His ex is a bitch

Chapter 7 (Vicky's POV)

I woke up because it seemed like I had forgotten to close my blinds once more.

But once i opened my eyes, I realized I was not in my small house. It took me a moment to register where I was.

And once I did, I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my lips.

Suddenly, I felt Andrew's hand sneak around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I stiffened for a second thinking I woke him up.

But he just mumbled something under his breath and continued his snorring session.

A small giggle escaped my lips.

My dangerous looking Scottish man was like a little puppy when he was sleeping.

All his tattoos were on display since our sheet was kicked down to our feet.

All the yummines on display for me to ogle him freely. He really was like a piece of art with all his ink.

At that moment, my bladder reminded me why I woke up in the first place.

Since I didn't get a grand tour yesterday, I would need to find my way to the bathroom.

I sneaked away from him and lucky for me I didn't wake him up.

I was trying to find my clothes but i really had to use the bathroom, so I just grabbed his T-shirt and went searching for the bathroom.

Once I found it, I sighed in relief.

Once I finished, I walked to the kitchen and decided I needed coffee and I should also start making breakfast. Since I was an unexpected guest, that was the least I could do.

I started the coffee and found my way around the kitchen.

I pulled out a cartoon of eggs and some bacon to go with them. Also some strawberries and chocolate. They would make a good dessert. I smirked at that thought .

I put some music on my phone and started making breakfast.

I was singing and dancing and didn't even hear the front door being unlocked.

"Who the f**k are you and what are you doing in my boyfriend's house?!"

I was startled at the unexpected voice and the volume of it.

I turned off my music and turned around to confront who ever was in the doorway.

As far as I knew, Andrew didn't have a girlfriend and I really didn't get the impression that he was a cheater, so I wasn't really concerned about her statement.

Once I turned around, things became clear the second I saw who was standing in front of me.


A little girl exclaimed once she saw my face.

I giggled and waved at her.

"Hi Amy. Hope you are being a good girl."

She just smiled a huge toothless grin in my direction.

Shawna's face went even more red than she was before and she started screaming at me again.


I was momentarily taken aback by her words, but I composed myself pretty quickly.

"Well, hello Shawna. My name is Vicky and I would really appreciate it if you stopped screaming. First of all, you are holding your daughter and second, Andrew is still sleeping. And since he is not really a morning person, I think it's best if you keep it down a notch. Got it?"

That seemed to anger her even more, since she most definitely didn't get quieter but only started screaming even louder.

She was throwing accusations and obscenries my way. Calling me names and I gave up trying to calm her down.

I guess it's best I let her get everything out before I try to speak again.

Then suddenly a little sob caught my attention. I looked down at Amy who was still in her mother's arms, but now she wasn't smiling anymore. She was scared and was shaking like a leaf. That made my anger boil over.


Shawna looked at me with wide eyes at that moment and finally shut up.

"You are here yelling at me, but you don't have even an ounce of motherly instinct to realize your own daughter was getting scared of you! What is wrong with you woman? Wait till Andrew wakes up and we can have this conversation outside. Alone! Because I won't stay by and just look how a little girl gets scared for life by her own mother!"

She was still looking at me speechless.

"Since you lost your ability to speak, I'll tell you my part now. I'm here on vacation actually and me and Andrew have known one another for quite some time now, not that it's any of your business. Yes, I slept with him, which is also none of your business, since I know that you are not his girlfriend, but I do know you tried to trap him with that little innocent girl in your arms. I can see how that must hurt when you realize your plan didn't work, but guess what? GET OVER YOURSELF AND TRY TO BE A GOOD MOTHER IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO BE A DECENT PERSON!"

After my little speech, I took a hard gulp of air and suddenly clapping came from the hallway.

We both turned around to find Andrew standing there with a proud smile on his face. And it was aimed my way.