•07 Chapels•

"Oh wow, how many uncles do you have," I ask jokingly.

"I have 7 uncles."

"Dang, that's a lot."

"Indeed, I only get along with 3 of them, 2 being the ones you have already met."

"Oh.." Not knowing what to say to that, I let the air fall silent. We both stand facing each other awkwardly, just letting the empty air take a pregnant pause. It is almost eternity when Ophelia finally speaks up.

"Would you like me to show you the 7 chapels?" She looks at me softly, a small smile resting on her plump lips. I nod with a mirroring smile.

"Are all your uncles pastors?" I ask her after she told me to follow her.

"Bishops, all my uncles are bishops." I feel slightly embarrassed by my little mix up, but I reply as if it did not bother me in the slightest.

"Oh, are you also a bishop or something?"

She turns back at me, her eyes half lidded and her lips part, getting ready to form a word,

"No, I do some work for the Cathedral, but I don't publicly preach to people, usually I help them in private if they want to do so. I also hand some of my family's business, that involves the cathedral. I give tours to newcomers as well."

I listen studiously, paying attention to every word, having Ophelia talk more than a couple sentences for the first time that I know of.

"Wow, that's pretty cool. Sounds like a lot of work though, you must be tired," I assume knowingly.

"Yes, it can be tiring some days, often more than none." She lets out a pretty sigh before turning her body to face me, having her eyes stare directly to mine, almost communicating without words.

"Ollie, from this point on, we have to talk quieter, as to not to disturb those praying inside." Ophelia smiles at me, her eyes narrowing a little. She reached her vampire hand out to me, holding me when I let my hand fall into hers. She walks side by side with me, keeping the same pace so we don't break our hands up. I feel a bit awkward with the hand holding, not being use to it, but I don't voice my complaints.

We arrive at the first chapel, the entrance opens up, the doors being opened spread eagle already, it doesn't contain a single soul. Inside of the room, the walls are painted and decorated in many items evolving weapons. I see some foreign language inscribed in various places throughout the room, it gives me a mysterious vibe. Seated on the alter is a sacred cloth, and seated on top of that is incense. The smoke drifts out of the room, infecting the grand hallway behind us.

Ophelia walks forwards, bowing her head slightly before standing straight.

"This is the chapel that honors the angel, Michael," her voice slightly echoes off the walls, "Michael is known for being a warrior, one that defeated the devil, Satan."

I nod, giving her my full attention, she beckons me to sit beside her on one of the pews places in here.

"Michael is an archangel, he is said to protect all Christians and to fight demons here on earth."

"Wow, I didn't know that," I dumbly say, wanting to respond with at least something.

"Michael is also the name of one of my uncles, I don't really get along with that one," Ophelia adds.

"Mm, it be like that sometimes."

We exit and make our way to the next one, that one being the exact same, only differing in the pictures and such. In here, the incense burns way heavier, making me cough from suddenly breathing it in too fast. Along the walls of this room is various depictions of death.

"This is the Angel, Azeael, the angel of death. Many fear him, but he is not to be feared, he only does his job."

I agree with her, completely understanding that just because he collects your soul, or maybe kills you, it's only because that's his required duty. That does not make him scary.

The third room was the same as the others, only difference being in the paintings and such. There's beautiful things scattered across the walls, the beauty steals my breath away.

"Angel of beauty, Jophiel."