Chapter 70

Silver. Bradley was attacked with silver. This thought rang through Trishanna's head over and over. She knew how bad silver was for werewolves. It delayed the healing process and if the bullets were still inside Bradley, then he was no better than a regular human. Trishanna wrapped her hands around her middle, trying to hold herself together as she rocked back and forth, the pup rolling as her stress levels rose. She had no idea how the rest of the conversation went, feeling herself falling into a pit of despair.

James hung up and began giving orders to his pack through the link. He asked for a few warriors to head over to Goldmoon and go with them and asked someone for bags to be packed for him and Trishanna. He then turned to the woman who looked like a child and pulled her into his arms. He could imagine the pain she was feeling and at that moment was glad that they did not mate as the pain felt through the bond would probably have sent her mad, or into early labour. Pushing her away gently, he wiped at the constant flow of tears and brushed her brown hair from her face. The emptiness he saw in her eyes, made his gut clenched and he swore that if that damned Alpha died, he would bring him back only to kill him again. He hated to see the look on his mate's face. That thought made James pull back as if he was slapped. His mate, Trishanna was his mate. How did he not know this? He shook his head, no, he knew, he just didn't want to admit it, but now was not the time to dive deeper into this revelation.

"Trishanna," he said, wondering if she even heard him. "Trishanna, love. Let's go." She turned haunted eyes to him, repeating the word 'silver' to herself. "Baby, I ordered our bags to be packed and got us some tickets. Let's go see your mate. Let's go to Alpha Bradley." At the sound of her mate's name, Trishanna blinked and tears filled her eyes again. "We're going to Bradley?" she whispered. At his nod, she sniffed and wiped her face with her top. James reached for the napkins nearby and wiped her eyes, encouraging her to blow her nose like a child. She certainly felt fragile like a one, like the babe in her womb.

The words James said made her realize something that she never noticed. Bradley is an Alpha. She is mated to an Alpha, meaning she needs to put aside her feelings and think about the pack. They may not have been officially mated, but she was accepted at Goldmoon. If they had, she would currently be the Luna. The pup kicked in that moment and she also realized that she was carrying the child of an Alpha as well. She could not be weak and she would no longer be.

She abruptly stood, her eyes flashed with determination. She looked down at James. "I am the Luna of Goldmoon and right now I need to address my pack. We shall stop there first before heading to the airport. I will let Sammy know to gather everyone so I can address them and put their fears at ease. Please see to our ride Alpha James." And with that, she walked off, her back straight her head held high and James thought to himself that she had never looked so beautiful as she did right then. She paused at the door, throwing a glance over her shoulder, "Are you coming?", she demanded. 

James jumped up, grinning even though he knew he shouldn't, "Yes ma'am."

Bradley wirthed in pain, fire running through his body like it was its own personal race track. The human doctors were able to remove two of the bullets as they were closer to the skin, but the third one was jammed into his ribs and one wrong move could have him breathing without the use of his nose. Sam urged him to stay as still as he can, as Bradley had the insane idea to grab the man and throw him out of the nearest window. That thought brought a hazy memory of him and Trishanna joking about that very situation when she gave birth and he chuckled saying that it was a good thing the labour wards were on the ground floor, for just a reason like this and that she could do it as many times as she needed.

The thought of her brought just the slightest ease and he was glad that he had not give in to the temptation to fly her out to be by his side. What if she was attacked as well? No, he slightly shook his head, it was a good thing that she was far away, safely tucked away at Bloodmoon.

He heard Sam on the phone and hoped Lorenzo would get here soon. The stitches that the doctor gave him itched and he hoped that his doctor would redo them. Sam hung up, a strange look on his face. "That was Sammy on the phone. Your mate addressed the pack, letting everyone know that you're still alive and that we have the best trackers on the case. She reassured them that you would be fine and she is going to ensure that you get home in one piece." Pride filled his eyes, "She is my Luna.", he simply said, and Sam nodded. "She is our Luna." Even in the pain, Bradley could feel his wolf's chest swell. He shook out his mane and whispered, "You see now why we were mated?" 

Sam sighed, "That was the good news." He rubbed his hand at the back of his neck. "The not-so-good, really bad, or really great news," he continued, "is based on how you look at it." Bradley frowned, not in the mood to play games. "Just spit it out, man." Sam slowly edged towards the door. Whether it was for his quick escape, or to ensure the patient didn't, he wasn't sure. "Now, Alpha, I want you to hold on to that warm, fuzzy feeling of pride you just had in your mate. Don't deny it, I could see it in your eyes and you have every right to feel so." He could feel Bradley's irritation building. Sam was always direct, but he knew just how irrational males, especially Alphas felt about protecting their mates, and with the assailant still on the loose, and no new leads on who ordered the hit, or should we say, no evidence that it was Bloom, the further Trishanna was the safer she would be.

"Well, Alpha, Samuel just informed me that he sent over some supplies as well as more warriors from Goldmoon. Lorenzo already left, so he's sending it with someone else." Sam took another step back. Bradley narrowed his eyes, suspicion coming off him in waves. It had better not be who he think it was, and he was calm until his Beta dropped the Bomb, "The Luna is on her way."