Chapter 15 The Lost Bond

"What are you doing?" The king of the west asks, appearing beside the prince of the south, focusing on the dark circle floating around in the ocean.

"Trapping the guardian," the prince of the south says, not looking away from the ball of dark, floating around the ocean.

"She's inside there?" The king asks, turning to look at the boy with glowing blue eyes and hair radiating blue light.

"Yeah, her weakness is the darkness, she's afraid of it, so she tries to shoot her lights around but it never lights it up, but she just keeps throwing light at it, until finally, she tires out, and then we move to the next phase," the prince of the south says, following the dark ball as it dives inside the depths of the ocean, following the guardian of the light.

"And what's that?" The king of the west asks, to which the prince only squirms, clearing his throat, "got it" the king of the west replies, turning his attention back to the dark ball, rising to the surface.

"It has to be done," the prince says, more to himself than the king.

"I didn't know guardians had weaknesses," the king says, trying to avert the conversation for the sake of the squirming prince.

"Neither did anyone, the other guardian told us," the prince says, "the guardian of gifts and magic, Eirene"

"All of them have weaknesses?" The king asks.

"Yeah, the guardian of darkness is noise, you know that noise from a microphone? Kind of like that but louder and more stable. The light guardian is darkness. The guardian of the creatures of the skies and land is...creatures, you threatened her with the life of any creature and she does as you asked" the prince says, stopping at the three guardians.

"And the other two?" The king asks, urging the prince to continue.

"Well, she said she doesn't know what the weakness of the guardian of the skies and land is, she said she is a strong warrior, stronger than all the guardians. And obviously, she didn't tell us her's, I mean who would" the prince shrugs turning his attention back to the guardian of light trapped inside the dark ball.

"I guess nothing is unbeatable" the king murmurs to himself, following the dark ball swimming around the waters.

"Gravity" the southern prince mumbles as he follows along the ball of dark cloud in the ocean.

"What?" The king of the west asks, gaining the southern prince's attention.

"Gravity is stable and untouchable," the prince of the south says, turning to meet the gleaming amber-green eyes of the king.

"I guess your right," the king says, as rays of light poke out the ball of the dark cloud, rising to the sky, "um, are we good here?" The western king asks turning to the southern prince but finding him levitating alongside the dark ball of cloud mist.

"She is strong," the prince of the south says, as more rays poke out the dark ball of cloud mist, before exploding and with it sending the prince of the south dropping to the waters, before the king of the west appears under him catching him before he hit the waters, taking him back to the lands.

"Hey, are you okay?" The king of the west asks the unconscious prince, tapping him on the side of his cheeks.

"WHERE IS EIRENE!" The voice of the light guardian sounds through the quiet clearing, gaining the king's attention.

"What did you do to him?!" The king of the west calls back to the guardian of the light, levitating in the air with glowing white hair and eyes, light radiating from her body.

"He is merely sleeping," the guardian says, her attention going to the sleeping prince for a moment, "Tell me where my sister is and I will leave you in peace," the light guardian says, putting her hand out to the king, a small ball of light in her fingers.

"You know, I wish I could, but you destroyed my kingdom, and killed my people," the king of the west says, placing the prince of the south softly on the sandy ground before standing up to look up at the levitating guardian of the light, "and I promised my little sister" the king of the west says, running to the guardian as the woman in glowing light throws the ball of light in her hands towards him, before he disappears in thin air, the light landing on the bare ground.

"Oh, your left," the king of the west says, suddenly appearing on the left side of the guardian of the light, punching her across the face before he disappears again. The ball of light from the guardian's hands missing him once again.

"Okay, your right," the king says, as the guardian of the light throws her ball of light to her right, before the king kicks her from behind her, sending her stumbling forward in the air.

"Never trust your opponent," the king of the west says, as he kneels the stumbling guardian across her nose, using her momentum to send her back.

The guardian of the light, grunts in frustration before a large ball of light grows around her, holding her inside its protection.

"Had enough?" The western king asks from the ground, appearing beside the unconscious prince of the south.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" The guardian of the light screams out to the smug king, holding the white dripping blood from her nose.

