Chapter 49

Trishanna awoke as the sun peeping through the curtains gently pulled her from the peaceful darkness. It was the first time in weeks that she did not dream, of anything. Groggily sitting up, she stretched. "Ouch," she mumbled. Raising the sheets, she saw the reason, or should she say reasons why her body ached. She knew Bradley held back from marking her neck, but he compensated by marking everywhere else. Trishanna blushed as she began counting the marks that she could see. They covered her breast, belly, thighs, and sides. She wouldn't be surprised if some were on her back.

Yawning, she got out of bed and almost fell to the ground. Her squeak of surprise jolted Bradley and he reached out his hands to her. Pulling her against his chest, he snuggled his face into her neck and began kissing her shoulder. "Where are you running off to mate?" Bradley's wolf was clearly ready for round number one hundred and eight, but Trishanna didn't think her body could handle any more. "I need to use the bathroom, but somebody seemed to have made my legs numb." At least he looked sheepishly guilty.

"Sorry," he replied. Trishanna just shook her head. Leaning, she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm not. I just really need to pee." Bradley threw off the covers and scooped her up in his arms. They strode to his bathroom, which was almost the same size as his bedroom, and he gently placed her on the toilet. "Is there anything else you need?" Trishanna's stomach rumbled a response and they both laughed. "I guess breakfast would be a good place to start." Kissing her forehead, Bradley started to fill the tub, before leaving to order breakfast to be brought up to them.

Trishanna tinkled, then washed her hands and brushed her teeth with one of the new toothbrushes she found in the cabinet next to the sink. She checked the temperature of the water filling the tub. It was so large that she was sure that at least six alphas would fit with room to spare. She began looking for the bath salt and came across Bradley's collection of his favorite scents. Inhaling, the events of last night replayed in her mind, causing Trishanna to blush all over. As she turned, she saw her reflection in the full-length mirror and a small gasp left her lips.

Reflected back was a woman who was definitely ravished last night. Evidence of Bradley's possessive desire could be seen on every inch of her body. Except for her neck. She knew it took every ounce of strength in him not to claim her last night. A part of her felt just a tiny bit sad at that, but, she mainly felt happy that he cared so much about her and the pup that wasn't even his own. She actually didn't know that up until this very moment, she was scared that when he returned, he might have decided not to be with her anymore. She was afraid that the time spent apart would have made him decide to choose a mate instead, thus preserving his bloodline. Yet to think, no, to know that wasn't the case, made a wave of butterflies course through her.

"I love him," Trishanna mumbled to herself. How could she not? "I love Bradley." The sound of something crashing to the ground caused her to spin around. Bradley stood at the bathroom door, glass and orange juice at his feet. "Say it again," he demanded. Trishann felt her whole body flush in embarrassment. Oh, why did he have to turn up at that very moment? In a few large strides, he was standing in front of her, excitement and hope filling his mesmerizing eyes. "Say it again, please" he begged. Swallowing the knot, she squared her shoulders. Looking directly into his orbs, she answered. "I, Trishanna Thornwood, even though that's not my real name, do declare that I love Alpha Bradley Goldstone with all my heart."

Bradley was stunned for a few seconds as he let the words sink in. Then with a holla, he swept Trishanna up in his arms and twirled. "Yes, yes, yes," he shouted. Placing her on her feet, he leaned in and gave her a toe-curling, heart-pounding, soul-burning kiss. "I love you Trishanna Thornwood, soon to be Goldstone." Before she could think, he knelt to his knees, kissing her stomach which was now starting to round out. "Did you hear that my pup? Mommy said that she loves me. Isn't that the best thing in the world? Now, you have to be my witness, okay?" Planting one more kiss, he gently caressed her belly. Looking up, he knew that what she felt was real, just by the way she looked at him.

That look gave him an idea, and before she could register that smirk, he hooked one leg over his shoulder. That move gave Trishanna a pretty good clue as to what was next and she squirmed. "No, Bradley, I haven't showered yet." All he did was tighten his grip on her waist and whisper to her core, "Stop moving or you'll slip." The heat of his breath on her sensitive area caused a chill to roll over her skin. He stretched out his tongue and took a lick. He could still taste her cream and even traces of himself. The memories of how he filled her to the brim last night, again and again, made his manhood stand to attention, but now was a time for her.

Using his lips and tongue, he took her to edge over and over but denied her the release she needed. Bradley chuckled as her grip on his hair tightened, and she rubbed herself against his face searching, begging to be put out of the delicious torture. He chuckled again, and the vibrations pushed her to the edge once more. "Please Bradley, please...." she begged. He paused, and blew on her mound, causing her legs to quiver. "Just tell me what you want"

Trishanna looked down at him, her eyes filled with so much lust and desire and he almost burst there and then. "You know what I want. Please," she whined, trying to find the release herself. Bradley shook his head, "Say it." He demanded, looking into her eyes. The commanding tone in his voice spoke to the omega trait in her and she willingly surrendered. "I want to come," she paused, then added, "Daddy".

Bradley inhaled, having no idea that hearing that would have turned him on to a new level. With a groan, he buried his face in between her thighs again and began assaulting her sensitive nub with new vigor. At the same time, one hand began rubbing his member, knowing that both their release was close at hand. It only took a few strokes of his tongue and hand for both of them to scream in pleasure. His shot out across the bathroom floor and hers filled his mouth and ran down her thighs.

She collapsed in his arms and they both lay on the floor. When their breathing was closer to normal, Tishanna raised her head. A smile was on Bradley's face and she knew that no matter what may come. They will face it as a team.