Chapter —10 [A Bumping Incident]

' Souls don't encounter by woe, kismet fetch them together '


"Where?" Ariana asked on the call

"To the library, ma'am. " A masculine voice answered from the other side 

Hearing the words Her eager steps stroll into the second edifice and soon she stood in front of the library room. Letting herself in, her willing gazes scrutinize the room 'Fuck where is she!' Cursing under her breath she looks around, walking besieged tables and bookshelves. When she thought about calling her bodyguard again, she found it..or found someone

There she is the younger, claimed by  Ariana the 'egghead' sitting alone at the edge of the bench, near a wide glass window holding a book and a pencil. Writing something in the notebook hastily with her left hand. her hair roots were pulled up in a messy bun however, some of the strands fell over her face. Pursuing her heart-shaped lips together she would nibble her bottom lips murmuring something then again write it down over the notebook. fixing her rimless spectacles she read something from the books, then smile 

'Smile! that fucking smile that Chao Seyong never offers me!'

At first, she wanted to pull that book off the younger's face and force her to follow. Nevertheless, the peaceful sight where the girl is enjoying her own company and the books is something. something that she can't name. This Is the first time she has seen Chao Seyong relaxed, not frightened or nervous. 

 Something that bestows Ariana's heart joy of bliss. The engulfing silence of the library is not helping her train of thought. The sun's rays shimmer over the younger face ' cute'.Slowly her eyes skim over the jacket the younger was wearing. it was 'her possession '.

Inadvertently a smile balled up on the corner of her lips beholding the younger. the further she preferred to admire the view but. " Ariana?" Someone called. Ariana didn't bother to look at "Ariana?" again. She could feel the person beside her now. "Excuse me, Ms. Kin?" 

The call of her last name makes her frown; whoever this is better has a reason to bother her in the middle of her admiration. 

 Looking beside her she meets Mrs. Catherine's amused gaze, setting a smile on her face and hiding her bitterness. "Yes, Mrs. Catherine?" She said in a monotone  

Mrs. Catherine, who could sense the irritation in the girl's voice, is probably the only person who has seen the way Ariana was staring at Seyong  smiling  "Can I help you with something?" 

"Ah yes, would you mind telling Chao Seyong that I'm looking for her and told her to come to the common room" 

"Okay?" Mrs. Catherine is delighted and confused. 

Delighted because Seyong is making friends other than Hwang Lucy. 

Confused why Ariana? 

Ariana only nods and walks out of the Library swearing her self-control as for the second time she gets abducted by the younger side. Even though she doesn't know why, there is something that is hauling her toward the younger, maybe 'Chao Seyong knows witchcraft!'. 

As her legs go down to the corridor where some of the students stopped saying 'Good afternoon ' but she ignores them only glancing and nodding. Her overworked self doesn't want to talk. She has been tired for the past few days and she hasn't blinked an eye. 

Still, when it comes to seeing younger, it doesn't matter. She thought today she won't bother to see her face afterall she was busy. Yet, as the day went by she found herself catching a glimpse of the younger again. 

The girl's common room of Wilmington was set on the ground floor of the second edifice. Herein, the students can see the field. where right now few students are playing soccer with Jea Youn their captain.   

Ariana places her hands on the window sill, eyes settling on Jea Youn who is wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts like other teammates. Sweets drip down to his high cheekbones from his forehead, taking heart full a breath as he jogs. His toned shoulder muscles popped up whenever he would make a move of twisting and turning. tilting her head aside, her gaze moved down to Jea Youn's sweat-coating shirt affixed with his abdominal muscles. 

Anyhow, The charming view did nothing to Ariana. She didn't find it joyful or alluring. Sighing, she strolled towards the seat and sat down, folding her hands over her well-sculpted chest. She closed her eyes and her rest head led back.

 For the past few days, she has discerned something about Chao Seyong, she is good at keeping just like those 'Carrera' branded rimless spectacles that are given by Ariana Jane Wang Kin herself. 

Ariana wondered if the Younger remembered their first encounter where she was captive by those innocent eyes. Her Discrete thoughts go back to that day:

It was the end of Autumn and the beginning of new stories and new dreams along with new students of Wilmington. 

Ariana was a first-course student at that time her father used to be at the university. Just like every other day, she was going to the cafeteria where her boyfriend was waiting. 

The hallway was empty as it was lunchtime. But Before she could pass the second railing someone bumped into her with a Thud! Fortunately, for Ariana, the person was a few inches shorter than her and lightweight so it didn't hurt her. But The person falls on their butt  "Oww" a small faint groan can be heard from the latter 

Ariana looks down to see a girl on her knees,  who's too busy to huddle her books together. Her brows raised. "Can't see where going Huh!" She snorted, making the girl stem her actions yet she didn't look up, she only could sense the annoyance in those words. "Hey!" Ariana raised her voice, she could sense the latter's hand   trembling

'Weak!' muttering under her breath as she crouched a little, lifting a book she plops it on the other's lap. "Get your books they won't get up on their own" she order firmly but didn't get any answer 

A person like Ariana Jane Wang Kin who doesn't like to wait or resist can't help herself. The urge of making someone do whatever she wants. took over.

 Lifting her right hand towards the girl's chin, griping, making another one look at her. 


