Chapter Forty-Three: Confession

Back at Yongli's mansion, the family had been thrown into chaos.  When night fell on the first day, and there was no sign of MeiLan or Anak, Mr. Lee reported them missing to Mrs. Yongli.

"They've been gone since morning and have not returned." Mr. Lee reported, bowing low in front of Lady Yongli.  "She told me she was just going for a ride… but madam, I suspect she might have gone in search of young Mr. Emilian."

"Oh no!" Luen stood abruptly.  "I'll send a messenger to the captain right away!"

"Pardon, madam, but by now the palace gates have closed for the night, no one can get inside," the house steward informed her.

"Ugh, what can be done!" she began to pace back and forth through the room.  She twisted her hands together anxiously.  "Does anyone know where she was headed?  Master Long, perhaps?"

Mr. Lee shook his head, "Master Lee is not here now, I haven't seen him since yesterday."