What the hell

Chapter 22 (Knox's POV)

I was sitting at the police station, working my night shift once more.

I loved it because it was the quietest one.

Well, it was almost always quiet here.

Not like many criminals lived in our little town.

I was just thinking about what to get for dinner when my phone rang and brought me back to reality.

Fear gripped my heart when I saw Marge's number displayed on the screen.

"Hey Marge. Is everything OK?"

"Dear Lord Knox! No! Everything is not OK! When we came back, Shawna was waiting for us inside Andrew's house! She started shouting and spewing her usual bullshit, but Vicky wasn't having it. She said she couldn't take Amy home and she lost her mind! She attacked my sweet Vicky! What if she hurts her? Oh Lord! Hurry up, Knox, please!"

I was seriously doubting Shawna could do any real damage to Vicky but I wasn't willing to take chances. I actually liked that girl. She was good for Andrew and Amy.

"No worries Marge. You just make sure to get Amy away from all the fighting and I'll be there in a few minutes. I will also call Andrew on my way so he will be present as well."

As I was speaking, I collected my keys and wallet and was already walking towards my car.

"Thank you Knox. You're my hero as always."

With those words, she hung up and I dialed Andrew's number right away.

There were no words to describe how furious I was with my best friend right now.

As soon as he picked up the phone, I started shouting.

"You i***t! How many times do I need to tell you to change the locks on your house? How many times did I warn you not to give that psycho a key to your house? Damn you man! And now that b***h attacked Vicky inside your house because she didn't want to give her Amy!"

"F**k! Yeah Brother, I hear you, I'm on my way."

He hung up the phone and at the time I was only a block away from his house.

When I parked my car I didn't even bother knocking. I doubt anyone would even hear me if the sounds from inside were any indication.

When I walked inside the living room I was left speechless. And that doesn't happen often, let me tell you.

In front of me there was Vicky standing tall and proud and she was holding Shawna by her hair on her knees in front of her. Shawna was crying and pleading with Vicky to let her go but she was just staring at her with a murderous look.

If looks could kill, Shawna would indeed be dead right now.

Vicky did have a bloody lower lip but that was it as far as I could tell.

Shawna's brother was standing in the corner and, by the looks, he was scared, shittles of the woman standing in front of him.

"Hey Knox. Do you mind taking out the trash for me?"

The situation was so weird I doubled over with laughter at Vicky's words.

"Sure hun. I'll take care of everything. Do you want to press charges?"

She looked at Shawna once more at my words.

"Actually yes. I would love to. Because I want her as far away from Amy as possible."

With those words she let go of her hair and pushed her forward so she fell on all fours.

"Now, if you will excuse me. I will go check up on Amy, because at least I know, a little girl is a priority!"

She walked away with her head raised high and I'll tell you, I liked her even more now. She finally showed Shawna where her place was.

I handcuffed Shawna and walked her out and put her in the car. In the end, she attacked Vicky and she gets one free night in the cell.

Her brother was nowhere in sight when I came back inside.


At that moment, Andrew sped into his driveway.

"What is going on? Are mom Vicky and Amy alright?"

I just laughed at him.

"Go ask your girl. I'm sure you will love to hear the story from her. But it sure is one hell of a story. And you are stupid to let her go, that's for sure."

He looked at me with a sad smile.

"Unfortunately, we both know I am stupid when it comes to my happiness."

I shrugged my shoulders because what else was there to say? He was stupid. But not intentionally. He always sabotaged himself out of fear.

I just hoped he would slay his demons before Vicky walks out of his life.