Chapter Thirty-Seven

I Looked around, placing the detonator in my pocket and taking out my second blaster, I aimed it at the other side of the alleyway.

"Come on, these guys never move on foot, we will most likely find an armored transport close by."

Kanan came out of the building first, seeing a look to one end of the alley.

"Would have been nice if you told us the plan."

I just rolled my eyes and waved my hand which held a blaster, indicating him to move in that direction.

He did and the others followed along with me after Dina walked past. I chuckled as he brushed my arm with her fingers.

"Are you flirting with me? Right now?"

She just shrugged.

I followed the group between the buildings, making sure to keep out of sight from the sniper and away from the Strom troopers. My knowledge of building layouts comes in handy in situations like this, even if I haven't been in one for a while.

Dina suddenly took a wrong turn and grabbed my arm to pull me with her and turned to me when we stopped.

"I'll be taking my leave here Colt, it was fun. If you ever want to change professions give me a call."

She squeezed my hand and let go, taking off her helmet and letting her hair drop to and past her shoulders.

I instinctively reached for my facemask and took it off. She reached her hand out and her gloved fingers grazed my cheek as she reached for the back of my neck and brought my face forward.

Our lips connected and I wrapped my hand around her waist, Bringing her body closer to mine as my mouth opened, my tongue sliding across her bottom lip, asking for entry.

She obliged and opened her lips and my tongue started exploring her mouth as I took a step forward, pushing her against the wall.

"You know..."

I said between kisses, my breath coming in short gasps, just enough to go back in.

"Making out while Storm troopers are chasing us wasn't how I thought our day would go."

She smirked, narrowing her eyes.

"Stay in touch, Love, I know I will."

She looked at my hand that was keeping her trapped and back at me. I chuckled and let her go. I never really understood the meaning of "Hate letting her go but Love watching her leave" was, but now that I was watching her hips sway from side to side, I understood the meaning perfectly well.

I watched her for a few seconds before turning around and running after the crew. It was nice hanging out with Dina before combat and after combat.

Though, I would have to think about that bounty hunter profession after I got my supposed brother back... and my parents too, I guess.

"Where were you?"

Kanan asked after I caught up to them, to which I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Doing things."

He just raised an eyebrow.

"And the girl?"

I shrugged again, Grabbing him and turning a corner to go out on the main street.

"She left for her own ship."

I spotted an armored vehicle that was used for troop transport and sped up, jumping up when the turret on its headshot a bolt at me.

Using the force to push me forward in the air, I landed on top of the turret and aimed down my blaster, pulling the trigger and disabling the turret. Running to the edge, I slid and grabbed the edge of the roof, jumping inside the vehicle and shooting the driver who got up, trying to aim a blaster of his own at me.

Grabbing his body, I threw him outside and got into the seat, Ignoring the melting glass.

I waited for the others to get in and I started moving the transport outside the town.

"I called Hera, she will meet us on the way, you just need to get us out of the town."

I nodded, turning and heading to the main road. I turned my head to the side, raising an eyebrow at the guy who tried to crash into me, and waved a hand, allowing a wave of force to slam into the side of his transporter, making him crash into a building.

"I have a feeling some TIE fighters are going to be coming in soon, keep a lookout, would you?"

Kanan nodded and went to the side of the car, looking out as we finally reached the highway.

"Oh yeah, they're on us."

I just sighed and tried to speed up. Ignoring the turbulence when their turrets impacted the armored parts of the car.

"Hera's here too, get ready to go."

I nodded and waited until I felt the ramp of the Ghost land on top of the car. I waited for the others to leave and I followed, the red plasma blade humming to life.

Grabbing the top of the doorframe I flipped myself onto the roof and Glanced at the ghost. Since nobody was pressing the Gas on the carrier, the distance between the two vehicles was increasing.

I flicked my blade, deflecting a blaster bolt, and with a Force-boosted jump, I grabbed the ramp of the ghost and climbed inside.

"The green guy alright?"

I asked, getting to my feet and turning off the saber, putting it inside my pocket along with holstering my blaster.

"Yeah, he alright."

Zeb answered, putting down the Rodian on the ground, where he sat looking around blankly, staring into space.

"Good I'm gonna deal with the TIE fighters, give me a moment."

I twisted my neck, getting a few satisfying pops in response, and walked over to the Rodian, Patting him on the head absently.

Ignoring weird looks from Kanan and Zeb, I raised my hands and felt out the Tie fighters like I did once before. Two, Four, Six... Six of them.

My eyes narrowed as I clenched my fist, crushing the fragile side discs of the fighters.

"You know, I really need to test your Medaclorian count one of these days..."

I blinked and turned to Kanan with a raised eyebrow.

"What the hell is a Medaclorian?"

He frowned and leaned back as if offended. Zeb and Sabine were just looking back and forth from us, most likely because they did not know what we were talking about, and in all honesty neither did I.

"I didn't explain it?"

I just shrugged and looked over to the platform where Chopper rolled up.

[The meatbags made it out alright, such a shame.]

Oh, fuck you, Chopper.

I rub my forehead for a moment and jump up, grabbing the edge of the railing and pulling myself up and over it.

Walking over to my room, I grab the Holo Projector and my decoder, plug it in, and download the data into it. Placing it on the table I take off my mask and start taking off my jacket while I wait for the information to download.

Going into a refresher, I turn on the water and gather it in my palms, splashing it on my face.

I take a deep breath and look into the mirror for a second... I was pale.

Scowling I grab a small hand towel and wipe down my face. Sighing I walk back inside the room and lay down on the bed. Well, today was a roller coaster of emotions.

The door opened and I didn't need to look back to know who it was, Kanan was there, looking inside the room, at me.

"What is it?"

I asked, not really in the mood for a conversation.

"How do you feel?"

I frowned at the random ass question and tilted my head to look at him.

"That question was so specific I don't know how to express it."

He sighed and walked over, sitting down on the bed I was occupying.

"Don't you want to talk to the Rodian?"

His question made me raise my eyebrow, and I sat up on the bed, using my hands to support my upper body.

"Why would I? Sabine asked the same question, didn't she?"

He sighed and shook his head as if he did not understand me at all, but what I did not understand was why everyone wanted to butt into my business? I was fine, I would handle it, I always did.

"He knows something about your parents, and maybe not much about your brother, but-"

The Decorer light flashed green and I raised my hand, using the force to call it to me. Pressing a button I watched as a layout of a prison appeared above the device with two red dots on the opposite sides of the facility.

"What's that?"

I glanced at Kanan, raising an eyebrow at his intense look at the map, and shrugged, forgetting his advice about the Rodian.

"The prison my parents are kept in, they must know what happened to my brother if there are no records of him."

He hummed and I turned off the projection, flopping back on the bed. A drawer opened and a nutrient bar came floating out. Grabbing it out of the air, I open it and take a bite.

"Still tasted like cardboard."

Kanan chuckled and leaned forward, putting his elbows on his legs.

"What? The news of finding your parents does not offset the taste?"

That was one weird thing to say, but whatever.

"I wasn't really looking for them anyway."

That seemed to bring him up short as he looked at me, his face set in an expression of surprise.

"What do you mean?"

I just shrugged at his dumbfounded expression, not really understanding why he was so surprised.

"I was more focused on survival, you know? And besides, they were the ones that got themselves arrested instead of worrying about what would happen to me, so its kind of their own fault."

Kanan remained silent for a long minute before finally speaking up.

"Then what about now? Why did you want to know their location now?"

I finished the bar and crumpled up the wrapping, throwing it in the trash can.

"I'm gonna find my brother and if I need them to do it, I will go and get them."