Chapter —22 [eve]

'The auras of affinity is whereas I'm near Her' _________________________________

"I'm not good at treating others, " Stated The Queen Bee."You better tell me if it hurts. " softly she voiced

Seyong nods gazing at the tufted grey headboard the cool wind skims against her naked back she shivers clutching the bathrobe closer to her chest to keep her modesty. 

Though Ariana didn't seem to be enthralled in seeing her naked, the noises of sliding doors, cabinets, and footsteps ensured she was hastily moving around to get something to treat her back. 

Soon she felt the propinquity of Ariana settling on the mattress. Fingers gently move her hair to a side with tenderness they caress her skin quivering at the sensation she groans when the liquid tinge to her shoulder  

"It's okay, " The warmth of a palm resting between her shoulder blades peach tinted birthmarks." Just a little more. " The smoothness of femininity was a beam for Seyong's aches. There was nothing she wanted but to see Ariana's face as she gripped the fabric, hardened buds of her breasts are almost sacrilegious to think of something else, Bloody Hormones. 

Even when the skin contacts are nothing but taintless only yearning to aid her pain rather than being glad that Ariana let her take a warm bath in her furnished bathroom offers her a bathrobe and now treating her wounds She wants more. 

"Almost Done, " Husked the elder. Somehow it wasn't only Seyong who felt the change of environment in the room, the heat under the fingertips itched to melt her soul giving her hankers of taking care, just the care she desires. 

Closing her eyes a faint smile curled up her lips she could feel how much the Queen Bee of Wilmington was struggling not to be the reason for pain. Still, sometimes it would elect a weep warm breaths tamely blow on her back to give her comfort Or as mourns for being harsh. 

 She was glad for what her father did; thereby she is with Ariana even though he told her not to do anything; nevertheless, she still chooses to disobey him. Maybe he is right, 'A Fool! ' she is. When she didn't feel any presence behind her she sighed in relief. 

"Here are some clothes in here, Put them on. " The voice trailed off along with footsteps until the audible sound of the door shut reached her ears 

She looks behind beside the mattress  clothes placed with lace undies as well, a blush crept across her cheeks warmth simmered in her abdomen hands gently skilled over the loose black cotton  shirt perfectly trimmed and ironed without any wrinkle neither dart it felt so delicate and forbidden to touch just like it's owner 

Letting a contained breath she stood up allowing the bathrobe to slip down to fall on her toes she lurched the costly velvety material over her shoulders and buttoned it up 

As she was quite a bit smaller than the elder the loose shirt was rather larger on her lengthening past her bum to her mid thighs covering the lace undies sleeves extended across her hands blanketing her fingers every time she pushes it up her forearms they fell back down rolling her eyes at it she wore the trousers thankfully they fit perfectly. 

"Are You done?" Ariana's voice whilst leaning her back against the door when she catches a faint 'Yes, ' she pushed the door open and strolled inside to find the younger one standing still trying to roll back the sleeves of her shirt with a pout on her lips. A chuckle blissed out from her."Forgot how tiny you're, " 

Seyong looked up, practically rolling  her eyes at the comment for the ninth time she tried to fix it. "it's too big, '' she murmured huffing with irritation 

The smile on Ariana's lips dawdles." Maybe if you put it more humanly it would be efficient Miss Tiny Little Whiny, " she spoke omitting the feline dark eyes that went wide in shock as she moved near awfully closer to Seyong 

The younger gazed down at the Latter's hands when she felt them gently seize one of her arms folding up the sleeves from her hands and buttoning the cuffs around her wrist to stop them from falling 

Seyong swallowed a lump stuck in her throat, heart bashed against her ears, cheeks darkened crimson red, feeling the light breaths feathering on her temples. She looked up to the calm face with dark lashes fluttering focused on her other arm. Progressing up to her chest The Latter buttoned a few buttons to conceal the cleavage of Seyong's chest as they were carelessly left open. 

With each ginger grasp, The Younger's skin's heated sparks shoot every neuron and receptor in her body.  Their proximity is like the dream she had this morning if she tiptoes a little right now her lips would end up touching others.  

