That's just Knox

Chapter 16 (Andrew's POV)

I've seen Rick at the club a few times but I didn't think he would be brave enough to approach us.

Guess I was right since he only had b***s to approach Vicky.

But what he didn't count on was the fact that my girl seems to be as dangerous as she is beautiful.

The moment I saw his hands on Vicky I wanted to pull him away from her. But when I looked at her face, all I could see was fire. And I knew my girl could take care of herself.

But that doesn't mean I didn't move closer. You know just in case.

The moment she broke Rick's nose I couldn't be more prouder of her.

And also more turned on.

What? A girl that doesn't need a knight in shinning armor every 5 minutes is hot as f**k.

So at this moment in my car, on our way back home, all I can think about is, how good it felt to be buried b***s deep inside her p***y. And I want that and so much more.

I'm mentally calculating every possibility in my house that is appropriate and far enough from Amy's bedroom and guest room where my mom is sleeping.

But I don't like my calculations since all the options show me that my bedroom is the safest place.

Which I don't really mind. I'll just have to do with restricted options.

When we reach home, I'm already unbuckling my belt and as soon as the car stops I'm out and running around the car to get my girl.

She is laughing at my excitement but I can also see heat rising in her eyes.

The moment we step inside my house and lock the door, I press her against it.

I can't take it anymore.

I want her as my next breath.

My kisses are filled with desperation and passion. And a healthy dose of hunger.

She is moaning my name and it sounds like a prayer from her lips.

I put my hands under her a*s and lifted her off her feet.

She lets out a quiet whimper before her legs wrap around my waist and her hold around my neck tightens.

"Andrew, put me down this second. I'm too heavy!"

She tries hissing quietly but her plan goes through the window when I land a hard slap on her nice ass.

"Stop putting yourself down. You are as light as a feather. And since I don't want to move away from you, this is the easiest way to get us to the couch."

She moans with pleasure. My c**k is rubbing at her wet center and the slap on her a*s just made her grind on it even harder.

When I reached our destination I sat down with Vicky sitting on my lap.

I go for her lips once more when a hard knock stops my movements.

I looked at the clock.

It's past midnight already.

Whoever it is means business and knocking at this hour can mean only one thing.

"Andrew! Come on man, open the door. You know I'm not a fan of these night shifts and even less low temperatures."

A huge grin stretches my lips and Vicky's eyes widen comically.

"Are you expecting someone?"

"Not really, but I think he came here tonight because of you."

"Me? What the h**l did I do? I don't know anyone except you!"

"Well, you did break someone's nose tonight if I remember correctly."

I didn't think her eyes could be any bigger but they grew a few more sizes at my words and I couldn't help but laugh at her expression.

"Andrew, are you serious right now? You are laughing even though it's highly possible that cops are outside your door looking for me! Oh my Hod I'm a criminal. I will go to prison. And I don't look good in orange. God help me. You need to help me escape. Like right now!"

I couldn't help it. I tried but it was impossible. I laughed even harder.

"Relax love. Thats Knox. He's my buddy. We grew up together so you have nothing to worry about unless you murdered someone."

At my words, she relaxed and I stood up to go unlock the door so Knox could come in.

Knox was my best friend. We really did grow up but he was more like a brother to me. His family was a disaster. His mother took off when he was 5 years old, married some rich guy and signed all her paternity rights to Knox's father. Now his father was a piece of work. He forced Knox to work when he was 12 years old so he could bring money home so he could drink it away. He died when Knox was only 15 years old and he was about to end up in the system, but my parents loved him almost as much as they loved me and they fought to get him to live with us. They succeeded and ever since Knox, has been like another member of our family.

When I opened the door, there he stood. And he looked pissed.

"Now you have a lot of explaining to do. I need to hear from mom that you have a girl staying with you, then Rick called to report the attack, and again I need to hear from others that your girl did it. Now start explaining and introduce me to this mysterious little fire cracker that goes around breaking the noses of the most dangerous people in our town."

I'm laughing so hard I'm barely able to catch my breath. When I manage to calm down some, I open the door for him to come in. He knows he won't get an invitation. We are family after all.

When we reach the living room, Vicky is sitting on the couch looking nervous.

As soon as she sees us, she starts blabbing.

"I'm so sorry for that guy's nose. No wait. Scratch that. I'm not sorry. He grabbed me and he was trying to threaten me, but no one would ever scare me again. I lived through hell and got out on the other side alive so no man can intimidate me. So no, I am not sorry. I will take my fee or whatever, but I won't apologize."

Only when she finishes does she take a breath.

When I looked at Knox, he barely managed to hold in his laugh. But only for a second, because when our eyes met we both burst into laughter.

"You i****s! Stop laughing at me!"

But she is struggling to keep a serious face as well.

"I'm sorry hun. My name is Knix and I'm the bigger idiot's adopted brother in a way. I am really sorry if my visit scared you, but Andrew was hiding you and I just had to see for myself the woman that managed to bring him out of his shell. And honestly, you are even more beautiful than mother described you and I can see you are good for my brother. Except the fighting thing. We will have to work on that. But it sounds like Rick deserved what he got, so that's what I'll write in my report."

"Oh s**t, where are my manners tonight? Hi I'm Vicky. I have no idea what you are talking about other than the fact that the idiot in the club deserved much more than he got from me. He's a real piece of s**t. Sorry my language."

I was chuckling again. She was the cutest sight when she was nervous.

But she still held her fire. I loved my brother but at that moment I wished he wouldn't interrupt us so I could be devouring my girl right now.

"You and me, my dear Vicky, will be best friends. You'll see. Now that I got your statement and I've seen you with my own eyes, I can leave you love birds to other things. So have a good night, and I'll pick you both up at 9am tomorrow for breakfast. I'll see myself out. Night!"

And he was out with those words.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is my hurricane of a brother for you.

When I turned back to Vicky, though, I forgot about everything else but her.

I started walking slowly towards her again, and she was moving backwards towards my bedroom.

"Now darling. Where were we?"

With those words, I tried to catch her but she turned around and ran into my bedroom.

oooh honey, it's game on.