Chapter 2: The Outside World

              Tilly's P.O.V

 "Okay I promise"

"Oh my God why did I say that, no no no this is wrong, I can't do this but I already promised Juan, aaaaaah Tilly why 

No I cannot be panicking right now, I promised him and I'm gonna do it no matter what

Okay Tilly you can do this for your love" yeah that's me think of the promise I made to Juan how could I agree with him so easily

Well let's say it the power of love and now I have to prepare to meet the outside world.

Just thinking about it gets me so nervous. I've been trying to sleep since we got back from Juan's place but the thoughts of going to college tomorrow won't just let me aside that I know the nightmare is just waiting for me to just close my eyes so it takes over but no not tonight because I had no plans of sleeping

Finally drawing that conclusion, I got out of bed and decided to sit by the window while staring at the beautiful sky the moon was out and looked so peaceful. I wish I could be like the moon and have a peaceful life.


"Tilly! Tilly!! Wake up you're going to be late" I heard Juliet's voice in my sleep

"Mmmmm just let me sleep okay" "come on you have to get ready for college"

Oh no! I forgot I have to go to college today. "And why were you sleeping in the sofa" "That's a long story"

"You get ready and come down for breakfast"she said and finally left me now I gotta get ready for college.

"Hold on Tilly,you can't wear that for college" and there she goes again"but there's nothing wrong with this" "no no no no, there's everything wrong with that now come on let's change"she said with finality and dragged me to my room.

"Now you look lovely let's go, I'll drop you off"Juliet said and together we left in her car.

We drove all the way to my new college. It was huge and had a whole lot of students moving about I started to panic "Hey, hey it's going to be okay I have a friend here who's gonna take care of you okay"


Huh Tilly you can do this.