"Are you okay? " 

The question thwacked her from a daze of beliefs." y-eah, " she whispered looking down, ashamed. 

Ariana moved a step and let her arms fall by her side, eyes gazing at Seyong who lowered her head without heels. The young girl was barely the same height." Why don't you look at me? " before she could stop those words escaped past her lips 

Nevertheless, preferably earning an answer, the younger shook her head. At first, she thought maybe it was shyness but then the rosy tint around her cheeks adorn Chao Seyong was blushing. 

Gently holding her chin. " Seyong, " she called. For once she lost just like the first time they encountered coerced into the dark abyss they devote her 

They're close... 

So close that she could sense the aroma of her shower gel on Seyong, chills crawled throughout her spin; it never felt so dedicated to breathing in, not even when she used it on herself. 

'They why? ' She thought as something forced against her will to equip comfort to the younger, a feeling that was too naive and vehement to get away from. Keeping her eyes lowered,  "Talk to me, " she  urged."I need to hear it. I want to hear ." 

She observes how Seyong's mouth opened before teeth gently sunk to her bottom lips taking hold and gently it chewed those dainty lips 

An innocent act yet the fire set flames to her gut the way she wanted to do it, take it. Her jaw clenched, but she didn't let her eyes onto those tempting lips. It is not the time for these things; the silence is already pushing her to the edge; she can't just bust her anger issues right now. 

"I never heard your voice... You always whisper Talk to me, Seyong, tell me you're okay. " She implores since Chao Seyong arrived at her house the look on the young girl's face a tiny bit worrisome bothered her 

The silence stretched Ariana sighed and retain her grasp  

Seyong opens her mouth, her heart runs a marathon, the shy feeling of all the past years in front of her crush she wanted to overcome. she wanted to have conversations with Ariana too just like she wrote in her journals." I—," she paused hazel eyes waiting nearly exhausted 

"You're whispering Again, Seyong. " 

The last call of her name wagged all the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. They were wild; they were tumultuous for the Queen Bee for her crush. " I— I don't know what to say. " 

Ariana's eyes lighted the moment she caught the sound of the younger voice  forming in her lips chastely irresistible." Tell me something about yourself. " 

" I have a plush toy. Her name is Mimmy. '' Seyong blurred out in one breath speaking without thinking aloud enough for The elder to hear her eyes went wide in horror, not even her own best friend Lucy knew about her plushie Hello Kitty. 

"What? " Ariana's eyebrows drew in being  enthused and thrilled she watch the younger take a step back to escape from the situation as she palmed her cheeks to hide her flustered self she was embarrassed at least 

"the—That's not what I..." Seyong mentally cursed herself, thoughts running through her mind until a whole hearty chuckle was heard in front of her. She looks up, dropping her hands." I'm sorry I didn't mean to tell you that it wasn't true but it's not a lie either... I never lie I would never lie to you, please I— "

"Calm down Seyong," Ariana spoke, mentioning the side table beside her bed. " It's fine to keep your inner child. I have stuffed toys too. Your secret is in safe hands." she winked playfully 

"No, no it's not a secret y—you should forget about it," 

The elder laughed again. It's been a while since  Ariana got used to feeling so pleasant in someone's company so naturally and the fumbling girl in front of her is maybe her exemption. "Okay," she promised the smile kept on her lips 

Seyong nodded looking around, the blue-grey niftily tidied bedroom, and then she realized. " no  I demand you no I— am sorry I don't know what I am— "

"Relax Seyong, " Ariana cooed.

Seyong didn't say anything her gaze stayed on the open east-side terrace

At the time Ariana let the silence settle between them as she got a side view of the girl all this time she wondered how Chao Seyong would sound like and for the grace of heaven and hell her voice... 

Oh her voice, its melodic sweet soft gentle drips in desire attractive addictive sensual laced with delight and seduction. 

