the waking world.

Grabbing the man before he could fall, I levitated him over to the bed I vacated and laid him down.

Man, this would look awkward if somebody looked inside the room.

Propping the man up and placing the prosthetic on the desk, I worked on taking off his sweater. When that was done, I levitated the metal arm over again and grabbed the man's stump carefully.

Attaching the prosthetic, I pressed the button that would activate it and waited. Clasps latched around the stump, which would have probably been painful, but thankfully the guy was forcefully put to sleep.

I was actually impressed with myself. This hand was the single best thing I made, something that I would have made for myself if I ever lost a limb.

Not only was the arm made from the assassin droid parts, but it also had motion sensors inside that would send vibrations through the arm... Well, whatever remained of it, if something got a little too close.

The palm could be used to send an electric shock through the enemy to catch them off guard.

... It also had a recorder in case he needed to record a conversation discreetly...

This thing was my baby and if Kanan somehow broke it, I would break him.

But in all seriousness, nothing short of a lightsaber could cut through this arm, and nothing short of a cannon could blast through it.

I was proud of myself, really.

Okay, time to wake Kanan up... I slapped the guy awake, using force to pull his face to the side as I swung my palm at his cheek.


Snickering, I watched with amusement as Kanan waved his hands around for a moment, holding them up like he was about to fight and finally noticed that he had two arms.

He looked down at the metal arm and clenched and unclenched it. He could control it more easily because it connected to organic tissue via a complex synth-net neural interface, which provided him with control and sensation.

"Eh... It worked?"

I frowned at that, what did he expect? Of course, it worked.

"Sounds like you didn't believe in me."

Coming out of his daze, he just shook his head.

"No, no, it's not that, it's just that I didn't think I would get the hang of it so easily..."

I rolled my eyes, nice cover-up, bro.

I reached over to the desk and picked up a book, showing it to him. He read the title and turned to deadpan at me.


He asked and I nodded.

"Nobody thinks that reading instructions work, but, surprise surprise, it actually does. Now get up, let's get you used to the thing, I want to start training."


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