"I am the king of the western kingdom" the king replies, his face falling to a stoic gaze, "you touch my kingdom, you are my enemy," the king of the west says.

"WE DIDN'T TOUCH YOUR KINGDOM. IT WAS JUST AN ILLUSION!" The guardian of the light screams out, as the ball of light enclosing her fades out.

"What do you mean?" The king of the west asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We only made it seem like we were attacking the western kingdom, to drive the guardian of gifts and magic out from her hiding," the guardian of the light says, descending to the ground.

"Why do you want her so bad?" the king of the west asks, with scrunched eyebrows from the guardian's response.

"She broke the rules of the guardians" the guardian of the light replies.

"What rule did she break?" The king of the west asks.

"That's guardian business," the guardian of the light says, "now if you will excuse me, I have lost sisters to find" the woman finishes, as she rises to the sky, before heading for the town.

"No, I can't let you do that" the western king replies, disappearing then appearing on top of the guardian of the light, as she grunts with the king's sudden weight, before they appear on the edge of the ocean, almost in the borders of the southern kingdom.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" The guardian of the light, grunts fumbling to free herself from the king's grip.

"Sorry, siblings' business," the king of the west says, jumping off the guardian's back, before disappearing into thin air as he nears the surface of the waters, smiling a smug smile as he goes.

The shilling screams of the light guardian are heard through the quiet deserted grounds before she blasts through the skies, heading for the western kingdom borders. The woman glowing in white soars through the skies grinding at her teeth as she nears the western kingdom borders, quickly passing through the dense trees, sending them forward with her fast speed. The guardian of the light nears the town square, before the king drags her down by her arms, landing her in the depths of the ocean before he disappears again.

The guardian of the light, Cordelia shoots through the sky, bellowing out in frustration before heading back to the western kingdom borders.

The king of the west returns to the small clearing with the unconscious prince of the south, after his ninth time of teleporting with the guardian to the borders of the other kingdoms, far away from the western kingdom. Theodore smiles to himself, as he stands with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes borrowed on the blue skies, looking for the familiar gleaming white ray of light.

The king scoffs as the familiar guardian of the light shoots past them, through the sky preparing to jump to her again.

"Release the guardians" the voice of the little prince sounds from the small box in the unconscious prince's pockets, stopping the king in his tracks. The sudden voice of the little prince sends a shrill down his back as he looks back at the small box inside the prince's pockets.


The guardian of gifts and magic and the guardian of the skies and land stand faced off on the rocky clearing next to the ocean, its crushing waves the only sound, filling in the deafening silence. The clearing was wide enough for the two of them and hundreds of the other guardian sister's duplicates to fight and not go to the trees, where the little prince and the western twins stayed crouching within the leaves, watching the scene before them.

A hundred guardians each stretched their joints, cracking themselves and preparing for the fight, as the guardian of skies and land eyes wavered around her, seeing the multiple duplicates of her sister's and herself standing around her ready to fight her, her face scrunched up in anger. She slowly drew a long thunder sword from both her hands, as her hands stretched out, the blade made a booming thunder sound as it escaped from her arms, resting in her fingers. All the while, the trio was watching silently at the scene before them, the little prince's grip tightening around the light blast gun ready to fire, as the twin's grip tightens around the little prince's shirt strap ready to teleport with the prince.

The guardian of skies and land was wearing her long trail of gown, she picks up the ends of the long dresses trails tucking them at her sides, holding them up with vines from the ground that she tightened around her waist, exposing her bare feet and knees, On either hand she had sturdy thunder blades stretched out in her hands. The guardian of gifts and magic and her hundred forms collectively withdrew their respective swords out swinging them around as their eyes buried on the guardian of skies and land entrapped in the center.

"Don't hold back or I am going to break you!" The guardian of land and skies snarled looking around her at every form of her sister guardians, The multiple guardians chuckled at the guardian of the skies and lands words.

"Even sweet all Belli?" Her own figure taunts, as the figure in the form of the guardian of the creatures of the skies and lands rocks on her feet, blowing kisses at the guardian of the skies and land.

