Chapter: One DYAD


This is a fictional story, which is written by myself. This story is completely based on fictitious Characters, Characters' names, Places, Behaviors, and scenes.

I will not bear plagiarism. If you do not want copyright on your story please do not steal my story. This story is meant to entertain the readers.

"A book is a gift, you can open it again and again".


Sarah: She is the mother of Haider. She is the main character of this chapter.

Arham: Arham is the father of Haider. In this chapter, he plays the role of a gentleman.

Haider: He is the main character of the story. He is the child of Sarah and Arham.

Hira: She plays the role of Sarah's sister. she is innocent and intelligent. She is good at her college grades. She is twenty years old.

Akber: He is the father of Arham and a childhood friend of Razak.

Razak: He is the father of Hira and Sarah. He shows himself as a strict father.

Fuziya: She is the wife of Razak and the mother of Hira and Sarah. She is the best mother. She supports their children a lot. She is a housewife.


The present period, Year is 2022, and It is 1:00 PM.

The story starts in a dark tunnel, water is running, and the tunnel is built like a maze. A twelve years old naked boy with great strength, and a tight masculine body. He is having long head hair and long nails. His hair and nails fulfill with mud and his body too. It looks like he did not take a bath for a long time. His look shows him as the "King of the beasts".

He is running in the dark scary tunnel in the back of a wild rat due to his hunger. He is trying to catch the rat for his lunch. He is following the rat via its sound. But spontaneously, a rat is silent. He is running here and there but no sound, he listens.

After a few minutes, he again listen the sound of a rat which is coming from his left side. Fastly, he runs and jumps over the rat. He successfully catches the rat. The rat is a little bit smelly and dirty but he did not think a second and engulfs the rat by putting its head into his mouth.

The rat is flapping and struggling for breath but he pulls it from its back, strongly. Which causes the rat's head separate from its body. Now, the rat is dead. While eating a rat, he sees a torchlight coming from the end of the tunnel which irritates him. The rat's half body falls to the ground.

For many years he did not see light. Now, light is burning his eyes and irritating him, which develops photophobia in him. Fairly, he runs from that area and goes deep into the tunnel.

Now move on to the past to know " who is he?" and "why is he here (in the tunnel)?"


In past, approximately fourteen years ago, Sarah is a beautiful, simple, and straightforward woman. She is having beautiful eyes and black long straight hair, which attracts anyone from afar. Her beauty can not be expressed in words. She is approximately Twenty-Six years old.

She belongs to a middle-class family. In which she can only fulfill her needs. She lives with her younger sister Hira and her parents. Their father is very strict about woman's independence but he loves his daughters so much. His daughters are precious like diamonds to him. They are living in a small rented house.

After graduation, her parents does not allow her to do the job. So she stays home and applies for jobs, secretly. Now she waiting for their offer. She wants to financially support her father.

She engaged also with a middle-class family. Her life was not easy as she wants. She always thinks that if her dream does not have value. But she will give value to their children's dreams. She will fulfill her children's dreams.

Sarah engaged with Arham. Sarah's father and Arham's father are good friends. After seven years of living in a foreign country, Arham returns to his country. His family is very happy and distributes sweets to their neighbors. His father Akber takes him to meet his childhood friend Razak.

Arham first meets with Sarah at their parents' meeting. Where Arham sees Sarah desperately. He starts liking her. Without wasting time he sends a marriage proposal via his parents to Sarah's house.

No doubt Arham is handsome and dashing. His face has more value than his thoughts. He is Twenty Eight years old. He lives with his parents. He is the only son of their parents. They live in their own house. They are also belongs to the middle class but they have connection with high class people's like Arham's father have good connection with his boss.

Arham is a local doctor at a private hospital. Arham gets a job in his father's boss's hospital. He has a foreign medical degree, which has less value in his country. He is also running his YouTube channel. He has approximately ten thousand followers. Where He uploads personal life videos, whenever he wants, not on a regular purpose.

Through his YouTube channel, he meets many YouTube celebrities and many women whom he does not know. Arham's parents do not like his YouTube blogging and meeting with unknown women and wasting money on them.

Sarah's Parents accept the proposal because they thought that their daughter will be happy and live happily. After all, his son-in-law is his friend's son.

But Sarah's parents do not know much about Arham. They only know about his job.

Arham's parents do not tell more about their son. They thought that after marriage their son will be changed and become a good person.

After the engagement, Arham is also the same as every man after engagement. He takes Sarah shopping and sends many gifts to her. When he is busy, he sends many surprises which makes her happy. He every time finds a way for coming to her home.

Sarah's sister Hira has a major role in taking gifts and arranging their meetings. Arham is very friendly with Hira. Hira feels free to talk with Arham. Hira being a sister-in-law fully helps Arham's meeting with Sarah.

Whenever Sarah's parents see Arham's love for Sarah and think that they did the right decision for her daughter or Arham's parents think that his son is changing and giving his all time to his fiance.

After a few months of engagement, their parents arrange the wedding of Arham and Sarah, on the force of Arham's parents. Arham is the one who forced his parents to arrange marriage as soon as they can.

Most of the money is spent on Sarah and Arham's wedding by Arham's father. Because Arham wants to marry soon, Sarah's parents are not ready physically and as well as financially.

Arham chooses Sarah as her bride. Finally, they get married. Sarah is seeing her parent's sad faces and can not control her emotions. She hugs everyone and says goodbye to them. Sarah's parents send her off to her new house. Now, Sarah and Arham become a "couple" or "dyad".