Chapter 53

Bradley knocked back his umpteenth drink. At times like this, he wished he wasn't a werewolf as the alcohol had no effect on him, even the strong stuff. He poured another drink but Sam snatched it away. Bradley growled, both him and his wolf. "Give me my drink, or will you take that away like that bastard did my mate?" Sam winced and surrendered the glass. Bradley downed it in one gulp and reached for the bottle only to realize that it was empty. He scanned his office, looking for a bottle that still had. He found one and tipped it over guzzling the bit of liquid. When it was done, he threw the bottle against the wall. The sound of shattering glass echoed around the room. "Hey, I know you're out there, get me more." An Omega peeked around the half-opened door, nodded, and scampered off.

Sam was shocked to see his friend like this. It was even more shocking to see his Alpha like this, and it seemed that Bradley didn't care who saw him. Bradley dropped himself into his chair, resting his head in his hands. He mumbled to himself. It was hard to think with his wolf whining in a corner like he lost some part of himself, but that's precisely what happened. A whole bunch of questions floated in his head. Why didn't he mark her as soon as he found her? Why did he wait so long? Is she okay? Of course, she isn't. Is the stress affecting the pup? Would that bastard try to do something to her? Force himself on her? And the loudest of all was, how to kill that bastard once and for all?

He was in so much pain, that he didn't know Sam was next to him until he spoke. "Brad, my friend. I can't even say I know what you're dealing with, cause that would be a lie, but you have to pull it together. Right now you didn't just lose your mate, we, your pack lost their Luna, and right now we feel as if we've lost our Alpha as well." The shy omega stood just within the doorway, holding a few more bottles and nodding. Clearing his throat, he shyly spoke up. "Alpha Brdley, you have been one of the best people that we know and a great leader. We look up to you and would follow you into the depths of hell if you said so. I'm sure that you're hurting from the loss, but It's not like Luna Trishanna is gone forever and you can't get her back. She is alive and I know that there is some way for you to bring her back home. Just think, please." With that, he left the bottles and darted out of the room.

Bradley was still for a moment, the words of his pack member slowly clearing the grief he was feeling. Even his wolf's ears twitched at what was said. He was right, she was still alive and actually just a boundary away, yet the pain of losing her presence was too much. He wanted to do something, but the feelings were keeping him down. Sam closed the door and returned to Bradley. Kneeling by his side, he placed one hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. With that small gesture, it broke the dam that was holding him back and Bradley cried for the second time on his friend's shoulder, the first being after his father's death.

Trishanna scowled at the room she was shown into. Sure, it was a big step up from the tiny basement she had before, but it didn't matter if she was given a palace, the last place she'd ever want to be is back in Bloodmoon. James walked in behind her depositing her bags near the closet. He was so happy that it was taking everything within him not to launch himself at Trishanna. "So," he began, clearing his throat, "this is your room." Trishanna rolled her eyes. "If you don't like it, we can have you moved. You can even have mine if you prefer." Trishanna whirled on James. "I would like my room that I shared with my mate, back in Goldmoon. Is that an option?" she asked sarcastically.

James' lips tightened and for a moment anger surged within him. Can't she see that he is trying to make amends? Before he could respond, she turned her back to him, her arms hugging her belly. "This is fine. I wish to be alone, now." The anger ebbed out of him as she saw her caress her baby bump. He remembered how he felt when she left and understood that right now she was feeling emotional and vulnerable. He nodded, not that she could see him, and stepped out, closing the door. He told the omega that he chose to serve her, to let her rest for an hour before disturbing her. He headed to his room and lay down on his bed.

His wolf was happy to have her close and so was James. He grabbed a pillow to cover the scream of joy that his Luna intended was back in his pack, and soon, hopefully back in his arms. He had missed the dreams with her. Torturous as they were, they offered him some comfort. Now all he had to do was play his cards right, and he would have what he and his wolf longed for. A mate and a pup. Who knows, maybe they will have more than one. James hugged the pillow and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a future with Trishanna.

Meanwhile, Trishanna had sunk into her bed and could no longer hold back the tears. She was feeling so lost without Bradley and what was worse, when Samuel offered to come with her, he was denied claiming that since he rejected the pack, the Alpha decided not to reverse his rejection. Not even her pleas for Tiffany to accompany her made a dent and now she was back here. "Bradley, please come for me soon," she whispered, hoping against all hope that her mate will find a way to reverse what those documents said. She went to her suitcase and pulled out one of Bradley's shirts. It was an impulsive decision to take it, but now she was glad that she did. Holding it, she lay on the bed and curled into a ball. Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes and prayed that this was all just a horrible dream, that would dissipate with the dawn.