The guardian of the skies and land shrugged her shoulders, smiled, and slowly brought one hand above her head while the other outstretched against her chest, as she turns around her, her eye jumping from one guardian figure to the next, "give me all you got!" The guardian of the skies and land says, her gaze not faltering from the hundreds of enemies around her.

"Wait!" The form of the guardian of gifts and magic calls out, all the attention of the duplicate guardian's going to her "stop"

The guardian of the skies and land turned her head in curiosity, eyes jumping around the hundred enemies around her, waiting for a surprise attack.

Suddenly there appeared a band of players above the large clearing, floating above the air with their instruments. They had everything from drums, to electric guitars, to string instruments in their possession, they looked around them, seeming to be not phased by the strange position they are at.

The guardian of skies and land looked over at a band of players. The collective figure of guardians followed her gaze, "Play something we can dance to," The form of the guardian of gifts and magic said with a winning smile.

The band leader grabbed the head of the mic "One two..." he called out, as the drums started trumping and the guitar's strings blasted out, followed by the quick clicking of the electric guitar, as the large clearings deafening silence filled by rock music.

The guardian of magic and gifts turned her attention back to the guardian of the skies and land, "Now, where were we?" and with a quick flick of her hands, the guardian of the skies and land throws a small blade towards the guardian of gifts and magic form, passing through her chest as she disappears into fragments of dust.

All the figures of the guardian sisters rushed at the guardian of skies and land. She dipped back weaving the thunder blade in her hands above her in a circle, as the blade grows to turn into a long string of thunder whips, slicing through the quickly approaching guardian's forms, disappearing in the dust with contact from the guardian's thunder whips. The guardian of land and skies rises to the skies her eyes gleaming red followed by her red hair wafting through the winds, as the guitar strings sound with her movements building up she rises to the skies. she turns around herself shooting thunders out her fingers, hitting the now flying guardians, following along her into dust. A looming thunder clouds the skies, showers of lightning dropping on the large clearing, the drums sounding louder and louder, trying to communicate with the loud sound of the thunder, destroying the large stones into fragments of rubble, as the guardians turn into dust.

The guardian of skies and land breathes out, her hair glowing a mystical red followed by her eyes, as she is standing in a cross form lightning shooting through her fingers. The guitar strings quickening with her pace, as her body turns around faster and faster, blasting the growing forms of the guardians into dust.

Quickly, before the guardian of skies and land could respond with a follow-up, the little prince shoots the light blast to the glowing red guardian, hitting her on her side, knocking the wind out of the guardian of magic and gifts, as she stumbles in the air before she catches herself, the drums sounding along, intercepting the guitar's loud strings, the little prince stunning himself for a brief moment. The little prince's eyes bulge with his precise hit, turning to look at the twin's mirrored gaze.

"YOU STUPID COWARD!" The guardian of land and skies roars out, the glow in her eyes and hair returning, as she shoots thunder in the direction of the light blast, as the twins grab the prince's hands disappearing away from the lightning strike and appearing at another tree far from the now ash tree, "COME OUT AND FIGHT!" The guardian bellows, directing her anger in the trees, where she imagined the guardian of gifts and magic hid.

"Whoa" the prince exclaims, turning his attention back to the now ash tree, they were at just moments ago, "thanks," he says with a smile, his gaze falling on the twins with mirroring smiles and shock.

"Don't mention it" they say, turning their attention back to the fight before them.

The fight had taken the guardians dangerously close to the depths of Ladon's grounds, the lightning showers from the guardian of the skies and land, digging through the solid stone grounds, turning to ashes and small rubles, the once green and gray big clearing now black and red from the fires and lightning strikes.

The guardian of skies and land was still open for more attacks though and the guardian of gifts and magic was not done, as her duplicate forms grew and her attacks on the guardian grew more deadly, throwing blades directly at the guardian of the skies and land aiming for her critical points.

