Chapter 18

The members at the Goldmoon Pack were already settled in and the new routine was smoothly established. It took a few days to transfer everyone, but now they were all home. At last, they had a place to call their own within the woods. The kids who will gain their wolf with the next full moon are very excited. The Alpha was in his office when his patrollers at the main gate linked him. "Alpha, we have some guests at the front who would like to meet with you."

"Do you know who they are?"

"I think so, but I'm not 100% sure. One of them does have a strong aura."

"Are they a threat?"

"No Alpha. But if things happen, I doubt me, and my men will be able to stop them."

"Got it. Hold on, I'll be right there." The Alpha closed the link while heading out of his office. He quickly linked the head warrior to be on alert before transforming into his large pale gold wolf and darted through the trees in the direction of the main entrance. It's not like his pack's move was a big secret, in fact, he sent out letters to neighboring packs that he will begin visiting this week. Yet who could it be?

He reached the entrance and returned to his human form. Someone gave him a pair of shorts which he quickly donned before stepping out behind the trees. A huge grin spread across his face when he spotted his visitors. "Elder Seers, what brings you here." Striding towards the 'mature' woman, as she likes to be called, The Alpha embraced her in a hug so strong that she was lifted off the ground.

"You little rascal put me down this moment." Elder Cyntia Seers huffed even as a smile stretched across her face. "Tsk, it seems as though all that milk only made your muscles grow but not your brain."

The Goldmoon warriors were shocked at the way their Alpha was seemingly disrespected but all he did was laugh. "Ahh... Aunty... I mean Elder Seers, I'm glad to know that you're still as feisty as ever." Turning, he looked at the young she-wolf standing by. "Now, who is this lovely creature that has my men distracted?"

Elder Seers reached behind her and brought the younger woman to stand by her side. "Alpha, I would like to introduce my granddaughter, Alexa. She came of age a year ago and still has not found her mate. We believe that he may be among another pack, so since I have some business in the area, I thought why not kill two birds with one stone?"

The Alpha bowed slightly, "As expected of our illustrious member of our Council. I and my pack will be pleased to host your presence." Turning he gave his men some instructions to pass along the link. He knew by the time they arrived at the pack house, two guest rooms will be ready. "Your visit comes at a great time."

"How so?" Elder Cynthia asked as they walked to the pack house since she had kindly refused the vehicle offered to take them, declaring that exercise was one of her keys to staying young.

"Well, if Alexa's mate is not among my members, then he may be at the packs that I am scheduled to visit over the next few weeks. You are welcome to join our little delegation as we try to make friends and allies with our neighbors." Elder Cynthia nodded in agreement. Soon they arrived and both women got settled in. The Alpha went to his office with his Beta to make the necessary arrangements. Since Elder Cynthia did not inform them of her visit, He was sure that they did not want their presence to be known beforehand.

Looking at the list in his hands, that Alpha saw that the first pack on his list was the Bloodmoon pack. He only hoped that his visit with them, despite its name, will be without fighting or drama.

Trishanna hasn't been feeling well for the past two days. It wasn't only the lack of proper meals, being overworked or even the bullying, it was the nightmares. She's had them before, but the last few nights those images were different. It started the same, but instead of simply running from the flames, she was running from something, yet she could never escape. Cold clammy hands paw at her, causing her to fall. Soon they were ripping off her clothes while someone laughed in the background. Men's faces twisted with lust loomed over her before she could feel them forcing themselves between her legs.

No matter how much she screamed and begged them to stop, they didn't. Those men took her again and again against her will. In fact, it seemed as though the more she cried, the more they enjoyed what they were doing. Finally, she could see a pair of legs next to her. Looking up, she came face to face with the gleeful look of Alpha James sneering down on her. "Fellas, isn't she just good enough to sample?"

It was now the third night and Trishanna was trapped in the nightmare. With tears streaming down her face, she woke up in the dark room with the feel of hands on her shoulders. A man's hands. She began to scream only to have her mouth quickly covered. She grabbed onto that hand and bit it as hard as she could. All she could think about was getting out of the room. But what if his friends were waiting outside?

"Ahh... damn it Rosebud, since when did you get so thorny?"

"Sammy?" Trishanna stilled at the nickname. "Sammy, is it really you?"

"What the he... of course it's me. Wait a sec." Shuffling was heard before he turned on his phone's flashlight. "See, it's me." Trishanna couldn't hold back the tears and began to sob. "Hey, hey, talk to me. Tell me what happened." Trishanna just shook her head as the tears refused to stop. "Okay Rosebud, just let it out, and when you're ready you'll tell me."

Sammy wasn't sure how long he held his friend, but when she was finished, he wiped her nose with his T-shirt. After one more sniff, Trishanna began to tell him what happened after he left, and what Alpha James claimed as well. As Sammy listened, he could feel himself getting more and more enraged. He was mad at the she-wolf who approached him, at Candice for getting Trishanna drunk, and the Alpha who took advantage of his friend, but mostly he was mad at himself. It was the first time he didn't listen to his instinct and now his precious Rosebud had to pay the price.

"Trishanna, I am so sorry that happened to you. I failed you as a friend. I never should have left you. I knew it was your first time being at something like that. I let my guard down by thinking that you were on the pack ground and the way everyone treated you that day. If you never forgive me, I will understand. I don't think I could even forgive myself. I should have known something was up the moment the Gamma asked me to return, without even giving me a chance to say goodbye to you."

Trishanna shook her head. Raising up, she cupped both of his cheeks. "It's not your fault. Even if you stayed, they would have tried something another time. I don't hate you, so please don't hate yourself. Right now, I'm just glad to have my best friend. Can you hold me?" Trishanna pleaded. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep, but can you at least hold me?"

Sammy nodded, and soon they were lying on the mattress. Despite what she said, Trishanna drifted off to sleep, minus the nightmares. Sammy lay there, staring up at the ceiling, with Trishanna's head nestled on his shoulder. He still felt bad, and no matter what, he was going to right this wrong, starting with getting her out of here.