Chapter—3 [ Revisit]

'The way I yearn for your grip terrifies me  too' 


Frankly, Seyong doesn't know if she should be glad that The Queen Bee didn't kick her out or worried about what punishment she could get. Remembering how cruel The Queen Bee is.

There was a time when Ariana was talking to the teachers and heard a student chuckling, she kicked the student out of the university. One time the food that was served to The Queen Bee was cold so...she kicked the staff out not even bothering to hear any apology. Brutal isn't she? But does she care?  not really. 

The record of The Queen Bee's brutalities is uncountable. But if the Queen Bee is so bad then why does no one complain about it?

Because even with her cruel self Ariana makes sure to keep everything in the chains of authorities, that's what her father is proud of her most. Her father knows how much hard work his daughter put into the university, and the cruel brutality is just a mask for his daughter. The real face of the Queen Bee was never seen by anyone, not even her boyfriend. 

"Chao Seyong!" The call of her name broke her thoughts. Seyong almost forgot she was still in the lesson. 

"Yes, Professor?" 

Mr. Kelvin sighed "Seyong pay attention to the class". He scolded softly. 

Seyong blushed, getting caught in the middle of the class, attracting everyone to sight her, she bowed down " I'm sorry". Mr. Kelvin nods and starts his lesson again. 

Seyong tried to focus on the lessons but still can't her mind was full of thoughts, thoughts of the Queen Bee. She can't deny it even if she's nervous about punishment, yet she's excited about it too. 

Punishment is something that she is used to receiving, however, she wants to know what punishment she will receive from The Queen Bee. Perhaps she has to prepare herself to get kicked out of the university and get married to someone. 

Excluding the way The Queen Bee called her today, her raspy hoarse voice made her knees weak. Seyong wonders, she wanders from her deepest shadiest core of fantasies, how her name came out from those dedicated lips, while it moans in pleasure... 

Seyong gripped her notebook, just thinking about the Queen Bee moaning in pleasure, she can feel the heat between her legs. Oh, How bad Sinner still thinking so unholy thoughts.  

'Wait a sec how did she know my name ?' 

The answer to this question she can only get after she met the Queen Bee. 

Whereas at the Principal's office, Ariana and her friends are checking the new students' papers for supervision, being the student council President Ariana is certain to maintain everything. 

Her father gives her the responsibility to take care of the affairs at the university because he trusts her. Afterall she is the heir. Nonetheless, her father also makes sure his princess doesn't make any mistakes or bully any student. Awear how bad his daughter's temper is. He appointed Some teachers to keep their eyes on his Princess. Despite the dance class incident being unknown to everyone. 

"Yesterday, the incident was kinda hot." Park Soo-Ji also known as Jo explains. 

However, Ariana didn't look up, she still focused on her peppers. She knows her friends won't stop teasing her, Especially Jo. 

"Yes agreed, Ari, is she a good kisser?" Son Dyang, known as Danny asks. 

"Of course, she is. Ariana's lips are too precious; she won't just kiss anyone. back if they're not worth it. don't forget how she bit the poor girl's lips.``  Seo Jung, known as Seo joins the discussion.

"If you three finish your work go to your class! don't bother me here, " Ariana ordered her friends, and instead of following whatever the Queen Bee ordered the pair just laugh at how their best friend is trying her best to avoid the talk about the kiss. 

Truth should be told that Ariana did kiss her back. Hard.

"But you didn't answer their questions?" Kim Yeri. the most trusted Friend of Ariana asks.

"I didn't kiss her back! She doesn't even know how to kiss. Such a boring nerd ass. "

The four of them stare at their best friend in amusement. The Queen Bee is always in denial and can't accept the fact that it was her first girl kiss. And indeed, It was the best. So much best that she wants it again. 

"Are you sure about that?" Jo asks.

Ariana shrugs "Of course, go. I will join you guys after I finish those " 

"Whatever you say, come on girls," Seo said before she left with the others. 

Yeri stop at the door and glanced at her best friend "Ari the nerd is hot, she can be helpful, don't think about kicking her out"

It's not like Ariana planning about kicking her out. There is something else going on in her mind. Something that will give her more satisfaction than just banishing someone. 

"I know " 

Danny smirks " Yeri is right, a hot chick can be useful for many things" 

Ariana's grip tightened around her fountain pen, her jaw clutch. The word 'Hot chick' didn't sound good to her.  

"Leave." The words were cold, making Danny gulp for words. They all nod and don't try to make any remarks and leave the office. 

As they leave Ariana sighs her knuckles turning white from the grip. There was blue ink on her hand too, the pen broke from the grip.'I'm surrounded by idiots .' She takes out a pepper napkin from the sideboard and wipes the ink. 

Time goes by when Ariana finishes all the papers supervision.'Finally, all done '

A small knock took Ariana's interest. "Come in ." she cooed. The door opens revealing Seyong looking down at her sneakers. Seyong slowly closes the door to face Ariana who stands up and walks toward the younger. 

Seyong's blood rushed within her veins; she can hear The clicking sound of The Queen Bee's heels. Ariana stood in front of the younger, using her index finger to lift her chin. Once again, Seyong's dark abyss meets Ariana's hazel one. 

"You should always look in my eyes when I talk," she told the younger one. who nodded her head but didn't say anything. Seyong was so lost in those almond-hazel eyes that she can't even utter words. Both pairs can feel sparks between them. Their heart is breathing against their rib cage. But still, Ariana removed her hand and took a few steps back. Seyong misses it.

Ariana cleared her throat "Whenever I ask questions, answer verbally." 


"Master." Ariana corrects her.

Seyong's brows frown making Ariana smile wide " Now now on you will address me as Master" 

Seyong swallowed "Okay m-Master". The words make Ariana's heart a new blessing of blooming emotion. 'More.' 

" Say it again" she orders the younger one. 

'You don't have any idea what I have plans for you. kicking you out is too easy. let's do something, Something that would be more ironic'

"Okay, Master" 


"Okay, Master" 


"Okay, Master...

'Chao Seyong you're something else, aren't you?'