Chapter 23

Samuel groaned as he tried to adjust himself on the narrow bunk, he was lying on in the pack's prison cell. The doctor told him he will need to rest for at least a week if he was to heal. At times like this, not having a wolf really sucks. Touching his aching jaw, he hoped that whatever was served for dinner would be easy to chew. That brought thoughts of Trishanna to his mind. He knew she was there when he threw the first punch, but he wasn't sure what happened after. In fact, he was so busy trying not to get hit, that he didn't even know when she was no longer there. If it wasn't for the fact that she was the only one in yellow, he wouldn't have noticed that she was missing.

Sammy replayed the fight in his mind. He knew that James held back. He would have been dead if he didn't. He just hoped that James wouldn't take out his anger on Trishanna. Shaking his head, Sammy raised his uninjured arm over his head. Would he be banished from the pack? At the moment, he wasn't sure if that would be a good thing or not. On one hand, he will be able to make plans to get Trishanna out and set up somewhere without anyone knowing what's going on. On the other hand, he would not be able to communicate and that means, he wouldn't know what's going on with his friend. She doesn't leave the pack and he would be killed if he was found anywhere near the borders.

Well, even if he got kicked out, he has enough money and connections. He can secure a place to live, and even a job for Trishanna first, and then he can get her out. In fact, he remembered that there was a hacker on the dark web called 'Shadow'. From what he learned, they're suspected of being a werewolf and are the best in the field. From finding old text messages to surveillance, they do it all, for a price. Sammy wiggled himself, trying to get comfortable and get some sleep. If push came to shove, he'd give 'Shadow' a try.

The Goldmoon warrior stared at the Council's woman granddaughter. He was torn between standing there in the doorway and inviting her in. He had no interest in her as he was waiting on his mate, but from what he observed during his security detail around the pack is that at Bloodmoon, they don't care about waiting for their mate. He's heard of that practice, but to actually see it for himself was just shocking. And it looks like the Alpha doesn't either. He heard some shuffling on the steps and made a quick decision to pull Alexa into the room. Closing the door, he placed his finger on his lips to stop her from asking the question of why he did that.

Pressing his ear against the door, he listened as the footsteps passed, and after he was sure that the coast was clear he turned back to her. "From what I heard, he was carried off to the cells, and soon after the doctor could be seen heading in that direction. It looks like they are holding him for attacking his Alpha and he was treated. I'm not sure why, but my guess is that if we weren't here, that omega could have been punished or even kicked out of the pack." Seeing the look of concern on her face, he asked, "Why do you want to know?"

Alexa jumped. She was so deep in thought that she zoned out for a second. "Why? I'm... just concerned about the fight and what will happen. That's all." Pasting a smile on her face, Alexa straightened her shoulders and nodded at the warrior. "Well, thank you for answering my question. Now if you'll excuse me." She reached for the doorknob but stopped when the warrior leaned back, against the door, effectively blocking her escape.

"Nice try, Ms. Alexa, why don't you try again?"

"Hah... alright fine. I'll tell you once you promise not to say anything to anyone. Deal?" she stretched out her hand, yet all he did was arch one eyebrow. Alexa's hand fell limp at her side.

"Once it doesn't bring any harm to you, the Alpha, or the pack, then I'll keep my mouth shut."

Alexa clasped her hands together, "It won't. At least I believe it won't." Turing, she sat on the edge of the bed. "Actually, I'm not too sure but there was just something about that omega. I can't stop thinking about him. I want to know that he's okay. I wonder how bad are his injuries? Is he being taken care of properly or did they deny him medical attention because he attacked his Alpha? I don't even know his name."



"I heard some of the Bloodmoon members refer to him as 'Sammy'." the warrior shrugged, "I think that's his name." It seemed that he had some idea what it could be, but he needed to be sure before he voiced the reason. Besides, it would be better if she found out for herself.

"Sammy," Alexa whispered under her breath. She liked how it felt rolling off her tongue. "Thank you."

"Anytime Ms. Alexa. Now I think it's time you got back to your room before your grandmother raises hell in this place looking for you." With that, he opened the door and after making sure that no one was about, he waved her out.

Alexa walked back to her room, feeling a bit lighter. She was glad to know that he received treatment. Yet she didn't know why that mattered to her. She was able to take a shower and get ready in time for dinner. They were informed that they would be dining with the Alpha and his top people in the formal dining room. Then tomorrow they can have breakfast in their rooms. or they can eat with the rest of the pack.

Dinner was a pleasant affair, despite their first impression. The Beta was well informed and answered many of Alpha's Bradley questions about the area as well as some of the other packs he is scheduled to visit. Councilwoman Seers also expressed her interest in walking around the pack and the reason why she came along. Alpha James was happy to accommodate the older woman's request and entrusted that the Gamma would be made available to escort her.

Alpha Bradley was hard-pressed to concentrate on the conversation. the meal provided was made with such care that the same feeling he had earlier came back. Thank goodness that Sam was so good at his job that he could carry out his duty. "Alpha James, the meal is absolutely divine. Please, give my compliments to your cook."

"Yes, thank you." James was pleased. If Trishanna became his Luna, he would be pleased to introduce her at this point. "I will let them know. In fact, they have been with us for many years." Putting down his fork, James continued, "in fact, if you eat with us tomorrow morning, there is a strong possibility that you can meet them."

"Sounds good to me." Bradley turned to the others. "Would that work for you guys?" Hearing them express their agreement, he turned back to James. "We look forward to having breakfast with your pack, Alpha".