The quick blow from the little prince's light gun had opened the guardian of the skies and land up for another attack and the guardian of gifts and magic took the chance, quickly joining the guardian on the sky for a hand to hand combat, the form of the guardian of darkness lunged at the guardian of the skies and land, swinging with her dark looming blade at her face, as the guardian of the skies and land dodges by bending backward, as the sparkling dark blade reflects her fierce features, her gleaming eyes, and her glowing red hair while passing by her.

The form of the guardian of the light comes at the guardian of the skies and land from behind, as she ducks away from the dark blade, throwing the blade down her torso, to which the glowing red guardian quickly averts by rolling to the side mid-air. The glowing red guardian stands facing away from the two opposing colored sister guardians, lightning striking the form of the guardian of the dark and the guardian of the light as they lunge back at her, turning them into dust, as the drums sound in a Da-da-da-da-da-da-da ending with the drummer hitting the crash cymbal as the lightning strikes the two guardian sisters.

The guardian of the skies and land looks behind her, meeting the mirroring red eyes with red hair, but a long trailing gown instead of held up to her waist, before the duplicate guardian of the skies and land picks the ends of the trails tucking it on her waist, as the sister guardian did moments ago, as the band hits its last notes, "I see you copied my look"

"Hm," the duplicate guardian of the skies and lands smiles, waving her arm around her waist as the same duplicate plant vine appears, holding up her gown trails.

"You know, Cordelia had always told me you were jealous of me," the guardian of the skies and land says, swinging her thunder blade sword, raising her left hand with the thunder up to the duplicate guardian, pointing at her chest, "but you will never be me, you lack the capacity to think for others besides yourself," the guardian of the skies and lands says, as the duplicate guardian's facial features scrunches more.

"BAND! MUSIC!" The duplicate guardian bellows as she lunges toward the sister guardian.

Dalia dodges away from the duplicate guardian's attack, driving her thunder blade through the duplicate's sides, as the duplicate guardian screams out in pain squirming away from the guardian of the skies and land. The trio watching their fight let out a collective wince for the guardian of gifts and magic.

"Eirene, had enough of hiding?" The guardian of the skies and land taunts, scoffing at the mirroring duplicate guardian form of the guardian of gifts and magic, squirming as she heals herself, the rush of blood disappearing in the red gown.

"I wasn't hiding!" Eirene screams out, lunging at the sister guardian, as the guardian of the skies and land quickly dodges swerving to the side, the thunder blades in her hands stuck to her side, not attacking her sister guardian in her form.

"Then what's all this, Eirene?" The guardian of the skies and land asks, pointing below them to the crowd of duplicate sister's guardians, staring up at them with anticipation, "AN AUDIENCE?" The guardian of the skies and land bellows lunging at the girl, the sound of the guitar clashing as their mirroring swords meet in the middle.

"It's just me and you now, Dali," the guardian of gifts and magic says, smiling at her sister's guardian, pushing at the lighting blade, along with it the guardian of the skies and land "no more tricks" she finishes as the hundreds of duplicate guardians disappear, leaving only the mirroring two figure of the guardian of the skies and land floating in the sky staring at the other.

"Hit her now!" The western twins, nudge at the little prince, watching with gaping eyes and mouths.

"I can't, they are too close to each other I'm afraid I might hit Eirene," the little prince says, his gaze not faltering from the fight of the mirroring forms of the guardian of the skies and land, "and I think I lost track of who is who," the little prince says, turning to look at the western twins' princesses.

"US too," the twins say, turning their attention back to the ongoing fight between the guardian sisters.

"And this?" The guardian of the skies and land asks, pointing the lightning blade towards Eirene's mask of appearance.

"For the irony," the guardian of gifts and magic says with a shrug, throwing the blade at her sister's guardians head, as the guardian of the skies and land ducks backward flipping with the blade to rest up front, fast enough to catch the guardian of gifts and magic lunging at her, with her other lightning blade out to her chest.

Dalia takes the lightning blade between her two hands, stopping the blade from driving through her chest, "and the music?" The guardian of the skies and land asks, throwing the blade up, kicking her guardian sister in the chest sending her stumbling backward.

