
'Sunsets are the agony at the end of something beautiful but it is cherished with the moon...'


After the end of the talent event, Britney's team didn't win as Lucy promised they overcome winning Danny was gaiety to hear their name being called on the stage Sana tried her best not to get flushed for getting so much attention as a transfer student and her boyfriend clapping whistling with others Lucy cognitively glared at Jea Youn which didn't get unsee by Seyong who was also standing next to the dance team since her best friend didn't let go off her hands both of them waved their hands at the audience when Seyong saw Lucy's parents they smiled triumphantly. 

Backstage the professors acclaim all the students for their performance and hard work Mr. Kelvin is also a little inquisitive about Seyong's hidden talent and praises her proudly Lucy bulges between them holding her dear pal's shoulders. "Does that mean we can  rest from the class exam for next month?" all the students perked their ears to eavesdrop 

"No Ms. Hwang you still have to study," Mr. Kelvin reminded all of them, earning an audible groan from the 3rd-course students of his class. 

The Pedagogue let an amiable chuckle. "And make sure you guys don't fail your exam," his gaze swerved on every face who heeded the orator ." It would be too embarrassing   to study in the same course again." 

Lucy loftily grins when her eyes find her parents coming on their way."Don't worry professor, we will make you proud ." She promised the other students nodded their heads howling,' Yes, sir!' 

"Mr. Kelvin," One of the lecturers called from the stage. " Can you join us, please?" He politely inquired, sensing the students were busy with their teacher. 

Mr. Kelvin hummed. "Yes," pacing back he glanced at Lucy's dance team and Seyong. 

 His lips curl into a smile finally the quiet kid in his class gets the courage to stand in front of everyone confidently as a teacher he's glad adroit eyes could see this year won't be easy for them but after all, losing, gaining and changes are beginning in Wilmington. 

Seyong almost melted blushing every time Lucy's mother would compliment her. She remembers the first time when she meets Lucy's parents running with their daughter approaching their car holding onto each other's hand how they offer to celebrate her birthday she learns they value her just as she adores their family even though her father has no issue with it. 

"So Seyong Dear how about dinner tonight at our home?" Lucy's mother Mrs. Hwang Alcina inquired. 

The early middle-aged soft features of Lucy's mother always make Seyong wonder if her mater would have stayed with her when they met, would her mother be friends with Mrs. Alcina; they could have been a good pair of friends just like she and Lucy. However, the present is kinda of harsh with the strikes of truth.

"Of course Ma, she would love to. " Lucy voiced while still holding her best friend's shoulders to pull her back from the train of thought.  

Seyong shakes her head slightly and smiles "Yes, Auntie." 

"Yo! Hwang what about us?" Deya emits with her other members. 

Lucy noticed the other dance members staring at her soul with also their parents, well not all since she couldn't see Danny's Mom but others were talking to the lecturers probably about their studies. She turns her attention back to her mother. "Ma can they j— 

Mrs. Alaina seemed to know what her daughter would implore; she nodded her head Lucy beamed and jogged towards her dance team. The approval lit a happy bell in her mind." Seyong-ssi I'll be back soon. " she briefed

As Lucy leaves to talk with her teammate Seyong glancing around her she finds Sana talking to a Man beside Jea Youn It was His father and then Lucy's parents, they were talking to the professors. 

She sighed in every year's talent event she would watch students with their parents but when it came to her no one was there the last time when her father showed up on 2nd year course mark sheet collection day only because he wanted to see if his daughter failed the exam so he could take her back and for the anticlimax she never. 

"What are you thinking Chao Seyong, " A whisper cooed close to her earlobe causing her to shrink away." Be careful, Nerd." A strong hand grasped her forearm preventing her from stumbling She looked behind to find  Noah Cooper holding her arms her brows wrinkled Noah wasn't someone Seyong was fond of. 

Enrik maybe who's always quiet, and a very good listener Noah was far away from that he was always a social butterfly and now The Social butterfly is holding her arm this is something she predicts. 

"Is there something I can help you with? " she asked, swanning her gaze at others to know if anyone saw their direction since she felt like they were being watched. Her best friend was taking photos with her teammates and Ariana's friends but there was no sign of the Queen Bee herself; she hadn't seen Ariana since the announcement.   

"Yes, "  Replied  Noah, drawing his hands back and letting them fall by his side." Ari was looking for you. " he spurred 

She couldn't believe she aural it right Ariana was looking for her, eyes gleaming at the mention of the Queen Bee that allude to Noah's suspicion of an answer. 

"Where? " 

The response was an immediate lack of reluctance. It's confirmed for Noah that something is going on between The Nerd and His friend. He hides the grin emerging on his lips that his plan is working."Corridor." 

That was the only thing she heard before sprinting out of the theatre hall jogging on the tiled stairs by the passageway whenever she would bump against other students she bowed and yelled. '' Sorry! " Smiling in glee, the students frowned, dismissing to follow their parents. 