It could haul to the gates of all the mythological creatures' sirens right maybe  Chao Seyong is a Siren that's why she felt lost like these helpless sailors who try to find their way back home but the moment her eyes find the younger hears her alluring hues of call enchanting like lullabies she left compelled still her steps barely cares about stopping. Could it be her strategy to have domination over her victims to have them wrapped around her fingers with her voice? 

The elder shook her head to purify her thoughts she had to get away from the maze that blossoms in her mind this is unnecessary and illogical 

"Have you eaten anything? " she asked before getting a response. Chao Seyong's stomach growled the corner of her mouth upward into a simper she hummed knowingly." Come, you can wait in the dining room. I'll get something. " 

A gentle nod came from the girl she followed behind 

The Heirs of the Wang Kin family were always grateful to have someone like Mrs. Sorina the older woman who endured her tantrums 

Ariana got the food from the refrigerator and waited for it to heat up. She almost yelped when she found Seyong staring at her quietly like a ghost, placing her hand over her thumping chest she shot a glare." Are you trying to scare the shit out of me in my own Fucking house? I told you to wait outside. "

Seyong tilted her head in an attempt to hide the humorous laugh seeing the Queen Bee being scared in her place was kinda amusing."Forgive me I just  wanted to help. " she answer standing next to the kitchen marvel counter 

Ariana shrugs." Idiot, " a smirk occurs on her lips pacing slowly she holds the plates of food and placed them on the counter

Standing in front of Seyong before the young girl has the chance to move a hand grasps her waist other one rests on the counter behind causing her to gasp when her back pressed  against the  kitchen  counter fingertips slightly holding in place a tempting sensation of being trapped cooped them in 

"m—Master? " Seyong stammered breath dying down as she looked up into the almond hazel orbs that didn't look intense but rather an impish glint radiant within. 

The consecutive breaths were long and the atmosphere became tense when she felt her waist being lifted onto the counter she squeaked  swiftly, her hands swaying up to hold the Latter's shoulder." Say Ah, " eyebrows rose upward  at the firm order 

"Huh?" She opens her mouth. A spoon of food held closer to her lips unsure what she is supposed to do, eyes gape at the Queen Bee who avoids her gaze. She didn't know what exactly Ariana wanted. She leaned in to take the spoon into her mouth and chewed quasi moaning at the flavor, her empty stomach finally being filled.  

Drawing back Ariana smiled as she sit on the stool watching the egghead letting her feed and enjoy the food happily munching was admirable Hwang is lucky to have this but right  now it's Hers to see

When  Seyong finishes eating she peeks beside the food Ariana was sitting in front of her while she was on the furnished countertop." Have you eaten? " she let her wander words out for a moment as both of them were comfortable with each other didn't seem wrong to ask

Ariana shook her head." No, a stupid Nerd didn't show up on time so my appetite died. "she huffed crossing her arms over her chest

Guilt built-in Seyong heart she takes hold of the plate she can't tell Ariana the real reason for being late she can't lie either." Here, " she said, holding the spoon closer to Ariana just like she did a few moments ago." I'm sorry for showing up Late, " she added looking down to the plate of food 

Almond hazel eyes stare at the food and then at the girl who is daring to attempt to feed her using the same spoon, she wasn't angry because Seyong didn't show up she was angry because she thought Chao Seyong is the same as others breaking promises isn't something The Queen Bee liked." You shouldn't come in the middle of the night, it's not safe. " a pinch of concern alongside

"I know, " 

An eyebrow lifted." Then why? " 

 A hesitation. biting down her lips." Because I promised, " Seyong admits 

"And what if my guards never let you in? "   

Seyong opens her mouth and closes it again considering her next words." I would've gone back to my dorm, " 

"You know Miss Chao Seyong the dorm gets closed after 9 they wouldn't have let you in." sarcasm drips with phrases 

It was true some rules of Wilmington are high; they're authoritarian to follow." I— would go to Lucy. " irked veiled the Latter's annoyance.