Those dark innocent yet desirable sights meet Ariana's hazel ones. Her hand was still gripping the younger's chin, but not for so long. loosely like her hands had their mind, they misled her.  forfeiting their grip, Only seating and feeling the warmth. Permitting the enthusiasm devastates her soothing soul.   

Hush, breathed like the first blooming of Lily of the Valley, exotic still sweet. the preloaded hammering sound of her own heart can be listened to in her ears

 Is it even possible for a heart to beat like this when there is no reason to be afraid or scared? Gusse Ariana would never know.  

Even though Ariana wanted to tear her eyes off the younger, she was still lingering.  the way that dark abyss entailed her, those innocent eyes flickering through their long natural eyelashes that red-tinted cheeks, and for the worst heart-shaped lips 

'Damm it! Ari get yourself together !'

Shaking her head making sure to get her thoughts under the same roof, and clearing her throat she pulls off her hands. "Come on Hurry the Fuck UP!!" 

 The abrupt change of attitude causes the younger to flinch. Without delay either blunder, the other girl grabbed her books and jog towards the corridors still stumbled on her feet a little 

Ariana's eyes stay there a little longer until the younger one disappears within the corridor 'You have a boyfriend Ari who is  waiting, don't fritter your time here!'

Rebuking herself, she attempt to take a step but stopped when her eyes graze the black frame spectacles and a small entrance card her brows frown 

She holds it and examines the card, sure it was no use because the entrance card only gave batch numbers to the students of the new course, so it doesn't have any information about the girl who just bumps into her. The spectacles also broke, maybe due to the way the girl fell. 'Hmm, Now what?' 

A tiny scruple evolves from Ariana's heart.' should  I  give it to her !' But it's broken. 'What will she do with broken glasses when can't even use them?'. Putting the spectacles in her blazer pockets she went to the cafeteria. 

Later on, after a hectic lunch, she didn't wait for the dance class. She strides toward the campus. "Yo! Ari?" It was Jo. One of Ariana's friends. Tsking her tongue Ariana turns to meet her friend's skeptical look.

However, The skeptical look doesn't work on Ariana afterall it was she who taught Jo to give everyone a suspicious gaze. 


Jo stops in front of her, flooding her hands behind. "Wacha going?" She asked, pouting her lips together.  

Ariana rolls her eyes and ignores Jo, keeps walking 

"Hey!!?" Nevertheless, Jo's curious investigator self won't let it happen easily, all gratefulness to the serial killer shows she watches at nighttime. Yeah, she passes her time watching killer shows and games. 

"I'm going somewhere..." Ariana enters the parking lot of Wilmington where her driver is waiting with a curious Jo following. "And you're not invited "  

Jo scowls. "Oh, come on Please!!" 


That 'Nope!' Didn't do anything  "But I.. " an idea came to her mind, and a smirk appear on her lips. "Fine!  don't take me. at least tell me where are you going?" 

Ariana sighed and leaned a little. "I'm going to buy some glasses don't tell anyone " she whispers 

"WHAT!?" and just like that Jo screamed thankfully there were only a few students but they were staring at them weirdly 

"Quiet! Jo don't yell!" 

Jo's brows knitted together taping her index finger on her chin she pretends to be in deep thought. " Okay then let's go." 

"No! " Ariana hissed. Taking Jo somewhere means buying everything she wants and most importantly Jo makes her buy useless things. 

"Ariana Jane Wang Kin if you don't take me with you I will go inside and tell The dance teacher you are bunking class". Well, that was a threat

Ariana opened her mouth to say something. " Young Miss?" Her driver called. There is no way back now. She glanced at Jo who was still standing waiting for any response. Letting a deep breath. "Fine!" 

Jo happily goes inside the car and sits on the passenger seat 

Afterward when Ariana finishes buying new glasses. "I hate you," she muttered looking outside of the car window

As she predicates Jo ends up in front of a gaming store crying and whining like a child making other kids look at her as well just so Ariana would buy her. The new version of her favorite games. And Ariana being embarrassed by the wicked acts wraps up things by saying. "Fine! Get anything you want just stop for God sake!" 

Jo who was beyond happy goes inside the store cheerfully 'Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, Dragon Quest XI' gets three of her favorite games. she wanted to get more but Ariana Warn. "I'm not paying more than just one" 

It was the hardest decision to make but Jo ended up with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Heartily she smiles and holds the game close to her chest. " I love you too!" 

Ariana sighed and chuckled. "Are you happy?" She ruffles Jo's hair 


 The same day before sunset, Ariana goes to the Resident Assistant's Office and gives the pair of spectacles she buys and the card to Mrs. Taylor.

When She was about to leave the request, Mrs. Taylor did not tell anyone that she is the one who bring the card, and when she said anyone it only means the younger, 

whose name was still unknown. 

Unknown not really 

The same girl ends up bumping in front of Ariana again and this time Ariana doesn't want to let her last not easily 

she once told herself she won't fritter her precious time on someone but here she waiting...patiently 

"m..M-Master?" A similar croon hauls Ariana from her thoughts.

 Fleeting her eyes at the entrance she found the younger gawking at her. The exhaustion she was feeling faded away. Those abysses hold their gaze with Ariana's.

'maybe those eyes are the way  Chao Seyong uses witchcraft'

 It's quite intriguing the way Chao Seyong would look at her like she is chanting verses.

 The verse that only created for her to eavesdrop 

'Chao Seyong am I the only one who's thinking this ?'