Taking the opening and her momentum the guardian of gifts and magic flips around her legs pushing off a small barrier of solid clearing of solid rock, risen from the ground beneath her, pushing her off forward, arms out towards the guardian of the land and the skies. The guardian of gifts and magic dives to her sister's guardian, a blade of lightning out in front of her, as the guardian of the skies and land jumps upwards, missing the blade by a fraction.

The guardian of gifts and magic turns back to face the guardian of the skies and land, "I don't want to fall asleep. This is getting kind of boring" the guardian of gifts and magic says, as the guardian of skies and land face scrunches, Eirene giving her sister guardian an apologetic shrug mid-air. As if to say, "sorry" for what was going to come next, lunging back at her sister's guardian, meeting at the center, with their lightning swords clashing together.

The guardian of the skies and land used the momentum from the sword clash, instead of piling into her opponent, she turned around twisting the lightning blade sword with her, coming behind the guardian of gifts and magic, she jerked to the right and swung around Eirene. Then, as she was directly behind her sister guardian, the guardian of the skies and land curled his legs into her body, angling her body towards the ground, she kicks Eirene square on her back. Then quickly bounding off the solid air while throwing herself into a spin that would have made an expert gymnast jealous, she lands another kick down Eirene's back, sending the guardian of gifts and magic crashing to the ground.

The guardian of the skies and land quickly follows the falling figure of her sister's guardian, catching her with her feet she turns the weak figure of the guardian of gifts and magic around before violently throwing her across the rough textured rock grounds, using the momentum of the turn. The guardian of gifts and magic skidded and tumbled along the ground, uncontrolled. She only stopped by the large protruding rock about two meters from the ground, A groan escaping her lips as the pain from the attack started setting in.

The guardian of gifts and magic looked up and his eyes opened with surprise, at the quickly approaching form of the guardian of the skies and land, running at full speed at her. Panicked the guardian of gifts and magic squirms out of the rock, finding herself stuck inside the large rock.

"ARTHUR! HIT HER!" Eirene calls out to the woods as the guardian of the skies and land jumps up aiming the lightning sword at the girl's chest, "NOW!" She screams panic setting in, her eyes wavering around the trees along the big clearing.

As the lightning blade from the guardian of the skies and land almost drops to the girl's chest, a big ball of light shoots through the trees, hitting the guardian of the skies and landing square on her sides, sending her falling to the sides.

The guardian of gifts and magic sprang off her hands, standing up to face the grunting guardian of the skies and land, sprawled on the floor, she starts slowly walking to her sister's guardian's figure, when Eirene was almost to the grunting and groaning guardian on the ground, the guardian of the skies and land, flattening out in the air like a sideways whirling tornado, so that her body was perpendicular with the guardian of gifts and magic, Just as she was about to reach the guardian of the skies and land, Dalia threw one of her legs out, shin angled down, using the momentum from the spin into her leg, she aims for her sister guardian, kicking her square in the face, sending her stumbling backward as she lands smoothly on the ground.

The entire forest was silent as if time itself was holding its breath as the guardian of gifts and magic descended to the ground hitting her head, and the guardian of skies and land stands above her, her lightning blade pointed at her guardian sister but her gaze on the forest ahead. The trio watching the fight was so enthralled, holding their breath, watching for the next move in the epic fight.

Eirene barely had time to breathe, let alone dodge, as she stays on the ground spitting out blood from her mouth. as Dalia's eyes dart around the trees, catching the shot ball of light before it hits her, dodging to the side.

"Young prince! You are on the wrong side!" The guardian of the skies and land calls out to the forest.

"Would you rather I help the guardian that destroyed an entire kingdom, then?" The little prince's voice calls out, as another ball of light shoots through, the guardian of the skies and land dodging with ease.

"We never attacked the western kingdom," the guardian of the skies and land says, kneeling the crouching Eirene on the nose, dropping her to the ground again, as vines shoot from the grounds trapping her around her hands, feet, and neck.

With the speed of a cat, while the vines were slowly cradling around the fallen guardian's limbs, the guardian of the land and skies spun her body around avoiding the blast of light from the little prince's attack. The attack was so quick it missed the guardian by a centimeter.

