Chapter 12

Richard leaned toward James, "Don't worry Alpha, the plan will soon come into play. Trust me, before the night is over, you'll have what you want." It was now an hour after the pups were put to bed. It took a while for some of the parents to return, so the DJ first played some simple R&B. This helped those who remained to proceed with clearing out the tables so there was space to dance. The bar also took this time to stock up. Sammy helped them while Trishanna sorted out utensils that were rented, ensuring that they were all accounted for.

It was still amazing to her how everyone treated her as if she was a member of the pack. This alone kept the flush on her cheeks. She still had no idea how many wolves stole glances at her, but with Sammy by her side most of the night, they all kept their distance.

Richard paid close attention to those returning, and when enough members had gathered, he signaled to the DJ to crank it up. In a flash, the main lights went out and some huge beam lights switched on, varying in colors, lighting up the sky. A roar went up from the crowd and those who were unsure if to return, made a hasty trek back to the party. "Alright everyone," James grabbed the mic from the DJ and addressed the crowd.

"Tonight, is my birthday bash and I want everyone, and I mean EVERYONE to have a blast. Don't worry about waking up early for training tomorrow, our kind and beloved Alpha has already promised the morning off." Whoops and cheers when up. "And I've already put things in place for breakfast so the kitchen staff and the Omegas can let loose as well." More cheers. "So just kick up your heels and get down and dirty as much as you want. Tonight, we are all equal." Richard raised his glass, signaling for the 'real' party to begin.

With his speech concluded, Richard made his way back to his table. Clinking his beer with James' drink, Richard took a swig. Nodding his head to the beat, he saw several of the she-wolves eying him down, licking their lips seductively. As much as he would love nothing more than a threesome, or even more than three, he had to take care of his Alpha needs. Hopefully, this will get him back to his old self. He just needed to get that omega out of his system.

James was also receiving the looks, yet his eyes stayed on Trishanna. Even in the poor lighting, he could see her. She was seated at the end of the bar, chatting with Sammy as he helped out behind the counter. James huffed and looked at Richard as he was dry humping a girl against a tree. Clearing his throat, he strode over and tapped him on his shoulder. By this time, the girl's top was rolled up under her arms as Richard was busy sucking her nipple into his mouth. James tapped him on the shoulder again.

Richard knew who it was already. He had felt his Alpha trying to get him through the mind link, but he already blocked it for the night. Sighing, he released his first meal for the night and turned to face James.

James quirked his eyebrow, seeming displeased. How could he be making out instead of helping HIM out? Richard sighed. Turning to the she-wolf, he whispered something in her ear which brought a gleeful smirk to her lips. James recognized her as Candice. The one who seemed to dislike Trishanna the most. He recalled their conversation about her clothes and her reaction that day. He just hoped that whatever Richard had told her to do was not going to harm Trishanna. He watched her fix her clothes before walking through the crowd, towards the bar.

Growling a bit, he grabbed Richard's neck. "You better not do something you'll regret." Richard just shrugged and opened his link.

"Relax Alpha, your meal will be served soon."

Back at the bar, Trishanna and Sammy were having a great time catching up. Thankfully his job mainly consists of helping restock the drinks and getting ice, but after a while, the crowd thinned down. Trishanna just looked around. She imagined that this is what going to a club would be like. She's never been to any event so everything was new and interesting. A few of the males asked her to dance but Sammy's glare chased them away. Why would they even take a second look at her when there were so many, she-wolves ready and willing? Trishanna shook her head, clearly, the werewine was a big hit tonight.

Trishanna was contemplating if she should just head back in. After all, there were a few omegas eyeing her friend, and who was she to stand in his way of having some fun? Just as she was about to leave, someone bumped into her, spilling their drink. "OMG, I'm shaurryyyyy. Guezz I's a bit tipsy." Sammy saw what happened and rushed over grabbing some napkins on the way. Looking up, Trishanna saw that it was Candice who bumped into her, wobbling on her feet.

Sighing, she took it as a cue to leave for the night. "It's alright Candice. I guess it's time for me to head in any way."

"Nooo... you can leave. The Alpha gave us the night off. And the birthday boy himself said you don't have to do anything in the morning." Grabbing her hand, Candice pleaded. "Please don't leave because of me. Alpha will be mad at me. I don't want him to be mad at me." Candice's eyes filled with water, causing Trishanna to feel sorry for her.

"Alright, I won't turn in. At least not yet. But you can't expect me to stay like this." Nodding her head. Candice slipped her arm through Trishanna's and began leading her to the pack house. Trishanna wondered if Candice was up to anything. It was kind of strange that she allowed herself to physically get close to her when she usually went out of her way to avoid Trishanna like the plague. Maybe because of tonight, things were different with her. Shaking her head, Trishanna stretched out her hand to Sammy, asking him to go with her. "It's okay Candice. I'll just head to my room and change and be right back."

"You promise?" Candice looked like a little kid hoping she wouldn't be left alone.

"Yeah, I'll be right back. Right, Sammy."

"That's right pretty lady. Don't worry. I'm gonna make sure she comes back." Candice beamed at them both and disappeared into the crowd. Turning, they made their way to her room. Trishanna went to grab a bucket so she can wipe off the drink when Sammy took it from her. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to get cleaned up, duh."

"No way Hosea. You are going to get into the shower like a normal person. I can't believe that's how you were going to freshen up."

"Well, that's what I do. The other omegas don't like when I use their bathroom." Trishanna knows Sammy would flip his lid if he knew that she bathes in the lake, no matter the weather.

"Well Rosebud, they ain't here right now, so get your butt in there while I look for something decent for you to wear." Trishanna was going to protest but relented when she saw the familiar stubborn glint in his eyes. Accepting her defeat, she grabbed what she needed and headed to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she stepped into the warm stream with a sigh. How long has it been since she took a hot bath?

Deciding to fully enjoy it, she was glad that she grabbed her shampoo as well. Lather up her hair, she went all out. She even snagged some of the conditioner that was there and while it did its stuff, she was bold enough to dig around the cabinets. Finding disposable razors, Trishanna decided to act like it was her birthday as well and got to work. Might as well feel pretty even though she didn't have anything pretty to wear, she thought to herself.

Meanwhile, Sammy was going through her drawers in search of something...nice, to wear. After pulling out everything, he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. If he had known he was coming back to the pack, he would have done a bit of shopping. He guessed that things haven't improved as much as he had hoped for his friend. He neatly packed everything back and turned away when he kicked the dresser. The broken brush fell to the side. Leaning down, he noticed a bag with the logo of a very popular brand and dragged it out.

Peeping inside, Sammy felt the material. It felt luxurious. Taking out the item, he smiled. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?'