F**k grand tour

Chapter 3 (Vicky's POV)

Ok. So his house is not what I was expecting.

At all.

Sure, it has the masculine touch. It's a bit on the dark side with dark wood, but it also has big windows, light green-colored walls, and it's huge.

The cherry on top was Amy's things lying everywhere. It was just another proof of him being a loving father.

As I was looking around he realized how messy his house was (hey I'm not judging just stating facts here),

"Sorry, gorgeous. I really wasn't expecting anyone and that's why I didn't even bother to pick up Amy's toys after her mother picked her up yesterday. And since she will be gone only for 2 days I usually just leave it the way she drops them."

I turned around to find him blushing and rubbing his neck nervously.

I couldn't help but start laughing at him.

He was just so adorable, all nervous about a few toys lying around his house.

It took him by surprise considering his shocked face, but he recovered very fast and smirked in my direction.

At his hungry look, my laugh died down and suddenly I felt too hot.

"Uhm, yeah you know I don't mind all these toys. They just show that you care about Amy, but it's nice to know you care about my opinion. So how about that coffee now, huh?"

I was nervous because his hungry eyes didn't leave me for even a second and his smirk stayed firmly in place.

I remember his words from our calls very clearly at this moment.

" One day, my dear Vicky, you'll be in my arms and I'll be sure to spank that sass out of you. And I promise you. You will enjoy every second of it."

I had no idea if I would or wouldn't enjoy it, since I've never ever been spanked before.

But honestly, he made me curious.

I've read lots of books about spanking, tying up etc. But I never tried it out.

Mostly because I was scared of being made fun of, but also because in the last 4 years I had no one to even ask that.

Yeah Yeah i know. Even nuns see more action than my v****a in 4 years.

But I was nervous because up to now it was all just joking. But now, looking in his eyes, I knew I was screwed. Well, not yet. But if I'm lucky, I will be there in a few minutes.

"What if we skip coffee and I show you all the pleasure a punishment can bring you?"

At his words his eyes sparkled with mischief.

I knew what he was asking but I couldn't find my voice.

So I just nodded at him with a shocked face, I'm sure.

"Good girl. Looks like you will get a part of a grand tour right now."

Then his eyes shifted to my mouth and I realized I'd been licking my lips unconsciously.

He then took 2 big steps in front of me and whispered:"F*** grand tour! You are too tempting!"

And his lips once again landed on mine and even if I wanted, I couldn't help the moan that escaped my mouth