"Hundreds of hurt westerners would beg to differ," the little prince says, throwing another surge of light to the guardian, one she easily dodges again.

"No creature of land was hurt, we just made it seem like we did until either Eirene shows herself or the people give out her location," the guardian says, as the trio exchange looks before the twins disappear then appear back seconds later.

"She is telling the truth," the twins say, after checking the grounds of the western kingdom, unaffected by the previous attack from the guardians.

"Why do you want her so bad?" the little prince calls out to the guardian.

"Because she has caused many disturbances to the balance between the worlds, she attacked innocent civilians, put the people in danger, and not to mention the northern prince"

"You refused to help him, why do you care so much?"

"We refuse to help because we might shift the order, causing a disturbance," the guardian of the skies and land says, as a ball of light hits her side, sending her falling to the side.

"It wasn't me," the little prince says, as the twins look over at him, turning their attention back to the standing Eirene, wearing her original, pink-washed outfit.

"I think I've had enough of your rumbles, this ends now," Eirene says, as she raises her hands holding a light blade up sending it down to the fallen guardian's chest, but stopping in mid-air, "what?" Eirene mumbles to herself, pushing down the blade stuck in the air, but failing to drive it through the fallen guardian's chest.

"She wasn't done talking," the little prince says, as the trio appears before Eirene, eyes gleaming red, hand outstretched towards the sword before swinging it to the side, driving it away from the guardian's hands, and sending it through the tree on the side, "what do you mean killed innocent peoples?" The prince says, directing his question toward the groaning guardian on the ground.

"She created the eclairs" the fallen guardian grunts, grabbing onto her side.

"Why?" The twins ask, looking up at the guardian of gifts and magic, her eyes still on her sister's guardian on the ground.

"Eirene just likes to play around with the people, she likes to see them suffer. Who do you think started the great war?" the guardian groans coughing out red blood, as the trio's eyes bulge looking up at the guardian of gifts and magic standing above the fallen guardian.

Eirene's gaze slowly goes from her sister's guardian on the ground to the trio, a sickening smile building on her lips, before she extends her arms out to the side, calling the light blade into her hands.

The little prince eye's gleam red, as he holds the guardian's light blade holding hand mid-air, earning a scoff from the guardian of gifts and magic.

"Who do you think gave you your magic?" The guardian asks as her hands drop to the side, the little prince's eyes going to their normal shade, their glow fading.

Eirene slowly approaches the trio, as they unconsciously walk backward, throwing the light blade through her sister's guardian's chest, eyes burrowed on the three children in front of her.

"Boo." She says, as the twins clasp the little prince's hands disappearing into thin air, Eirene smiles to herself, rolling her eyes as she points her hands out the side, the trio appearing across the large clearing, falling to the ground ashy and ruble round.

The trio squirms as they stand up, looking around themselves before they realize the situation, Eirene took their powers away.

"It's three against one, we can take her," the little prince says pulling out his dagger, and holding a fighting stance.

"Oh, really?" Eirene says, as her eyeball turns red, her iris thinning out, her tongue Slithers out, before her form grows to ten meters high, longing to twenty meters, a large black snake appearing before the trio, "now you know my little secret, I can't possibly let you go" the snake says slithering towards the trio.

"Stay behind me," the prince says, standing in front of the twins, locking them from the large beast.

"Little prince, always the gentleman," the snake says slithering, before throwing its head back in a shilling laugh, as its tail snaps forward, hitting the prince across to the large clearing landing a few meters away, head banging on the rock as he falls into unconsciousness.

"Now the western twins, what should I do with you?" The snake says slithering towards the shaken-up twins, "I think I'll just eat you" it says, jumping to the twins, as the guardian of the skies and land bellows a scream, her fist hitting the ground splitting the land the large snake stands on into two, sinking the slithering snake inside.

Eirene turns to a bird as she sinks to the ground, the large crack splitting open before lightning splits from the sky hitting her back down. The guardian changes to her original form as she falls into the sunken hole unconscious from the lightning strike, the twins watch the horror with gaping mouths as the guardian disappears to the depths of the dark hole.

