Chapter 7

"Hey,man I just sent it to your email check it" Damien said as he walked into my apartment.

"Great" I replied as I moved eagerly to my computer to check it out

"Name:Tilly Rodriguez


  Date of birth: 20 December 1997

Parents: adopted by Xavier and Lucy     Rodriguez.

Been in Italy for five years and home schooled for these years " I read from the file I received from Damien.

"Tilly, Tilly" I kept repeating her name and I just loved how it rolled on my tongue.

"Ale, I just got something else" Damien said and got my attention. "Go on"

"She shares a room with Aliyah" he said and a smirk played on my lips.

"Excellent" I said and got my phone to call Aliyah.

"Hey bro, wats up" she said as she answered the phone

"Where are you?" I asked

"At Lucas's place, why?"

"Will u be returning today?" I went on to ask

"No, but why all these questions?" She asked

"No reason, bye" I said and hanged up

"Time for some fun" I said with a grin on my face.


------------- At Tilly's Room -------------------

I decided to have a cold bath when I got back to my room after a long day.

I relaxed as the cold water hit my body. This day was really something else. I closed my eyes and allowed my thoughts to run wild.

'EAT WITH ME'  I recalled the voice that annoyed me recently but wait.... why was I thinking of him. Errrrrr I'm really going crazy thinking of that annoying boy.

'Relax Tilly, relax' I told myself and took in a deep breath before finally deciding to step out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and hair and moved out to find something to wear.

"What the ..... You what are you doing in my room?" I asked the guy lying on Aliyah's bed. It was the last person I wanted to see.

"Wow, this is a nice view" he said and I followed his eyes to see wat he was talking about and that's when I remembered I was only in my towel.

"Aaaaaaah, you pervert" I said as I run back to the bathroom with a shirt and a baggy pant.

' This is so embarrassing' I thought as I hurriedly put on my dress. He was really going to get it.

"What are you doing here and how did you get in?" I asked immediately I got out of the bathroom.

"Slow down princess " he said with a smirk on his face. I really wanted to wipe that annoying smirk off his face.

" Well for starters I'm here for my sister, Aliyah and for the other questions, I came in through the door " he said and that annoying smirk was back on.

"So why didn't you knock before entering?" I asked

"Well I did severally but someone was busily taking a bath and did not hear me. Is it my fault" he said acting all innocent

' Errrrrrrrrr, I hate his guts. This guy really brings out the worst in me' I thought as I decided to sit on my bed and continue my book.

"Okay fine, you can wait for her but don't cross over to my place" I warned him.

"No problem dear but can I at least talk to you from over here" he asked

"No" was my blante reply and from there it went silent. He was busy on his phone while I read.

After 30mins of reading, I was starting to feel sleepy but I did not want to sleep with this guy still in my room.

"You know I'm not gonna do anything to you right so just go to bed cos I'm also going to rest" I heard him say

"Can't you come back later" I asked him yawning in the process

"No it's important and I have to talk to her in person, you know she's a party girl and it will take a while for her to return so you can just go to bed now, I'll wait" he said stretching out on the bed. He the turn to the otherside with his back to me.

With that I decided to sleep as I could no longer prevent the darkness from taking over.


The next day, I opened my eyes to a bright light coming from the window, the sun was up. I tried to get up but an arm was wrapped around me from behind preventing me from moving away. I slowly turned to see Alessandro's sleeping face. He looked so handsome that my mind drifted from the fact that he was in my bed.

"So handsome" I whispered

"Are you done staring" he said bringing me out of my daydream.

"Aaaaaaah" I screamed pushing away from him and running into the bathroom.

"What just happened"