Whistle she reached the corridor and huffed for breaths placing her hands over the steel railing her eyes fell on the sphere of Wilmington the floodlights beamed over the fields the limb of the sun descending below the western horizon with orange hues shimmering amongst red

"Fond of Sunsets, Huh. " Ariana's  voice twits her eardrums clicking of heels bespoken the Queen Bee moving next to her a lissom wrist comes into her view  

"Master, "  Below whispered answers gazing to the side, heart palpitating Ariana was next to her close, but not too much there was a gap." Thank you. " Offering a smile she uttered  

Almond Hazel's eyes gape with intrigued furrowed brows in confusion." Thank You? " 

Seyong nodded." I'm sorry I couldn't win. " 

The elder rolled her eyes and gazed at the sunset."  You didn't perform to win. This is just a small event, not a competition. However," keeping her attention to Seyong she held out a bouquet; three blossoms of clove pink, red, white, ignoring the bewilderment from the lass."  an artist should be praised for their performance, You did Good. " She stated

The phlegmatic response yields red-rinsed cheeks Daring enough to look at the three flowers with shaking hands Seyong grasps them gently brushing aside the shoot of sparks she felt when her fingers caressed against Ariana's palms, an innocent touch. 

How come unwitting unsullied touches could make her crave more? Would Ariana feel them too? She never knows. 

For now, shuddering at those thoughts, she smiles kindly." Thank You. " 

Folding her arms on her chest, "You should say thank you to Noah it was him who wanted to give it to you. " Ariana said 

Noah? But didn't he say Ariana was looking for her then why didn't he give it to her when he met? 

A diminutive question trolls around her head: Did he lie? Or... She peered at the Queen Bee who was avoiding her gaze with fingernails gently grazing her forearms 

She knows that habit 

It was the same habit the Queen Bee used to do whenever her friends would talk about Jea Young after their breakup and she figured it was a pattern of Ariana before making an excuse. 

"Whatever, " Ariana rolled back  her shoulders." Tonight You're coming to my house," she ordered  

Seyong blinks feline eyes doomed in disarray; she parts her lips." Pardon? " she asks just to be certain she isn't imagining things an eye roll and irked huff ratify she heard it right 

"Listen here Chao Seyong," taking a step close hazel orbs shrill her to step back." I don't like to repeat myself so keep your ears to me when I talk, " She nodded, saluting Ariana's patience." Tonight at 8 pm at my house we'll have dinner. " 

It wasn't a request but more like a demand of presence to need was there that made her feel like she earned her reward for tarrying all these years. The Queen Bee of Wilmington doesn't like people's presence in her home other than any specific reasons that only happened when Jea Youn used to date and probably it was the last time she wanted to enter her residence.  

The good God of heaven may be playing tricks on her today. Not only  Ariana holds her and gives comfort though she wants to have dinner and if Seyong remembers carefully Ariana's parents are not here so that means it'll be just her with the Queen Bee in the Wang Kin estate. 

"Chao Seyong? " A hand gently taps her tense shoulder entailing her to raise her head to meet Ariana's eyes." You know where I live right? " For a mere second  something flickered in her tone, a whine almost faint to know

"Yes, " 

Indubitably, Seyong knows where Wang Kin's mansion is. Not only her but probably the whole Calsodonia knows where the great Wang Kin families domain is but the small issue is she has to say no to Lucy's mother for tonight and she has to arrange a ride to get there maybe if she used her month pocket savings than she could arrange a taxi since public transport doesn't go near the Novel estate households. 

"Okay Then, " Ariana altered herself to look at the drowning sun." Fancy he died  for today,"  she remarked a smile creeping on the corner of her lips cooly 

Seyong looked by her side, finding Ariana's gaze fixed on the sun. It was an underlying intensity for just a beat; she could see how blithe the Queen Bee was without any stoic features; This was Ariana, the girl Seyong admired. She swallowed the thoughts and turned to face away. If Seyong didn't know Ariana much she would assume at this moment the Queen Bee was trying to hold a conversation.

"But he'll arise tomorrow, " she replied 

Ariana moved to gaze at her." That's a fact, "long fingers trailed over the steel railing ." What do you think about the sunset? " 

Being an adherent of the Queen Bee she looks at the sun." Sunsets are the agony at the end of something beautiful but it is cherished with the moon for us. " she murmured, earning a humorous laugh from the elderly, gentle yet loud enough to brew into the empty corridor. 

Shaking her head Ariana gilded her eyes roaming to find interest." Oh, Chao Seyong, you sounded like a one-sided lovesick puppy. " 

One-sided, her heart soared heavy, she was indeed a one-sided lovesick Puppy. 'Only for you,' she thought. 

"Anyway, tonight don't be late. " Drafting towards the stairs the Queen Bee edicts. 

Notwithstanding being alone for the last time, Seyong glanced at the way until Ariana was gone then peaked at the twilight." No one truly sees how much the sun ever loved his Luna while he died for her. " She said to herself, allowing a breeze to caress her moist eyes." And nobody ever will. " She gazes at the path. 

