new beginning

Chapter 52 (Vicky's POV)

I was trying not to freak out.

I swear to God I was.

But it didn't help.

I was a mess.

A really utterly scared mess that was starting to feel a panic attack coming.

I wanted to cry, to scream, anything, but all this fear and panic made me numb.

Would it ever stop?

When can I have my life back?

Back to normal.

Without sone psycho ex behind my back.

I had to get away from everything.

I turned back to Andrew.

He looked just as shocked as I felt.

But there was a difference. His shock was mixed with anger and mine was mixed with fear.

But I promised myself to overcome that fear.

Right there and then as I watched Andrew's face full of anger and determination I made a promise to myself to never fear anything again.

I should face problems with stubbornness and determination I knew I possessed. I just had to change and use it right.

"Andrew. Would you mind if I go with you back to Scotland?"

He was taken aback by my question but soon his face overtook a huge smile.

"I don't mind at all. But what about your job, your parents…"

He wanted to ask a thousand more questions. I could see it in his eyes.

But I shut him up with a passionate kiss.

It was fueled with all the pain, fear, promises.

It was a kiss that whispered forever.

After a few more seconds I moved a bit away from his lips and whispered to him my answer.

"I quit my job, my parents are enjoying their retirement and travel around the world mostly and I really don't want to worry them with all my problems. And the only real friend I have is Jessy and we can talk on camera alot and I can come visit and so on. Any more questions?"

His smile could only be described as a Cheshire smile.

But what surprised me next was the fact that Jessy spoke up.

"If you think you are going anywhere without me, you are dead wrong. And to top it off you would take my man with you. Not going to happen darling. Let's go get those suitcases packed."

Knox suddenly stepped on the brake and almost threw everyone out of their seats with his actions.

We all looked at him with wide opened eyes.

And what did he do? 

He turned towards Jessy and kissed her senseless.

All I could do was chuckle lightly at his antics.

He really was something special.

And I couldn't believe I finally found somewhere I belonged.

After years of misery I was finaly truly happy.

Even if we had Nik breathing down pur throats, I could withstand anything, as long as I had them with me.

When we reached my apartment me and Jessy literaly ran to pack my things, everything that couldn't go with me was labeled and left for my landlord to sell it and send thw profits to me.

I went to notify him and the boys started carrying things into the car in the meantime.

We did the same at Jessy's apartment and we were on our way to the airport.

It's about time I start a new chapter.

A happier one if possible. 


It was 8pm once we finally reached Scotland.

But I didn't care.

I had the love of my life beside me, my best friend and a brother from another mother.

What else could I ask for?

We put all our luggage on that weird trolley thing that you get at the airports God knows how it's named properly.

And then we went to Andrew's car that he left at the airport the day they came to Slovenia.

We put our luggage inside the trunk and we began our journey first to Marge's house and then home.

Once we got to Marge's house I wasn't ready for all the tears and damn this pregnancy hormone I was a crying mess in no time.

Marge was over the top happy to get another grandchild until we told her there were twins.

And then it was game over.

We were crying and hugging each other again, and ofcourse we included Jessy  as well.

After an hour or so we finally parted our ways.

But not before me and Jessy promised Marge to meet her for coffee tomorrow morning.

It was nice but my babies wanted to rest already.

So Knox and Jessy took their car that was parked in front of Marge's car and we took Andrew's car.

When we were finally alone I must admit a sigh relieved from all the noise and laughter.

Andrew chuckled and took my hand in his.

"How are you feeling love?"

I smiled softly and closed my eyes before I answered him.

"For the first time in a really long period I feel like I can finally breathe. It's nice to have a chance for a new beginning. Especially with someone like you."

We pulled to Andrews drive way at that moment and he came around to open my door.

When I was out I pecked his lips and turned to get Amy from her seat, but when I turned around I almost dropped the little princess.

"What are you doing Andrew?" 

He was in front of me, sure, but he was down on one knee…

"Victoria, you made me the happiest man on this earth when you came into my life. I want to share all that happiness with you for the rest of our lives. And since Shawna is no longer in the picture I think Amy agrees you are the perfect candidate to be her mommy, isn't that right monster?"

With glossy eyes I turned to look at Amy and she was clapping her hands in excitement and repeating one word that touched my heart.

"Mummy, mummy, mummy."

When I looked back at Andrew he had a black little velvet box in his hand and in the next moment he opened it.

Inside it was the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.

It was simple but only had 2 little green stones that I suspected were emeralds.

"Would you keep making me happy and be my wife? Will you marry me?"

I dropped to my knees with Amy still in my arms and between happy sobs I only managed a quiet yes before we sealed our proposal with a kiss.