Chapter 64

Trishanna groaned and turned, blinking sleepy eyes. She yawned and streched, realizing that she was alone in bed. Turning, she looked at the little clock on the nightstand and realized it was almost 11pm. Her stomach growled and she rubbed her moving belly, the pup obviously upset that she missed dinner. She shuffled to the bathroom with a smile on her face at the memory of the delicious "dessert" she had with Bradley a few hours before. She took a quick shower and dressed in a simple nightgown, wrapping her robe around her. Making her way downstairs, she headed straight to the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, she spotted tonight's leftovers and began taking out the containers, ready to heat up a plate or three for herself. The sound of someone clearing their throat behind her made her squeak and she spun around. James was there, leaning against the island, a smile on his face. He enjoyed looking at the way her hips looked in the satin cloth covering her as she leaned in the fridge, but he was sure that Trishanna wouldn't be happy to know that. He did his best to keep the desire out of his eyes, as he offered to get her dinner. Waving her to sit on one of the stools, he began dishing out the meal of baked potatoes, rack of lamb in a pineapple bar-b-que sauce with sauteed veggies. He popped the heavily laden plate in the microwave and stepped back as it heated up.

He took a glass from the cupboard and poured her a glass of milk, her shy smile of thanks as his reward. He leaned at the sink and watched her sip, pleased that she no longer stared daggers at him. His mind drifted back to the baby store and he couldn't help but to ask, "What was that about today?" Trishanna almost choked on the liquid in her mouth. She quickly swallowed, looking everywhere but at James. Yikes! Even she wasn't sure what today was about. She could understand her possessiveness and jealousy for Bradley, her mate, but why did she feel the same when that female was looking at James? If anything, she should have introduced the two of them, happy to have his attention elsewhere. So why didn't she? Why, even now, the thought of that woman putting her hands on James made Trishanna's hand tighten on her glass, and a low growl rumble at the back of her throat.

The beeping of the microwave brought Trishanna out of her musings, and she shook her head. Clearly, all these thoughts were due to low blood sugar. James took out the plate and placed it in front of her. Trishanna took in a whiff of appreciation. The new cook was a god-sent and she dug in. She moaned, and James' eyes darkened. He looked away, aroused and embarrassed at the same time. He shifted as his pants became uncomfortable. He felt like a teenager. Turning, he reached for a beer, needing to cool himself down. "Can I join you?" he asked her, pointing his bottle to a chair two seats from her.

Trishanna swallowed and nodded. "Umm.... where's Bradley?" she asked, trying to fill the awkward, yet not awkward silence. James took a swig, "He's out on patrol." was the simple answer. Not sure what to say, Trishanna just nodded and returned to eating, her pup enjoying it more than her. When she was almost done, and James was on his second beer, he asked again, "So, about that thing with... Stacy? Earlier?" Trishanna hand gripped the fork in her hand so tightly, she began feeling the metal beginning to bend. "You mean Shelly?" she asked through clenched teeth. What the hell? Did he want her?

James shrugged, "Whatever her name was, I don't care. I'm talking about the lady in the baby store, What was that all about." Trishanna loosened her death grip on the fork, wishing for a moment it was James' neck, and calmly picked up her napkin and wiped her mouth. What the hell, why won't he just drop it? Maybe he was interested in that bimbo and she got in his way. That thought caused a pang, but she rubbed it away, telling herself it was heartburn from a late dinner. "I'm sorry if I messed things up for you. Maybe I should call the store tomorrow and apologize?" James looked confused. "Why?" he asked.

Trishanna shrugged. "I thought you were interested and I got in your way." James' eyes widened. "What? The only thing I'm interested in is why you reacted like that." He ran a hand through his hair. Maybe he was hoping for something that just wasn't there. He thought for a moment, just a brief moment that Trishanna might have been jealous because of him. If Stacy had grabbed his arm, would she have been upset? Would they have gotten intimate like she and Bradley did? Lucky bastard. Clearly, he was fishing in a pond that had no fish. He should just be thankful that she was allowing him to be in her and his pup's life. He ran his hand through his hair, a frustrated sigh leaving his lips.

"I'm sorry Trish, I guess I'm just a bit tired. I shouldn't be stressing you out right now. If your mate knew, he would kick my ass." A bitter laugh escaped. He screwed things up so much he should be thanking every god known to man and a few more he made up that he could speak to her like this. Standing, he passed by her, all intentions to leave things as it is and make his way to bed, however, Trishanna's hand sneaked out to grab one of his own. James paused, looking down at the woman seated below, a desire to kiss the crown of her brown curls making his jaw clench in resistance. He was going to pull his hand away, but she tightened her grip. He knelt on the floor next to her, raising her head that was buried in her chest. What her saw on her face, made his heart thumped, that maybe, just maybe, there was some hope on the horizion.