The twins stand there for a moment, before a blast of light shoots up toward them, hitting the ground beneath them. As the ground loses its balance, Sabrina pushes her sister towards the surface, losing balance with the push, and falling into the hole.

The twins lose their grip barely holding on with their fingertips, as Sabrina falls to the ground. Veronica dives forward catching her twin by her two fingers, kneeling on the side of the surface.

"HOLD ON!" Victoria screams out in a panic, to her twin dangling by her fingers, almost in tears.

"Let go" Sabrina quietly says, welling tears up to her sister.

"NO! JUST HOLD ON!" Victoria screams out, releasing a sob, "ARTHUR!" Victoria calls out to the prince, still lying unconscious on the ground.

"My dearest sister, you have given me life for the longest time, giving up your own normal life, you sacrificed a lot for me. Now it's my turn, it's my turn to give you your life back" Sabrina says, looking down and blinking away her tears before looking up at her sister again, "Let me go, I want to go" the girl says, smiling at her twin.

"But..." Victoria begins.

"Thank you for everything, I will cherish today forever," Sabrina says, stopping to swallow the lump in her throat, "I love you," she says, releasing one finger, as the twin on the surface gasps, sobbing out to her twin.

"But, how can I live without you?" The girl screams out, sobbing at her sister's words.

"We are not alone anymore, we have friends now, good friends. Don't lose them, and make more friends because you deserve thousands of friends, and every one of them will love you. all you have to do is let go now, let go and let me rest, let go and start living"

"What about you?"

"I will see our parents, join them in the land of the dead, and I will kiss them for you, tell them how much you love them and miss them"

"I'll miss you so much"

"And I, you. In fact every time I miss you I will send you a message, send you a green bird, just as green as your eyes and then you will know how much I miss you and love you"

"Okay" Victoria responds softly nodding her head and sniffling at her nose before looking back at the mirroring green eyes of her twin, "I love you too," Victoria says, nodding her head as the final finger releases the girl, dropping her to the depths dark hole. Sabrina's eyes grow dull as soon as her grip on her sister's gone, dying before she reaches the bottom, as her the life force connecting her with her sister breaks, leaving her twin crying by the edge of the surface, sobbing in her hands.


"Release the guardians" the little prince's voice sounds through the small box, As the sister guardians blast through the skies, feeling the death of the guardian of the skies and land before seeing her limp body.

They circle the guardian of the skies and land, hands outstretched towards the crack on the earth, in her final moments reaching for something.

"How did this happen?" The guardian of light asks, as her sister guardian of the darkness moves their dead sister's body, lying her flat on her back.

"Eirene," the little prince says, his somber gaze dropping to the large crack by the clearing, "they were fighting and we hid in the trees to help Eirene, but at the last of their fights, she noticed us in the trees and told us of Eirene's true nature. And as we were talking Eirene shot at her, knocking her down. We tried to help but she took our powers, then she drove her light through the guardian's chest killing her. Eirene then turned into a large snake and came at us, she threw me across, knocking me unconscious before going for the..." The prince stops himself, his gaze going to the girl sitting on the side of the large crack, crying softly, "well, Victoria said the guardian of the skies and land helped her, in her last strength she split the ground trapping Eirene inside, but Eirene shot a ball of light to the twins standing at the edge and Sabrina fell in" the prince finishes.

"Oh, Sabi" the south princess softly whispers going to sit beside the three western royals, mourning for their sister.

"And Eirene?" The guardian of the creatures of the skies and land asks her sister's guardians.

"I still feel her" the guardian of the light replies looking around her sister's guardians.

"We'll deal with her later, we should let our sister rest. I'm sure the pollen has given life to the new guardian by now" the guardian of the darkness responds, taking the limp body of the guardian of the skies and land in her arms and flying away, followed by her sisters guardians.

"What happened?" The tall boy asks, as the guardians leave, the group standing around the small traces of blood where the guardian of the skies and land lay.

"We made a mistake," the little prince says, looking over the southern royals siblings and his friend, and the sobbing figure of the lone twin, being confronted by her brothers, shedding silent tears for their sister.