Chapter 10

James wanted to know what the buzz about Trishanna was all about. He was curious, but for some reason, his wolf was becoming more agitated as time went by. He was trying to finish up work in his office, but the restless pacing in his mind was slowly driving him insane. He decided to see what the fuss was about, telling himself that it was just to calm his wolf.

Heading to the backyard, he looked around at the beautiful chaos. With balloons and lights everywhere, he knew that his members will have a great time tonight. He even sent a quick link to the patrollers that they can do two-hour shifts instead, so everyone will be able to take part. Of course, they should be able to still perform their duty well. Walking around with pups constantly bumping into his legs, he searched for Trishanna.

He found her standing on a ladder hanging lights while one of the pregnant females gave direction. James' heart stopped beating as he saw how unstable the ladder was. Then Trishanna turned, looking back at the she-wolf. James' heat slammed into his chest with such force and speed that he clutched his chest as he saw the radiant smile covered Trishanna's face. Despite his rapid heart, it seemed as though his lungs stopped working. For a brief moment, it was as if everyone else disappeared and only this perfect messy angel remained.

The image was shattered when a different voice called out to her. A voice that was filled with too much care and familiarity when it said her name. James noticed that Trishanna's eyes glanced up, and he didn't know that her smile could have glowed even brighter. Trishanna waved in the direction the voice came from, causing the ladder to wobble even more. James, afraid, stepped towards her but she quickly scrambled downed and ran.

For a moment, he was distracted by her bouncing breasts, but when he sped past him, disappointment filled him. Whipping his head around, he saw that she was embraced by another male. James growled. He could feel his claws elongating. If it wasn't for some pups bumping into his legs again, the birthday party would have turned into a blood bath. Clenching his fist, James forced a smile at the young ones. Seeing their excited faces calmed his anger and allowed him to walk away. He looked for the Gamma. If anyone would know who that male was, it would be him.

Trishanna was hanging the last of the lights when a familiar voice called her. The only one aside from Rosie who always called her by her name. Carefully turning on the ladder, she spotted the only friend she ever had. Scrambling down, she wondered if today could have been her birthday as well. From feeling like she belonged to now seeing Sammy, if she never lived another day, this would be her favorite.

Running towards Sammy, she couldn't help but smile. She knew she was by the way her cheeks hurt. Rushing into his arms, Trishanna didn't know that she was crying until Sammy was gently wiping her cheeks with his thumbs. "Hey Rosebud, how have you been?"Trishanna laughed. She couldn't help it. It has been years since she heard that nickname. He called her that because she followed Rosie everywhere.

Sammy was an orphan just like her. He's classed as an omega. He has a human father and a werewolf mother. He doesn't have a wolf, but he has enhanced ability. He is faster, stronger than any human, and omegas. Not to mention that he was really smart. That's why the Gamma took him in and trained him to help in his business. Since the main office is located in the city, miles away, Sammy lived there and rarely visited. It's been two years since they last saw each other. Before that was at Rosie's funeral a year before.

Trishanna pulled back and looked at her best friend. He is older than her and was taller, but now they're the same height. Of course, he got more buff since the last time, and Trishanna couldn't help fondling his muscular arms. "But Grandma, what big arms you have?" Trishanna couldn't help teasing, as that was one of their favorite stories growing up.

Sammy laughed, "The better to hug you with my dear."

"And Grandma, what big hands you have?"

"The better to tickle you with my dear." and with that, Sammy launched into tickle mode. Trishanna's laughter mingled with the merry sounds and those close by were surprised. The pack had never seen her laugh and soon the mind link was buzzing again.

"Ahh... all right, all right. I give up. You win." Trishanna's laughter turned to giggles as she held her sides. When she caught her breath, Sammy wrapped his arm around her waist leading her back to the pack house.

"Let me just put down my stuff and give you guys a hand." He stopped and grabbed his bags when he dropped them when he first saw her and they continued their walk back. Sammy threw himself into the final preparation and was a big help working at the bar. Since Trishanna was familiar with the kitchen, she ended up helping with serving the food, even though it was buffet style.

The party was almost two hours in when Sammy grabbed Trishanna's hand and lead her to the start of the table. He took a plate for him and gave her one. They both moved down the line, taking a bit of everything to taste. Sammy grumbled a bit that his first meal home wasn't from her, but he was happy to know that Trishanna got the night off. It seemed as though things has changed since he was gone.

As they ate, Sammy looked around. His work with the Gamma, was mainly surveillance so he is very good at observations. Looking around, he noticed that everyone referred to his friend as Trishanna. Frowning, he found that strange. What could have happened that would bring about such a big change? He noticed a few of the males stealing glances at her, but she seemed oblivious to it. Leaning in, Sammy took a deep whiff of Trishanna, behind her ear. Startled, she looked at him questioningly. "I wanted to know how you smell when you're not in the kitchen."

Trishanna just rolled her eyes and went back to eating her meal. Sammy wasn't lying, it just wasn't the whole truth. He was wondering if anyone had messed with her, or fooled her into giving up the one thing everyone had to offer. Their first time, but she smelt as pure as before. Yet her scent hadn't changed. He took another sniff, noticing that it was a bit familiar. He just couldn't remember from where.

Well, Sammy went back to the name change. The only thing that makes sense is if the Alpha ordered it. Glancing at him seated at the birthday boy's table, Sammy noticed that Alpha James' eyes stayed on Trishanna. No matter who passed between them, his gaze was fixed. What was his deal? Why was he staring at his friend like that?