The 29 minutes of lecture in front of the hall Seyong received from her best friend wasn't something new therefore the request ."We'll drop you off there don't waste your savings ." Defined a visage of care no matter how exhausted mayhap a disgruntled tone used by Lucy, she will always remain her caring best friend Seyong shakes her head 'No'  

Lucy scoffed." So you're just going inside the lion's den alone I won't let you! " 

Seyong gently held her hand." Lucy-ya, trust me, " pulling a face she pinched her cheeks making her best friend hiss." Please. "

For a moment Lucy rubbed her cheek, the happiness glimmering in her friend's eyes and the preceding smile. How can she say no to that rolling of her eyes ."But be careful." she said.  

Seyong wrapped her one arm around Lucy's back ."Thank you Lucy-ya." 

Lucy relaxed and returned the embrace ." If she forces you to do something you know what to do." 

The scolding soft warning from previous times acquired a giggle and a kiss on her cheeks ." I know." assured Seyong. 

Lying wasn't something that Seyong was usually good at so when Lucy's mother asked about the sudden change of plan Lucy gave a side eye to Seyong as the woman looked  both of them suspiciously and she could tell both of them were lying but she didn't push it with knowing smile on her lips she caressed Seyong's head." Study well, Seyong Dear. " 

Biting down her tongue Seyong had to propel away the guilt for hiding the truth." I'll Auntie, "Tearing her gaze from the woman she looked at her best friend who sighed in relief. 

As the Hwang family drove off the Wilmington parking lot Seyong waved her hands for her best friend who yelled without caring about the weird looks from other student's parents ." All the Best! " she smiled to herself meandering on the concrete path towards the Dormitory building so she could change her clothes. 

While leaving the campus she catches Ariana's friends with the social butterfly Noah cheering about something the Queen Bee rolled her eyes at. It looked like they had been teasing her for some days. She wonders if she could be there to listen to their conversation and sees them teasing but it'll only be in her dreams.  

Striding in front of the edifice  her steps slowed as her eyes wandered to the white BMW parked on the limestone near the building her breath quivered hands clutching the bouquet drawing it closer to her chest unsteady  limbs step moved forth, 'No. '

She knows that Car. 

She knows the owner. 

She hoped she was wrong. 

At least for this time. 

Inletting deep breaths, a lump stuck in her throat as she stood in front of the entrance, the Resident Assistant Mrs. Taylor smiled." There she is, " she called, Seyong  hid the flowers behind, and sauntered toward the pairs ."It's nice your back, Seyong, he's waiting for you." she mentioned in front of the man 

The young lass didn't dare look to the side; she kept her gaze on Mrs. Taylor; Her smile dropped so did her hope. 

"You're Late," A firm flare voice said Mr.Chao Masonjin was not very pleased with whatever information he had been receiving for the past half an hour. 

Lowing her head." I—I'm s—sorry," she apologized 

The Resident Assistant shrugged and waved her hand ." No need to apologize, Seyong . The teachers were happy about your performance today. Surely it would take time for them to talk," she looked beside her ." I just mentioned Mr.Chao about your performance. Your mom must be proud of you. It would be great if she joined."

For the first time, Seyong hoped Mrs.Taylor would stop and she begged to stop. 

"Of course, she is proud," her father's voice sneered. The mention of her mother has already abutted salt in his old wounds ." Right, Seyong ?" 

The call of her name forced her to jerk off. She nodded to take her gaze from her heels to her Father who was looking down at her  ." Y-y-es," she whimpered, almost pleading to get caught; however, he shouldn't be here; he was supposed to be away for a week. 

"Well I have to go now good night Mr. Chao," Mrs.Taylor offers Seyong one last smile ."Good night Seyong," 


'There is nothing good Tonight !'

When Mrs. Taylor leaves Seyong she can feel her father's stern gaze." May I go to my d-dorm first? " she implored squeezing  the flowers obstinately to keep them hidden." P—please, "

"Don't be late. " came a sturdy answer before footsteps tail within them 

It takes every muscle in her body to get away from there at first she opens the door and goes inside 

There were boxes on the side of her small closet with costly fabrics of clothing and neatly wrapped envelopes of her pocket money placed on the bed Mr. Masonjin dropped by to provide the essentials to his daughter. 

Kneeling next to her bedside table, the first door opens to take the handmade journal and put the flowers in it safely, gasping her pencil she writes only a five-letter word a tear rolls down her cheeks feeling guilty she wipes it furiously with the back of her hand she places the journal back.  

Trembling legs coerced her  to go after her father who was waiting inside the car at the entrance of Wilmington when she was in front of the car door her eyes found Ariana's car using the other side entrance her hand halted she kept her gaze for the owner if she could just run to Ariana tell her she wouldn't make it tonight she can't come to her house apologies to her either just for once  

"Enter the Car Now, Seyong. " 

From the closed window she could feel her father's wrath, jaw clenched in irritation. She held the handle and opened the door to settle on the passenger seat.  

Upon the dark windows, she eyed Ariana's car as it drove off outside the entrance to the other side route presumably going back home. 

Sighing in anguish, and sorrow, her heart ached in misery as she recalled the terms once she read  

 'Wretchedness for the sun that no one will ever know how much it urges in pain to be with his Luna.'