Chapter 14

"Trishanna, I'm glad you made it back." Trishanna turned to see Candice beaming at her. For just a moment she thought that there was a flash of jealousy or hatred in Candice's eyes, but it was too quick. Maybe, she imagined it.

Turning towards her, Trishanna smiled over the rim of her drink. It was the second one and it seemed as though the alcohol was beginning to relax her nerves. "Hey Candice, I'm back." Candice hugged her while exclaiming how beautiful she looked. Sammy was all too happy to take the credit for transforming the 'ugly duckling' as he described it, which earned him a slap to the arm. Pretty soon all three were chatting away while trying different drinks.

Candice leaned over to Sammy and whispered in his ear. "You know Sammy, my friend over there told me that she is interested in you."

Sammy looked around and saw a she-wolf in a pretty lilac dress stealing glances at him even though other males had surrounded her, vying for her attention. "The one in the purple?"

"Yep, that's her. Maria. She said that she's always had a crush on you since you were pups. She definitely wants to know what kind of man you have become." Sammy took another look at Maria. This time instead of looking away, she kept the gaze, a blush staining her cheeks. Sammy chuckled to see her courage despite feeling shy.

"She seems interesting. How 'bout you ask her to join us?" Candice waved at her friend and soon Maria was now part of the group. It was no secret that she did like him, and it seemed like Sammy was also interested in her. Soon the two of them seemed to be in their own world and Trishanna was glad that her friend found someone to at least spend the evening with.

Maria whispered something in Sammy's ear that he seemed to agree with. Looking at Trishanna, he tapped her on her shoulder. Leaning down, he asked, "Hey, Maria wants me to go with her for a bit. Would you be okay by yourself? Or do you want me to stay?"

"No, I'm okay. You go and have fun." Trishanna smiled at them both, "Besides I'll be here with Candice."

"Are you sure Rosebud?" As much as Sammy wanted to spend time with the lovely Maria, he couldn't shake the niggling feeling that he shouldn't leave his friend. Glancing around he noticed that it seemed as though the other males have found interest elsewhere. And they were on their pack lands so she would be safe from danger, right?

"Hey Cassanova, go and have some fun, I'll keep your friend safe. Don't worry." Trishanna nodded in agreement with Candice and gently pushed him towards Maria. With one final look, Sammy grabbed Maria's hand and they both left the area, to search for somewhere quieter.

Trishanna watched them leave. For a moment she wanted to grab Sammy's hand and ask him to stay but she stopped herself. It was probably her nerves from being around so many people, the event, and even what she was wearing. It was all new and different from what she was used to so maybe she just wanted to hold on to something familiar. Shaking her head, she put a smile on her face and turned to Candice. "Okay, what will we try next?"

To say that Candice was annoyed was an understatement. Not only did she have to spend her time with 'Trash' but she also had to pretend to be a friend. If only the Birthday boy didn't promise her something important, she would have ditched the omega long ago. She was pulled from her thought by 'Trash' herself. How dare she lay her dirty hand on her person. Taking a deep breath, she plastered a fake smile and turned to her. "What's up hon?"

Trishanna blinked a few times before answering her. "Umm Candice, I think I've had enough to drink." Candice tsked. Does she now have to be a babysitter?

"Oh honey, maybe what we need to do is to take a teeny. little break. Hmm... how 'bout you have a glass of long island iced tea. It's quite refreshing."

"Oh, I like tea."

"Really, well that's great." Candice turned to the bartender. "Make my friend the finest long island iced tea you ever made."

"Yes ma'am." The bartender replied. Candice licked her lips. He seemed like he could do more than just shake cocktails with those arms. Maybe when she got rid of the excess weight beside her, she could have a taste. After ensuring that 'Trash' had finished her drink, she called the bartender once more and asked for two Appletinis. She quickly dipped her hand into her top and added the herbal extract into one of the glasses. Candice wasn't too sure what was in it, but it smelled like what her aunt uses when females want to bring up their heat.

Swirling it around, the green drug mixed well with the drink. She opened the link to Richard, informing him that she was about to offer the final drink to Trishanna. The drug usually takes thirty minutes to work, so she will have enough time to move 'Trash' to the next location before she will be free for the night.

After the former Alpha had defeated the neighboring pack, some of their buildings were still there. It was a great place for the patrols to use as a base for their supplies, as well as wolves who want to mate in peace. Certain buildings had certain uses and almost everyone knew which was which. Candice watched as Trishanna gulped down the drink, complaining that it had a bitter aftertaste. Candice just explained that it was because of the tea she drank before, sometimes it happens. Trishanna just nodded in understanding.

A few minutes passed when Candice leaned down to the tipsy girl beside her. "Hey Trishanna, I'm feeling a bit stuffy in here. I want to go for a walk to clear my mind, but I don't want to go alone. Would you mind coming with me? I mean, I'll feel so much better if you're there. Please."

"Of course, I'll come with you. Actually, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed myself and could use a break too." Candice helped Trishanna to her feet and soon they left, arm in arm. Trishanna realized that they were walking away from the pack house and into the woods. "Hey Candice, where are we going?"

Candice paused, before tsking and moving on. "Ahh... I just wanted to take you to one of my favorite places. It's nice and quiet. You've just been so nice to me, even though I haven't been nice to you, so I just wanted to make up for it by sharing my secret."

"Oh, how sweet of you. You know I always thought that I wouldn't have any friends here, but I'm so glad I'm wrong." Trishanna laughed, unaware of the danger she was being led to. They walked for a while longer but soon Trishanna began to stumble. "C... Candice, I don't feel too good." Sweat beaded Trishanna's brow. Seeing that they were close to their destination, Candice had enough of the pretense and let the girl slump to the ground.

"I don't know what plan Richard has for you, but I guess you'll soon find out." She smirked.

"What are you talking about?" Trishanna held her head, it seemed that a pounding headache accompanied the sweating. The dress that once felt so comfortable now just felt icky as it stuck to her skin. All she could think of was tearing it out, but it seemed as though she didn't have the strength for it. "What plan?"

Candice laughed. It felt good to see 'Trash' slouching at her feet. If only she could make the Alpha mark her, then she could experience this feeling all the time. The sound of footsteps cut her short and she turned in the direction it came from. Soon a muscular silhouette appeared, and Candice gasped. "No freaking way! YOU?"