Chapter 35

It's been two weeks since Trishanna and Samuel have been with the Goldmoon Pack. While the first few nights were rough on Trishanna, the rest of the days went by without a hitch. Bradley was all too happy to allow her the freedom to visit anywhere and everyone was most helpful. She especially loved visiting the pups and even helped out a few times. It was strange but they flocked to her. The teachers were surprised as they are usually reserved with new people, but that wasn't the case with her. Many assumed that it was because Trishanna carried a slight hint of Bradley's scent.

After the first day, Trishanna would have flashes of that nightmare, causing her restless nights. It was evident by the dark circles under her eyes every morning. When Bradley noticed this, he consulted with his wolf who suggested that their scent may calm her. Calling Stacy, as she was assigned to his Luna, Bradley asked that the blanket he used be switched with Triahanna's every day. Without her wolf, Trishanna didn't pick up on it directly, but the 'new' blankets every day calmed her and she was now able to sleep during the night.

Of course, this caused Bradley's scent to lightly linger on her, pleasing his wolf. They spent a few hours every day after lunch talking and walking around the pack. Trishanna swooned when she saw the library and spent a lot of time reading the books she borrowed. Thanks to the healthy meals, Trishanna's health improved. Everything from her skin and hair to even her mood seemed to revive. The only thing was that if she didn't have a glass of orange juice first thing in the morning, her stomach revolted in a violent manner. It was so noticeable that a mug of juice was set before her seat at the table even before she came for breakfast.

Bradley was over the moon and so was his wolf whenever he was able to spend with Trishanna. The conversation was a bit stiff at the beginning, but now even he is amazed at how they seem to never run out of things to say and ask. He learned s much about her and shared things about himself that he's never told a soul. The best part is that she demonstrated such empathy, and never once did he feel judged. It was also refreshing to have a female's perspective on some of the things and she pointed out areas where a few slight changes would make pack life easier and more efficient.

It was on one of their walks around the grounds when Bradley got a link from Dr. Lorenzo. It seemed that the new equipment was delivered and installed. Asking Trishanna to go with him, they headed to the sick bay. There they saw the medical staff busy hovering around the newly installed items with pleased looks on their faces. Even though it's called the 'sick bay', it really was something like a fully functional mini hospital. There were four floors, catering to deal with everything from babies to serious injuries that required surgery.

Excusing himself, Bradley stepped aside to discuss the next step forward with Lorenzo. Trishanna looked around, being sure to stay out of the way of the workers. She was amazed at how many trained staff they had. It was nothing like this at Bloodmoon, and she was touched by Bradley's attention to detail. Maybe if they had this level of medical resources, Rosie may have survived. The memory of the only mother she had ever known made Trishanna feel sad. The smells of the disinfectant made her queasy and before she knew it, this morning's breakfast was fighting its way up her throat. Before she could think, she began to retch all over the freshly cleaned floor.

Bradley heard Trishanna and soon the sickly sour smell filled the corridor. Rushing to her side, he picked her up while shouting for Lorenzo to do something. The doctor waved them into the nearest room and the staff went about cleaning up the mess. Bradley gently deposited Trishanna on the bed while glaring at Lorenzo as if he was the cause of her distress. Shaking his head at his worried Alpha, he linked Nicole to come.

Bradley was offended when Lorenzo ordered him out of the room so he can examine her. He, the Alpha of his pack was now pacing back and forth in front of the door. His wolf was worried as well and growled at the poor worker who wheeled a few pieces of equipment into the room.

Trishanna was worried about what was taking place in her body. Not having a wolf meant that she was more like a human and thus had a normal immune system. As the doctor went about asking her questions and checking her vitals, all sorts of illnesses began running through her mind. Went he asked if she had been intimate with Bradley, she blushed and shook her head. Lorenzo was glad to see some color return to her cheeks. Sighing, he linked his mate, "If she didn't do it with Bradley, I would hate to tell him that his Luna may have cancer."

"Zo, maybe she did it with someone else. Before she came here. I heard that in her old pack, they didn't wait for their mate, so maybe that was the case?" Lorenzo hummed. He did think of it but dismissed it. However, if Nicole was right and the results support that, how would he break this news to his Alpha? Deciding on one step at a time, Lorenzo ordered the blood work to be done. Nicole took it to the lab and returned a few minutes later. The test showed what they thought and both looked at each with excitement and fear. How would Bradley take the news?

Bradley was now staring out the window a few feet from the room in which his Luna was. His wolf's growl rippled down the corridors, putting everyone on edge. It was all he could do to keep from barging into the room and shifting. His wolf was working himself up and Bradley was soon going to follow if Lorenzo didn't give him an update soon. Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, Nicloe popped her head out and called him in. Moving so fast, he almost shoved her out of the way, but Lorenzo's growl kept his head on.

With a sheepish look at him, Bradley quickly made his way to his mate's side. Holding her hand, his wolf finally relaxed and he could feel her relax as well. Without caring how it would look, he sat on the bed next to Trishanna and wrapped one arm around her. He felt her sigh and melt into him and his wolf howled in joy at this progress. Rubbing his cheek in her hair, he noticed that her scent has been a bit different for a while now, but chalked it up to not having much close contact before.

Lorenzo gave them a few minutes, understanding how much your mate's touch calms you down. He wondered though if they will still be like this when he shares what he's found. Clearing his throat, he turned to the couple. "Alpha, Luna, now I would like to share the findings of my examination."