"Please eat, " Seyong plead albeit she could feel the piercing gaze  

Ariana usually never likes it when someone feeds her not even her mother being an Heir she always does everything on her own but this time she eats dark eyes darted up when she finishes." What aren't you going to feed me? " eagerly the younger nod

Wasn't it an indirect kiss? Seyong thought as she continued to feed she remembered how Lucy used to mock her whenever they drank in the same bottle. but it's different when it comes to her crush the spoon is blessed it could taste Ariana's mouth 

"Are you done blushing? "The playful tone mused she nearly choked on her saliva cheeks burning in embarrassment for how many times she would get caught it was a mistake of keeping her eyes on the person in front of her who surely knows the power she have over Seyong's poor self constructive soul

"N—No I— t-Thats Not. Yes," As Lies are useless she bubbles the truth." Sorry. " 

The Latter giggled lightly Seyong  swear she never heard anything more delightful than Ariana's laughs her real laughs without any pretending anything fake she end up merging with a smile 

The balcony doors closed enfolding the room in warmth staring at the king-size bed her fingers played with the hem of the loose shirt she had worn 

"You don't mind the lights, right? " 

She shakes her head as Ariana gets out of her wardrobe room wearing bunny-printed sleepwear. Who could believe the girl who rules everyone's head has the title of the Cold Bitch wore cute comfy pajamas 

"Seyong? " eyes look up Ariana settled on the bed." Come here, " she patted beside her  Steps obeyed 

"Do you always sleep with the lights on? " Seyong asked laying her back down hands resting on her stomach

Ariana smiled, staring at the ceiling as the bed dripped beside her. Chao Seyong would find it funny if she knew that Ariana Jane Wang Kin hardly gets sleep at night 

Every dark place makes her remember memories. bad memories that are well hidden." Yes, " a void answer."You better not tell a soul about tonight."  with a dizzy threat  

The younger chuckled, "It's fine though, " she replied, recalling how she sleeps with the lights on in her room." Lights can give you the comfort of hope. " 


"Do you believe there's something like hope exists? "A flaccid query

Seyong thinks for a sec hope of course there's always hope that's why she's here because somewhere in the bottom of her heart she hoped Ariana would let her in a part of her Hope one day Her mother will come back hoping that's all she carries without it Chao Seyong is nothing than a corpse. "I think if there's life there's hope and there are dreams. " 

"And what is your dream? " 

'Would it be selfish of me to have you as my dream? ' The answer was on the tip of her tongue." I don't. " she ceased retorting

Ariana clicked her tongue." well that's what I thought. " A bookworm could never dream anything other than boring stuff 

For a long time, the ceiling lights of the room started to evolve dim as Ariana pressed the switch next to her side table purple tinctures enshrouded. 

She sighed a deep breath upon the quietness." Why did you kiss me, Seyong? " she seeks an answer that hounds her. Was it just a one-time thing Or there was something, feelings could it be? 

Beyond receiving one deep breath attain her ears with an almost swoon snore her eyes narrowed shifting a little almost taken aback at the sight of Chao Seyong sleeping face front of her  using pale hands lieu of pillows    

Raising her hand pointer finger brushed to side curls of strands head ducked for the new fond touch. Her brows frowned."How can you sleep so peacefully while I'm sorrowful," she whispered under her breath. Still, no response came from the young girl. She is in deep sleep right now, a tranquil one. 

She gazes at Seyong seeing the egghead with a genuine sleepy smile tugging up onto the corner lips a fuzzy feeling soared in her heart. Before she could halt her hands, gripping the blanket to cover her bedmate and moving a little closer she let her fingertips phantom touches caress the younger clothed back with the hope that tomorrow Chao Seyong won't feel any pain. she did make sure of it. 

How cruel could anyone's life be? She wonders if it wasn't the first she saw Seyong's bruises and if it didn't set right for her. She does feel sorry for saying those harsh words she didn't wish for Chao Seyong's night to be ruined, not like this only if she could take them back. 

Closing  her eyes she breathed in the sweet lily fragrance of her shampoo hands archly resting on Seyong's small waist  

As Eve deemed sleep greeted nonetheless indeed even with dozed eyelids she felt the small form of the girl in her arms nuzzling closer to her warmth keenly with longing.